Whats her name Jow Forums

Whats her name Jow Forums

And what do you like about her? What is your concerns?

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>what do i like
She has humor, short, blonde, petite. Shes very sweet, and I respect her very much.


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>Everything, even things like her anxiety and acne
>She's engaged
Oh well

I feel a river moving in me when I think about you
You're water
Powerful enough to drown me
Soft enough to cleanse me
Deep enough to save me

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> nobody

I've completely stopped pursuing romantic interests a couple weeks ago. Idk why.

Tfw i know her
Also reported for underage

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Lol, i thought about posting her here but there is a more than likely chance she will see it. So prob not

Have fun in your class S..

This thread is gay like all of you.

She's very psychic and her sweetest eyes sparkled from the insdie out

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Nice try Katya

I could talk to her for hours and never get boted of her voice or her laugh
I could never get bored of seeing her smile
I really could never get bored of her at all

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I've been losing sleeps dreaming about the things that we could be

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The night we met was so cold yet her laughters warmed me in ways a jacket coudn't

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I like how nice and friendly she is to everybody. I like how we trust each other completely. At first I just wanted to hug and cuddle and protect her from all the evil in the world, but I soon realized how pretty she is and that I'd also like to touch her all over and have sex with her. And she smells really nice.
The concern is that I am pretty sure that while she finds me attractive she's not interested in anything more with me. I also doubt we'd be a good match and I have no intentions of ruining the friendship.

>user's posting all this shit and crying like a fag for some girl who's probably 7/10 at best


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You cannot simply value the living reason I believe in the goodness in people on the scale of 10

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>what do i like?
well starting with appearance shes tall, skinny and shes got such a cute face
shes got passion for what shes loves to do which is music and piano. i love listening to her play and sing. and i mean we could just talk for ever just small talking,(but shes just a very talkative person so maybe she could with anyone)
and i just love all her little quirks from her dumb laugh to the way she looks at you when you guys make that connection going yeah i know what you're thinking kinda vibe.
shes 3 years older than me and now working as a teacher in middle school and im still studying at university with another 4 years to go(masters program) and i want to ask her out but i feel like i dont know her enough yet. the problem is i rarely see her.i only bump into her every now and then in Parties because she happens to be friends with my cousin.
anyways how do i approach this? is it something i should even bother with, i mean this could just be lust it couldn't be more than that right? i mean i could probably count on 1 hand the amount of times I've talked to her. am i just being autistic and insure too much?

feel like i should leave a p.s. I've never had a girlfriend before either because of my busy timetable.

She gave me that warmth I always wanted
The kind of love that filled every space within myself and spilled out into the rest of my world

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These girls have all probably been ran through already and these guys never even fucked them.

Name: Hillary Clinto

What do i like: We both like politics, i like anime i am sure she likes it too

Concerns: I think she is cheating on me with guy called Trump, idk maybe is just my imagination


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She's really pretty and we get along well.
She's definitely not into to me though, so I'm not gonna do anything.

Keep posting you guys

I'm a girl but my boyfriend doesn't seem to feel this passion - he either doesn't or he can't show it. So I love reading all these, knowing and hoping these feelings are true for someone somewhere out there, and imagine that my boyfriend may feel the same for me one day... reading these tickles my soft side to feel the same way too..

You know you don't have to subject yourself to low standards. What is life without passion? You'd be happier single.

No words can explain the way I'm missing you..

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Something about this post really unsettles me.

