How to cope when partner breaks up because you are too ugly?

How to cope when partner breaks up because you are too ugly?

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Are you the dude in the pic?

Is that guy from soc lol

I don't know If It's OP But that nigga is for sure one ugly Motherfucker

He looks like a president of Serbia.

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Get face tats, then you'll look better and your partner will be afraid of what could happen if she breaks up with you.

just dont be ugly then lmao

Lol you made me smile. Its 804am and i haven't smiled since i woke up (530am)

If she (or he) breaks up with you because you're "too ugly" they didn't care about you since the beginning. Being in a relationship with someone just for looks is shallow. She's not good enough for you anyway.

I only like girls who are beautiful. That doesnt make me shallow. Do you honestly believe you could fall in love with a 600lbs women whom youd have to bath with a garden hose? Youre just as "shallow" as me and every other man alive

I don’t think anyone would disagree with you about morbidly obese women but what do you consider beautiful? You mean you would only date 10/10 model tier women or what?

You hardly look better gay boy spammer kun.

No, I mean i only date women who have a face and a body that is attractive to me. All men like something different. Like the saying goes, you dont see a female for the first time and fall in love with her personality. If the female has attractive features, I approach her, and then I found out she's some rude bitch then obviously I am no longer attracted to her. Does that make sense? Physical features open the door but the personality is the Home Run

Thats sad, do you need a friend user?

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Just what is wrong with you dude? Don't you realize you're a walking yikes?

>emo boys
>Linkin Park
>wants to look like an emo fag himself but looks like a gay bird

Off yourself already man but stop spamming on soc and adv all day or I will fucking destroy your life one day.

If someone started dating you, then the problem is not your mug. Imagine what you want to imagine, even if they say "you ugly" then ask yourself, why leave now?

The problem is probably deeper and you don't want to face it.

>or I will fucking destroy your life one day.

Oh no hahhha, sweetie i am 6'4 are you sure you can take me on?

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The part that makes it worse. Is that's probably the best pic he has of himself.

He was probably molested as a child


Thank you for letting me know i brightened your day :) tryna fuq?

clean up your look and get with a girl who is a tiny bit funny looking. should be cash.

>OP can get a gf
>I can't even though I'm decent looking

Should I kms?

OP's issue is not being ugly. If he got the girl, she was fine with his face before.

Relationships make or break on personalities. How does yours break your relationships?

I'm too pussy to ask out girls even if they flirt with me

Do you want a bf user?

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Then the solution is pretty easy, don't you think? Just ask one out.

Work out and eat better or deal with it.

Did you miss the bit about me being too pussy? I cant do it cause im too scared

I'd rather be ugly like OP but have the balls to ask out girls and therefore get a GF, than be good looking like myself and be a perma-pussy who can't ask out girls and is therefore an eternal virgin.

>Did you miss the bit about me being too pussy?

That's a choice. You are choosing to chicken out. Even if you are scared you can still do it. Why don't you do it?

But you said you were 173 cm in the other thread nigger Cruz

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Because... i'm scared.

You know like if you had a petrifying phobia of getting in the water? You'd stand at the edge of the pool shivering with fear thinking "I just can't do it no matter what". That's what it feels like for me when I think of
>asking out a girl
>flirting with a girl
>going in to kiss a girl who's been making moves on me
I basically have a phobia of making moves on women.

>I basically have a phobia of making moves on women.

Have you been diagnosed or do you just not want to try?

If you have a real phobia, then this board can't help you. Go to a professional and get the specialized help you need.

Well there is no diagnosis for "being a total fucking pussy" is there user? But i have struggled with this for my whole life

I think a large part of it goes back to me being 16 and asking out a couple girls at school, they both rejected me and I felt so humiliated I would crawl up in a ball in my bed for days at a time feeling miserable and like my life was gonna end. Ever since then I have never expressed any outward interest in women out of fear that they'll reject me and make me feel awful again

My 5'8 is irrelevant i am 6'4 if you threaten my development

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>that picture
He is larping as this person on /soc/ right now in a rate thread

Most mentally ill person on Jow Forums, pic related is him

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>But i have struggled with this for my whole life

That's not a phobia, though. You need to make sure you are actually incapable of doing this or just too lazy to practice the self reflection needed to face and work on your issues.

>Ever since then I have never expressed any outward interest in women out of fear that they'll reject me and make me feel awful again

You are not 16 anymore.

Well you are


It's her sister's fault, IK ILL THAT WHORE

Somewhere it's better that it's because of that and not something else right?

You probably went out OK.