I am working at a job that I love and recently got a raise. This is great but I'm also a nondenominational Christian and in our family, we've set a maximum wage in order to emulate the poverty of Christ. I am now making $1 above that wage.
I explained to my boss that I am not to make more but because we're union I have to. I would give it to charity but I'm supposed to do that anyway and in talking with my brother, the expectation is that I don't have the extra money in the first place.
I don't want to leave my job but I'm making an extra $40 a week or $2,080 per year. What should I do?
Although I appreciate that you're willing to help, I'm not sure how to do that.
Austin Cruz
can you help me understand the reasoning behind trying to emulate the poverty of christ?
Julian Rodriguez
Not him, but Jesus said to follow in his path you need to get rid of all you're belongings donating to the poor, and live poor
Eli Flores
but didn't he die for your sins? so you could be forgiven no matter what?
Why don't you donate the extra dollar to your church?
Ryan Perez
Though I understand it's not exactly the same, you have to make some accommodations in the society you live in. We make donations and live under the same roof to save money. We live humbly.
Jose White
wait if you're so strongly religious then why are you even on this site
Hudson Sullivan
I appreciate everyone's willingness to reply. I don't think this was the right place to ask for advice however. Thank you for your time.
Eli Evans
Renegotiate your wage and say you don't want this much money or donate more. You are giving the money away regardless so you decide if your boss needs the money or some poor family needs it.
Henry Baker
Not even the righteous can leave this place
Aaron Brooks
Donate the amount you're over by to charity. Seems better for the money to go towards helping someone than for it to sit in a company account.
Christian Baker
These are, unfortunately not my options.
Kevin Mitchell
what church has this wage policy bullshit that you are a part of?
Cameron Jenkins
>I would give it to charity but I'm supposed to do that anyway I really don’t get why you can’t just give the extra money to charity.
Lincoln Hughes
>Jesus said to follow in his path you need to get rid of all you're belongings donating to the poor, and live poor I'm pretty sure he said this to some rich guy who was sitting in a tree or something.
But Jesus also told a parable about being smart with what wealth you have and multiplying it. iirc it was the parable of the talents. A guy gives 3 servants some money to hold. 2 of them invest it and one guy just lets it sit in a hole somewhere. The point of the parable was to teach people to use their money/resources wisely by investing.
If you want to actually follow the example of Jesus you can keep the raise and give the rest to the poor.
Austin Flores
i’m a broke college student if you’d like to venmo me the extra money!
really though, i’m not religious but i was catholic for the longest time so here’s what i would do if i were you
you worked hard for that money and i don’t think god/jesus would be angry at you for accepting the higher wage
god is all loving
you sound like a righteous person who already acts according to god, so i don’t think accepting the higher wage would change where you stand in your relationship with god
ask your family about this as well
Jason Green
We shouldn't have jobs that make money beyond a certain amount. For example, we would never be lawyers. Instead, we should do humble work for a humble wage. Giving to charity is wonderful but it shouldn't be mine to give in the first place.
Kevin Collins
I don't have venom, unfortunately.
I appreciate the lesson. I'm not likely to change my religious beliefs which are a deep part of my family tradition because people on a website didn't agree with it. I'm here looking for creative ideas about how to solve my situation.
Jonathan Fisher
Elijah Moore
>To those who have, more will be given. From those who have little, even that will be taken from them. It seems rough and unfair, but this is very true when it comes to finances. You are in a position to make money, so you make a lot of money. Others who make nothing, are severely lacking the money. You don't spit the things you are given out, you use it to improve the world as you see it possible. Donating to the less fortunate is a way of dealing with this. Living without possessions just means you don't need to spend it all on stuff you don't need. The amount you make at your job shouldn't be seen as an important figure. You can save it all for when the storm comes or you can donate it in small batches if you'd like. Don't see it as a maximum wage, but rather a maximum of wealth you accumulate or maximum of things you can buy for yourself. Let's say you could make enough money to hire someone to work for you. Giving another person the ability to provide for his family makes his family a way to donate to the less fortunate too. Money is not automatically evil.
Mason Hernandez
I know it’s your religion, but that is really dumb. You’ve been blessed with more than you need so give it to charity. Think of it as god’s plan for you to help those less fortune. It’s so stupid for you to complain about a few extra dollars in your paycheck when you could easily use it to help others.