> Linda
> That she will destroy Isis
> That she will not destroy Isis

Name is Sally

The thing is it was only 24hrs ago that I first saw her, singing country songs at a Sunday market, tight jeans, plaid shirt, and an Australian bush hat (like a cowboy hat but Aussie style) with a large guitar, looked real cute, short, maybe 5’3-5’4, petite really, but that wasn’t it, the innocence in her voice, her lovely motions, it got me the first minute of listening to her, the absolute most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I just don’t understand, how within the few hours of seeing her, my mindset did a complete 180°, from being a overly political anti-semite manic to just a, well I even don’t know what. To think she doesn’t even know my name, and that I barely know anything about her, it’s made me weak, I drank, I only think about her, I found her social media, did a bit of stalking on the market’s main Instagram for a mention of her, but wtf should I do, nothing I’ve been advising myself (though I did send her a message of compliment on FB). Whatever this may be, the power of a single woman is truly fascinating, to make a uptite cunt like me into depressed, delusional and anxious child. I even gave her a $5 note, just to get closer to her, I bash myself saying I should’ve spoken to her, but I felt too respectful to interrupt her.. My lord, what a life.

She is funny, brilliant and she listens to me. we share a lot of interests and she is very attractive. She makes days I talk to her so much better.
But we work together and I don't want to lose my job over something that won't happen anyway.

I won't post his name bc he browses here, not sure about this board but you can never be too careful
I love him so much bros, i would give up every romantic and sexual experience ive ever had just for the chance to brush against his hand. I thought i was desensitized to life but he makes me feel like a young girl again, fuzzy feelings and red faces and insane heartbeats that ive never felt in my life, even just typing this is driving me crazy for him. He's so easy to talk to despite my flustering, he genuinely listens and cares about what i say. When he reacts positively i feel happiness on the level of buddha, serene bliss.
Im worried nothing will end up happening due to distance, and my excessively timid nature

These are so sweet, I want to read more.

oh hm....

Here’s a YT image so you have a higher chance with actually believing me.

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I dont want to think of it as low standards. It would be exaggerating to put so much weight on one thing. He's caring and thoughtful otherwise, but generally more laid back and less passionate. He gives me roses often and every now and then says he misses me so I can't really complain. I'm just not sure his thoughts or feelings run this deep, he doesn't really let me in so I can't tell, I could be wrong hopefully. Do you anons say these things to your SO? Most probably not, since you're on an anonymous board writing them away (maybe not this thread, but definitely GIOYC and the sorts)


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meant for too

I would never tell my SO I loved her unless I'd just had sex with her and had the plausible deniability of blood being elsewhere than my brain.

I do say these things because I'm with the person. And they say it to me. If someone doesn't connect with you on a deeper level it's hard to be happy. That's why I say put the energy into your own wants and needs instead of hoping things will change because they won't.


>what do I like
She’s physically Jow Forums, smart, pretty and I feel like we could be good together
Her friend told me that she likes me

>what is your concerns
I have a girlfriend
It’s not her

What do lads

>She's tolerant, kind and sympathetic
>She has a chequered history of using people for money, and a lot of people hate her for good reason.

abbigale and she is very pretty and not a brick wall but she doesnt like me

Nothing autistic about being interested in someone romantically user. Ask her out, if she says you win, if she says no, you'll be able to let her go and move on so you still win.

Not gonna tell you her name. It starts with A.

I like how she doesn’t turn away when she sees how I really am. I like how her smile fills me up with warmth. I like how she is almost like me in some ways. I like how nothing felt forced or unnatural with her.

But that all scared me, so I chased her away. Now she’s found someone else.

>women generally
>cheater whores
>their extinction. when?

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>Her smile, her long dark hair, her cuddling into me at night, listening to her read out loud
>She has cerebral palsy and is ridiculously shy


We seem to have a connection, but she is a literal high class whore and lives on another continent and won't talk to me until I am rich

Start with C
Wont say it because I m strangely paranoid

>what I like about her
Well first of all she is really pretty, pretty enough that it took me two times to realize that she also had the tightest body ever.
She is not quite like the other girl. She is bold and brave (sometimes to stupidity i d say) but yet so much fragile
She is intelligent and funny
She is a well raised girl yet act like a rebel
She is strange but thats what s make her charm
But honestly the thing that makes me like her the most is that she's making me feel something that I never tought I would feel again.
For the first time ever I had a clear goal and I really worked too achieve it, for once I really cared about something
She made feel like i was the best version of myself
She made me feel like I was depressed because of how happy I actually was when I was with her
She made me feel like I still had something to do in this life
She made me believe that she could fix the broken
She made me realize that I could be whole again

