Getting over it

I was in a relationship with a girl my junior and senior year of high school, so about 5-6 years ago. We dated just shy of a year and she my first everything. First love, first sex, first future plans, first "real" girlfriend.

She dumped me about a month before prom on the grounds of, "wanting to find herself" and "never knowing what it was like to be single." This was obviously just an excuse to break up so she can start fucking other people. This isn't speculation either, two days after she dumped me she had sex with some other dude.

I was obviously heartbroken, but I tried my best to get over it in every way imaginable. I beat up some trees with a stick to take out my anger, I talked to friends and family for advice, I tried to let time do it's thing and work my way through the stages of grief, but nothing was working. Hell, I even went to therapy for it and a couple other reasons that arose from the breakup, but it didn't help all that much.

As time passed I started to accept everything and truly begin the process of healing,but a few years after the breakup I found out she was engaged. That definitely sucked and set me back quite a bit, even though I never admitted it.

More years passed and I started to grow more depressed because of a few other events in my life. I did some outpatient therapy and when I completed it I met another girl who absolutely mad me forget about my ex, or so I thought. Everything was going super smoothly and we eve exchanged promise rings and cheesy shit like that. I absolutely fell head over heels for this new girl.

Now keep in mind that at this point I hadn't even seen my ex in a number of years and I had no clue where she was living or what she was doing or anything. As fate would have it though, I pulled up to a stoplight in the downtown area of a neighboring city only for my ex to pull up right next to me.

Continued below.

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I don't think she noticed me, as we didn't exchange any indication of each other's existence, but my current girlfriend noticed me looking at the car next to us. I told her I thought I recognized the driver and we left it at that.

This absolutely set me back to square one. I feel like she dumped me yesterday and all of those feelings have resurfaced. I don't want this to affect my current relationship as it has affected all of my past ones and made things shitty.

So how the fuck do I get over this girl who's been plaguing me for so many years? I'm am so fucking ready to detach myself from all of this and move on with my life.

Your current gf is not at fault here and shouldn't suffer because of your problems.
Your problems, however, are deep and somewhat unhealthy. Try to make yourself understand that this ex is another person now and you just feed off memories and being delusional.

Oh I know my current girlfriend has nothing to do with this and I acknowledge that it's my own deep-seated issues at hand here. I can intellectually understand that my ex is doing her own thing and I am doing mine, but I assume that I just can 't emotionally accept it. I can even admit that I see the old relationship through rose colored glasses and there were a lot of mistakes made on both sides, but I keep comparing her to every girl I get even remotely close to. As a result, I feel like I am ruining my current relationship because of my own emotionally retarded brain.

I feel for you, mate. Maybe you should try to focus your brain on something unrelated to the previous relationships at all and try to make new memories with a new girl? Like, travel somewhere, scuba diving, go skiing, idk, anything to externally ease your mind.

I've tried something like that, but the issue with focusing on stuff that happened before is, I don't have too many things to focus on. All of the stuff I did before was on my own and all of my co-ed experiences started with that girl. When I started to do new stuff with new girls, an imaginary version of my ex was with me doing those things in my head, even though we never actually did any of it. I don't know if that makes any sense, but it's as good as I could word it.

Damn. I fear that maybe soon I'll be somewhat similar and your story frightens me a little. I'm sorry for being unable to help, but I sincerely hope that you will find your solution someday. Maybe you need to talk about with somebody, who is close to you - but probably not a current gf, because it would most definitely make her sad and self-blaming. However, you should be honest, if she asks something about this and your behaviour.

Actually I was just thinking about that. We are actually texting right now about what we need to do to get our relationship back to 100% like it used to be, and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to spill all the beans. I'm not ready for the relationship to end yet as we made a whole lot of plans for our future. I guess we will see what happens, my dude. Thanks for the effort though! I really appreciate it.

I hope for the best for you! Try to be open and honest with your girl, tell her the same as you told me. She will understand, if she is a good person, but don't forget that you'll probably have to work on yourself for these relationships. Maybe this will even help you with your trauma - slow and steady co-ed work, I mean.

I hope so dude. If it works then it works, but if not I'm sure you'll see me back here!

>"wanting to find herself" and "never knowing what it was like to be single."
This strikes way too close to home

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Believe me man, it hurts worse than the sharpest knife or the hottest fire.

Idk if I'd be 100% honest with your current girlfriend user, she might not take too kindly to the level of dedication you have towards this old person.
You are allowed to have secrets.

Well It's not like I'm still in love with the ex. It's not even dedication. I'm just more hurt than I realized and seeing her again made me realize it. I honestly don't know what I'm gonna tell gf when we inevitably have this conversation. I already told her the following:

>This is an example of why I don't talk about my problems.
Then she replied saying,"You can't keep you problems in, that's not good for anyone
>I have to because you'll blame yourself and it'll make things worse. like definitely will end in sadness with no resolution and you'll just sit there being sad not being able to solve my problems. You already feel sad when you can't make me happy super easily
And she agreed and said that it's not fair for either of us.

I told her that I was scared that she will take my problems personally or get sadder than she already is. But I Also have nobody else to talk to.

People say that you can't keep your problems in, but I sort of question that sometimes.
I have been playing with the idea that misery and personal tragedy of this kind are actually just narcissistic pleasure being expressed in a way.
I have been sad over a relationship for years and years before, and really made a fool of myself over it too.
Once it sort of made the girl I was with more jealous and she cried, but in the end it didn't work out for other reasons.
Then I told a girl who really loved me, but I made it clear I didnt love her the situation, she just sort of cringed and overlooked it.
I told my ex-wife who I was crazy about just the history of feeling bad and getting over it, and her friend who knew the history went into more detail.
I couldn't even listen to certain songs (anything love songy) without getting disapproving looks or jealous remarks of some kind. I think it really fucked with her, and all I had to do was never mention it, and had I never told anyone, I mean who knows.
The point is, if it can be remedied with more time, and maybe written down and burned or talked to with yourself in some quiet place, you might consider doing that instead, because once you say something you can never take it back.

This is damn true. I sometimes don't have a filter and say some absolutely stupid shit and people just internalize it. They are so quick to make it personal when I just spout out the first thing that pops up in my head.

There is a song by Brad Mehldau Called Taming the Dragon.
It talks a little bit about how all we have are our actions and that words are actions too. So don't say anything if you don't wanna deal with the consequences of your actions (words).

Man, I swear there is a bible verse about that even, I cant quote it verbatim, but its something like, "keep a guard at your mouth, because your words will not come back to you empty".
My parting advice is never take advice about women from women, unless its maybe about which shirt to buy.
Or maybe consider doing the exact opposite of what they tell you to do.
I'm not trying to be that guy, but be careful with it.

things take time.period.

all we have is memories.

drink more forget more.

Oh I definitely wasn't going to ask her for advice, much less any other girl I know because they just have a different perspective about stuff like this. Hell I bet current gf feels the same way because she wont even talk about her equivalent situation with me. Hm. Go figure.

Oh believe me I want to drink more, but a.) Alcohol gets expensive when you get used to it, b.) I don't want cirrhosis of the liver at 60, and c.) I've been down that road and I get really chatty about suicidal stuff when I'm drunk.