Joseph Young
Again, I don't intend to argue this. I'm just paying attention for advice that fits the parameters of my problem. I've never been good at arguing this stuff anyway. If I don't come up with a solution, I'm leaving my job. That's a serious thing and why I'm so intent on focusing on that problem.
Jeremiah Turner
Op is a faggot
Benjamin Carter
Would it not also benefit a person if he charged me $40 per week as a fee to let me keep my job?
Alexander Howard
Or it could be like a pretax benefit I pay, I just have to deduct it manually.
Cooper Walker
Decrease dependents on tax form W-4 or county equivalent and the government will withhold more of your money. Not that I believe this post but I am up to a challenge.
Henry Perry
I would accept paying the tax on that extra $1/hour
Sebastian Hernandez
Sorry, I misunderstood. I don't know if that would work because I have no dependents.
Jose Carter
Do it. Claim zero to get maximum minimum.
Christian Evans
You're retarded. Just donate it to your church or another charity, it's what Jesus would do.
Josiah Ortiz
It will if you filled it correctly. You still claim like three, even it you have none.
Jaxson Roberts
Don't I get it back with the tax refund?
Brody Hill
I'm not sure why anyone would expect someone this religious to actually use their heads.
Julian Rogers
I think I figured out what I need to do. I just need to find someone neutral to help me. Thanks all.
Jackson Bennett
You may recoup some. But I figured your religion already had a strategy to handle stuff like that or if you happen to find twenty dollare or something. Im sure you can arrange for the union to take some more from pay check too.
Nicholas Russell
>out of work >nearly homeless, destitute >this guy complaining he gets paid $1 too much/an hour Give it to charity, dumb asshole
Anthony Collins
Our take would be for me to get a more humble job. I don't want to pay thr union for more services. I would need it to be neutral - as in I don't receive anything for it and it's treated as not mine to begin with.
Xavier Mitchell
Hi! Well, you can burn it! Nobody will use it anyway =)
Jaxon Murphy
I think that's against the law but otherwise the right idea.
Joshua Jones
So. Donations are out of the question? I wish i had a better understanding of this religion. This guy seems to have an idea but there is the mark of the beast in his code.
Angel Foster
Donation is in this case. I think the key is to pay a fee add though I were paying for a benefit.
Aaron Stewart
Jesus path is against the law? Burn it! The law is with the government? Burn it! You live in a city ruled by laws implemented by the government? Burn yourself!
Live good, die grate!
Gabriel Evans
Landon Reed
Burn it!
Oliver Young
Bury the physical money and make a treasure map. God will sort out who finds it.
Brayden Taylor
Yeah, but i mean, you could set up for deductions from bank account with all sorts of non political charities for children and museums and stuff. That is insufficient?
Jack Reyes
Andrew Sanchez
Give to Jow Forums
Samuel Morgan
Having the money in the first place is frivolous. I do give to charity but am expected to give time and effort as well as money. Giving money to charity is easy and doesn't put you face to face with those in need.
Jaxon Hill
Giving to Jow Forums would be either paying charity or a service. I think I need to have someone who essentially skims the top of my paycheck neither as a service, nor as a charity.
Caleb Thomas
I think that we are onto something. Thinking about teachers and the invalid complaints that they don't make enough. But some of the part time teachers who do make very little still buy things themselves to contribute th education of students.
Is there a way that we cam employ your time spent helping others that will also cost you money? Or is this unacceptable?
Elijah Thompson
You need a whooping
Alexander Morales
Also unacceptable. I imagine there is someone I can find by posting on craigslist financial services who would be able to set something up to take my excess pay. I think my problem is solved.
Chase Wilson
And you cannot even get pussy in return?
Cooper Robinson
Donate it
Leo Jenkins
>when you realize your troll attempt failed
Angel Jenkins
Taxation is theft reeeeesed
Tyler Garcia
I'm sorry you think I'm trolling.
I'm posting to CL. Thanks!
Luis Garcia
Jaxon Diaz
> I'm making an extra $40 a week or $2,080 per year. What should I do? Save up. Buy hookers.
There is nothing illegal about that proposal. Does reeeeesed mean reconnaissance?