>what concerns me
Either she wasnt that interested or I fucking blew it
I dont really know but either way I feel bad about it

She got tig ole bitties and is actually a pretty cool person
She had a boyfriend, now lives like five hours away

Do something fagget.
Shy women arent a turn off for guys and if he really is like you describe him to be he cares about you and wont judge you for it
Do something or you ll regret it for the rest of your life

Oh hm?
She's fit, I want to be but am too lazy to follow through.
She quit her previous job to get an ecology degree and is a vegetarian while I want to hunt animals for tasty meat and get into engineering to build cars and weapon systems.
She's into volleyball, yoga and meditation while I'm into martial arts and shooting.
She seems permanently happy and cheerful while I am a cynical pessimist.
I think we only get along so well because we don't live together.
I'm thankful the whole me being into her thing doesn't seem to bother her at all.


This is I

Not really important

>What I like
She's cute, very funny and "immature" (in a good way)

we're not in an official relationship, and she says that even though she's happy with me and that she really likes being with me, she doesnt feel "in love" with me yet, and is scared that it might take a while to get there

Nope M, sorry friend

Poor soul
Answer me you stupid fuck Don't act like you haven't seen it

It's a complicated situation probably mostly on end

Oh well, you post was off anyway since we met on Jow Forums. But you should just approach him, have no fear.

Just go for it..


His taste in literature and music, cold blue eyes and that he doesn't mind me calling him at 2AM

I'm 18 and he's 31

>I'm 18 and he's 31
You're right to be concerned.

Not gonna say her name since she browses here. I like everything about her. Her curious nature, her cynical humor, her laugh, everything. I am sick of the mixed signals. She'll call me and tell me how much she's missed me, and that we're gonna talk regularly like we used to, only to continue on with these gaps of weeks between talking. She was all for giving me kisses, and then she stopped doing that and treats me like we're just friends. I hate it. I've met two other women in the meantime and they both go out of their fucking way to message me when they're at work, or with their [spoiler]boyfriends.[/spoiler] I'm just going to have fun while she figures out if she wants me in her life or not.

You can do better, guaranteed. Don’t waste your peak time with an old fart, or you’ll grow older wondering what you missed.

So what ?
You have three possible outcome, two of which are bad one is good.
You can't avoid pain unless you ask him out and he respond positively.
That might be just me but I hate not being certain because your mind goes crazy creating what if scenario.
I have the same case with the girl I talked about.
It mostly went pretty well but then it kinda died without a fight.
I got crazy asking myself wether or not there was still a possibility for us to get together at least one last time.
Still do. I want her to fucking tell me it's over and not to bother her again.

Just got some bad daddy issues, can't help it

I agree with the notion, but not the spirit. If she's content in other aspects of her life, and he makes her happy, then she oughta go for it. But if other aspects of her life are amiss, she should focus on them before thinking of romance. Note that I said romance, not casual sex.

>tfw so deep enough into the hole of despair that I don't even have a "her" anymore
am I going to make it, bros?

I don't even know his name

I hope so my dude. If you can't then I definitely won't.

I would never say all this stuff in person. I sometimes get uneasy even writing it anonymously

Yeah it's amazing how much control women have over us. Not controllable at all

Her name is Ditami

I like that she’s smart and very comfortable with herself. She doesn’t try hard to be anything, she doesn’t care about what people say, and she smokes so she wouldn’t tell me to quit.

My concern is that I’m very shy and introverted. That I’m from a totally different world compared to hers. She would also probably be embarassed of me, like I’m a loser and I don’t have friends. I bet her friends are some quality extroverted people and I don’t measure up with them. I wouldn’t be able to keep up with her lifestyle and social dynamics.

But yeah I caught her staring at me quite a lot. I think she likes me but I do wish she (and other girls who probably like me) to realize what kind of person I really am. I bet they’ll all be turned off instantly after knowing that I struggle with self esteem and I have no friends.

