I've been with my gf for a couple months now, and she's crazy about me. I like her a lot too, but she wanted to marry me after a little more than two months into the relationship. She tells me she loves like 30 times a day when we're hanging out together. She has depression so I think she's probably just reliant on me at this point. Is this a bad thing, or should I be appreciating her love more? I do love her but I feel bad that I cant reciprocate her complete infatuation with me
Can your gf love you too much?
dont confuse love with insecurity and neediness
That's a flag for ye olde abandonment issues, or worse, borderline.
Good luck, user.
I've met her family though and they're good people, very nice to me and to her. My parents are more fucked up than hers but I turned out somewhat normal. She has always had mental issues so its probably genetic depression
Me and my boyfriend are super in love and we are both like this.
It’s been almost a year now and we are living in our own house and talking about marriage and kids. And to be honest we were both already thinking about the marriage part like two months in. It just felt that right.
I guess the only difference is both of us felt the same way, whereas you clearly don’t.
We’re also both Christian so I guess that’s why we are talking about marriage already.
>3 months
>says she loves me 30 times a day when we're hanging out together. She has depression so I think she's probably just reliant on me at this point
I mean, if you're not infatuated with her...
You got lucky is all.
Thats the thing is I'm not gonna marry a girl who makes jokes about killing herself, she would have to get over her depression at least partially before I would consider that. I'm her medicine though so I don't think she'll get better any time soon as long as Im with her
>you got lucky is all
Well yeah, I found someone who feels the same way as me.
OP should do the same and let this girl find someone who loves her just as much. Everyone will be happier in the end.
If she makes jokes about killing herself... I think this falls outside the highly limited 'expertise' of Jow Forums.
You can call crisis lines about other people, I'm pretty sure. Its worth trying.
She doesn't really love you women cannot love she needs you and
>She tells me she loves like 30 times a day when we're hanging out together.
It must be great to be 18 and have a dedicated lover
i agree
bait thread
you don't have a yandere gf
Yeah no shit, we didn’t have an option though. We both feel like shit for not being married that’s why we are talking about it
You should research BPD and NPD, user. Save yourself the incoming mindfuck.
Both of those types are very emotionally manipulative and have attachment issues as well as black and white thinking and issues with idealization.
I have personally had to deal with these people before and have spent a significant amount of time researching this so I never have to again.
I can give you more info if you can give me some. Tell me more about her and her behaviors or things shes said.
You’re not a psychiatrist you cannot diagnose this girl for OP
I'm not trying to diagnose anyone. However, with some more detail we can figure out if this is something he can work on with her by encouraging her to go to therapy or if he needs to run asap.
Anyone can develop depression and attachment issues, but other behaviors along with it are red flags for far more serious problems.
Not OP but pls elaborate and the difference of those two
are you getting puss on the reg? cause if so then bruh you got nothing to complain about. if no then dump the bitch.
Everyone’s quick to throw on the BPD or NPD label these days because they’ve read a few articles online. Everyone has small amounts of these traits, it’s nothing to freak out over. If he was dealing with real BPD then he would know. Saying I love you a lot, being clingy and joking about death is not enough to throw a BPD label on someone, she probably just feels a lot, it’s completely normal
She's rebounding like nuts. She hasn't processed her previous relationship. Have fun with that.
Dude narcissists do that shit, always wait it out or just don't bother with marriage at all