Chase Clark
Isn't there also a line in the Bible about something like "Give unto Caeser what is his". Basically saying you should try to get along with society as long as it isn't completely abhorrent. Jesus was a smart guy, I suspect he would be ok with you making a tiny bit too much money if you gave the extra away immediately.
Parker White
>what is his What is caesar's.
The wrong pronoun can change the esoteric meaning. I don't think OP is taking religion lessons from anons. Just wants a smaller paycheck and already fucked us off for craigslist. But now, we can dick around in this thread.
Ryder Anderson
>Not him, but Jesus said to follow in his path you need to get rid of all you're belongings donating to the poor, and live poor
Yeah uh Jesus never said that, like that other dude said the closest thing was when jesus was talking to Zacchaeus cause he was a tax collector hiding up in a tree
I've read that comic book more than once and Jesus pretty much said some shit like that (also more than once) and (also not him)
Joseph Richardson
>and Jesus pretty much said some shit like that
Nah, I was raised catholic, went to church every sunday and on top we were still taught bible study in school twice a week up until I was like 15 years old. Jesus ain't ever said that you gotta eat shit and live in dirt to be a good Christian
Bentley Perez
In other words. You haven't read that book more than once, you have been brainwashed. I challenge you to read the complete bible and then know what you are talking about. Old and new. Cover to cover.
Connor Myers
In fact, i challenge you to read the first page in the first book of the New Testament and you will see something that you were never told in church because it goes against everything they tried to teach you. Be back in five minutes.
Benjamin Bennett
Nah man I read the bible a million times, I'm not the one making shit up about Jesus saying that Christians ought to live in poverty
That is simply his religion. I'm not going to question his choice.
Hudson Torres
Do you seriously not believe in the virgin birth? What weird sect do you belong to?
Easton Powell
Its like hot potato. But money and possession.
Logan Reed
>his religion
yeah but he says he's christian and based on jesus but the entire premise is false
Tyler Wright
that's fucked up >everyone races to give away everything they own >losers go to hell
Easton Fisher
Read page fucking one! I don't belong to shit. It demonstrates Jesus's right to the throne. And speaks of his blood line to King David.
Christian Lewis
We all have our ideas. Jesus speaks in parables.
Gabriel Parker
Matthew 1:18-20 >18: Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. 19: Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly. 20: But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.
Tyler Harris
Amazing how people just follow the leader.
Easton Foster
That is incomplete.
Nicholas Green
Why would Joseph even consider dismissing her if it was his kid?
Cooper Parker
There are contradictions. Different gospels give different locations for his birth.
Gavin Sanders
So how can you be so sure Joseph is his biological father?
Daniel Peterson
what parable did he read
Jack Martin
I am not trying to sell user anything. But i do encourage user to read for themselves if they are interested. Ancient traditions (and still) are pretty geared towards mem as opposed to women and the bible must attempt to demonstrate the birthrights of jesus.
He is asked why he speaks in riddles and his answer is so that those who understand can comprehend them. Implying that he willingly withheld speaking freely in mixed company. Those who don't deserve to know, cannot.
Jason Diaz
Found someone who may be interested in doing this over PayPal! Thanks again and glad to see that my conundrum led to good conversation.
Julian Rogers
Donate it to charity.
Aiden Perry
It was real fun user. I invited some friends over to argue religion in here.
Liam Hall
Create a diversion bump.
Juan Brooks
And, it looks like the CL guy isn't interested. :/
Joseph Ross
Ah! What are we going to do? You cannot ask for a demotion at work? Like a change in position that will allow for lower pay but you can still keep the job you enjoy but just a bit different.
Charles Hernandez
Oh, maybe i was unclear. OP hav thought he solved problem and then Anons started using this post as a dance floor. But now, OP's problem remains. You may commence (on topic)
Charles Cooper
I don't think I have anything more to say. I was just updating those who might be interested. Someone will go for it. I think, from an outside perspective, it's "free" money. It's not actually free as I have to work for it, show the hours worked, and there's time spent communicating between myself and whoever i pay. I'm sure people think I'm a lunatic asking for this as well.
Asher Taylor
You’re seriously giving a random person your extra money instead of donating to a charity or gifting things to homeless people? You’re a nutter.