>had a so much in common, she was the first girl who made me feel comfortable to be myself. She understood why im the way I am and she loved me for it. For the first time in my life I felt special, and loved and understood and its the most ive ever been in love with someone.
>she left me and id be surprised if she even remembers me. But what concerns me even more is if ill ever get over her.

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>tfw was in that hole but now my therapist is my "her"

Women talk so fucking much about whatever the fuck god damn it
She's the only one I can spend my minutes in silence with


>what I like
shes funny, we have similar interests, she's easy to talk to, she unconditionally supports me, she's physically exactly my type

she's way younger than me (21 vs 31), and she's very emotionally fragile. she's been through a lot, and I'm worried about hurting her more, especially with how shitty I am at relationships. I wouldnt be using her for sex or anything, but I know she might feel that way if it doesnt pan out

also a small part of me is worried if I have sex with her she'll go full yandere on me

J E n n y

I really liked a girl because I thought she was kind of cute, and was really smart. She wasnt hot or anything,but she'd make a great mother thats why I really liked her. Maybe she wasnt very confident because her other friends would overshadow her looks, but I admired all of her small quirks. She was and looked plain for the most part, infact she might be incredibly boring, but all the small cute thing she did made me like her alot. It was a growing process.
Call it creepy or whatever but its the little things of people that I enjoy the most. I stopped cause she never liked me back. Of course it hurts when a girl you like doesnt feel the same way, but is it wrong that I liker her for personality? She was cute but appearantly that above me. I can understand why people from r9k feel like shit for being rejected by literal 9s but a cute 6 or 7 is too much, even for me.
I hurts to think back on it because I was so insecure about my body, I went to extreme lengths to get the ideal physique. People even noticed I lost weight, but it wasnt perfect. I was like those skinny teen girls, starving myself just to feel better.
Ah well at least I dont have to worry about school anymore.

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>she understood my sense of humor immediately (which isn't common) and spending a lot of time around her is easy, she is also good looking and adventurous
>she's too good for me

>what do I like?
She was super nice to me in high school and I wish I talked to her more when I was going through shit. I’m still scared to talk to her now.
She could be a lesbo or dating someone. it’s far too late for me bros

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She’s also way too smart for me

Her name was Elisa. We met in 2010, in my sophomore, and her freshman year- theater class.
Maybe 5'4, 100lb soaking wet, olive-skinned, head of long, soft, fluffy hair the color of coconut shell, wire-frame glasses.
She didn't really talk to anyone except for me, given we sat next to each other.
Spent a few lunches... More than a few lunches, sitting on a bench reading whatever manga she brought.
Eventually we started exchanging books, and then actually talking to each other.
Turned out she lived maybe five houses down.
Over time, we met others, and established a sort of circle. I met my highschool girlfriend there. She met a guy around the same time.
As time went on, we developed more and more shared things, dragging each other into the other's interests.
I taught her how to cook and do carpentry, and she taught me how to sew and repair clothes.
We both learned to teach the other, more than teach ourselves.
I'm actually the one who first cut her hair down to the sort of messy bobcut she stuck with.
Boyfriends and girlfriends came and went, people did. It was just us, really, towards the tail end, despite the drama.
But we stayed together.
She met a girl, and I met one too. They broke up in a proverbial fireball, and I dumped my ex after dealing with three years of psychological abuse.
We stayed together.
We had sex a few times, and always played it off as a moment of desperate physical need. I couldn't figure out why it happened, why I went with it so quickly.
Not until she disappeared a little more than two years ago now. Her parents don't know where she went, or refused to tell me. Her SM's been dead, too, for ages.
Not until a few weeks ago when I found a bag with some of her clothes. She stole one of my shirts, I never remembered to give hers back.
Not until I decided to get some closure and had a small funeral, burning that dark red shirt, and uttering a prayer for her safety. First one in 10 years.
She was the only woman I've ever loved.

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A really great match, the first woman I've felt a true connection to. She's beautiful and we have similar beliefs, interests, senses of humor. First girl I ever dated that actually felt like a good friend too.

After dating, ghosting me, and getting back in touch as friends, I don't know why I allow her to keep stringing me on as she "doesn't wanna date anyone, is too busy with school and work". But I have such a hard time letting go of the first thing that ever felt real to me.

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>What do i like:
She has confidence, ans emotional strength and personality.
Also, phisically, she is a goddess., 8/10, or maybe 9/10.

She is slutty, most likely not interested in a relationship, most likely she will try to get banged by other assholes, and i have a gf.

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Doesn't matter what her name is.

What I like is the comfort she brought me for having my own person I could call mine, now that isn't true. My concerns are that my passion will fade, and indifference will seep over me and I will recede from her life entirely. Which honestly would be best for both of us I think, funny world live in eh? Id rather things be symbolic on a positive note, rather than developing into a shitshow that almost killed me once again.

I know you lurk this website

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Her name is Sam, I date the shit out of her and I'm worried she'll smarten the fuck up and realize I'm a waste of space before I muster the willpower to stop being a waste of space.
It's a work in progress, but aren't we all?

Reading this thread makes me so sad

>Whats her name Jow Forums
dont know... never had a HER...
i wonder what it feels like

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>Shes my ex, I broke it off last september because she was having issues with alcohol and i couldnt trust her going out anymore.
>Been dating all kinds of girls but none have filled the void.

that picture is so me right now

>paranoid this leaks to her
>blonde, blue eyes, active, mature, confident, indipendent
>do i even like her?; she likes to play; doesnt care enough about looks for my taste

so she will make you improve! good luck

It feels like you are powerless and out of control. It feels like everything she does or does not do has a gigantic effect on you emotionally.

How do you know she's not into you?

My best friend as a kid was a girl but I was never into her and we drifted away in high school. I think about her sometimes. She's getting married soon and here I am still never having any relationship at all.

Name was Ashley.

Shit man, even the things that annoy me, we've been very good friends since primary, even made out as kids but nothing serious
She takes literal 12 hours to reply, I tell myself its because she needs to study and has a busy schedule but eh, I think shes just not telling me to fuck off because shes afraid she'll hurt me ehhh

She called me her friend.

Same happened to me. But instead of a few weeks it's almost 8 years.

Met an old classmate who is currently working at a Starbucks recently last week (haven't been back since). I don't have any friends, like at all. I fear this may be my only opportunity to rekindle our acquaintance and potentially become friends, or hopefully more.

The crux of my problem is that I have never asked a girl out before, nor have I ever approached one with the intent to ask her (to hang) out. Im sure that she's single as I've actually seen her on tinder before...
So lads, what do? She's been the only thing on my mind since meeting her last week. I'm not sure if I could handle a rejection, but the thought of not taking any action by talking to her again has set my mind ablaze.

>I'll not give full name but it starts with t
>old-school, her looks, her voice, and i really fucking love her eyes
>there's something im worried about but I don't.know what

Why you asking?

Her name's Suzie. Why exactly I can't put my finger on it, but she has that lively sort of energy to her that's a polar opposite. She fills everything that I'm not, and the same goes for her.

What concerns me is that she's almost indefinitely a slut. She's only had fuckbuddies for the past 4 years, and the last relationship she broke off because she said she simply didn't love him which feels like a red flag to me. Another thing is that she drinks a lot and she smokes, while I drink socially and sometimes with dinner but not that much. Also, I can't stand the idea of smoking.

A part of me wants to pursue her and try to tame her, thinking I'll be the exception that will make her want to commit and settle down. Then the other part knows that it won't happen and I should just take her up on her offer on being fuckbuddies, and think nothing more of it.


She's amazing in pretty much every way.

Aren't they all, user?

No. Mostly just her.

She gets me. But she's so afraid, I don't know if I can keep this together long enough for her to realize that she can just be herself.