Highschool gf got in touch and told me i have a son

Highschool gf got in touch and told me i have a son.

We were together for a year around 2005-2006. I skipped town and lived in the uk for years. She found my fb profile via a mutual friend’s party photos. Now shes hit me up saying she got pregnant and kept the kid. I honestly dont know how to feel. I have a teenage son but i dont know what to do. When we talked on the phone she said she didnt care about money or anything she just wanted me to know

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Damn yo that's something

And you are here for advice on what?

women are truly the epitome of evil.

Im coming up blank here

Like someone just told me i have a son and i just dont know how to react

Take a paternity test.

Have you never in your life heard the words "paternity test?"

check if he looks like you. If not forget about it. She fucked random who and wants you to feel bad or some shit. Who understand women anymore? I dont. Fuck their illogical shit.

skipped town as in knew she was pregnant and said fuck it? absolute legend

or just left coincidentally and she "has your child"? get a dna test if your not sure, women can be fucked in the head and she could be trying to trap you

What a bitch for keeping him secret that shit should be illegal. Contact the boy without her intervening and tell him what's up. Maybe meeting instead of phone and then see how you feel about this

Tell her you won't even remotely consider taking parental responsibilities until it's confirmed via a paternity test that the kid is in fact yours. After that you can make a new thread on Jow Forums asking how you should proceed.

You need to be 100% sure the kid is yours. You wouldn't be the first dude who gets manipulated into his own cuckoldry.

Nah just ignore it. Block her, if she's too much of a cunt to tell you immediately (assuming it's even yours) then their child can grow up a weakass nigga with no dad.

>she said she didnt care about money or anything she just wanted me to know

She won’t care about the money, until someone needs to pay for college.



Just say that you're incapable of reproducing.

Just go and meet your son. He's probably gonna be into mumble rap, but maybe he's a fun kid.

I don't think people who have never interacted with women, beyond having them enter a state of physical revulsion at the sight of you, are qualified to give opinions on how to interact with women.

Wrong, femanon with college aged kids. I also talk to the other mommies. The college expense is real and mommies worry about how their kids are going to afford college.


Go be a dad, dumbass.

Is he white?
Go save him, kid is probably fucked up having grown up with a single mom

That’s so sad how she kept him from you for so many years, you’ve missed so much of his life :(
I wouldn’t forgive her for that but if you can confirm he is yours, definitely embrace him into your life

Noone is ready to be a parent until they are one.
Now teach him about the important things like fighting, social interaction and DONT FORGET THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES

based based BASED

you get a paternity test before you do anything
if he is yours, you get in there and father the shit out of him
also if he is yours, congratulations

You can fuck right back off to your safe space stupid whore.

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By living in a country with free education

“Cool, bitch, have a great day.”

I always pack a bag full of Jews and their lies when I go to see my son. Wouldn’t want him to go without.

well considering your first response towards someone dissing you is to assume they’re a woman I’d say you probably are an incel

My mistake, I didn't realize I was talking to a onions boy faggot.

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I didn’t post the “incels” post either. Keep trying. Maybe you’ll figure out the real culprit behind why you’re a big faggot.

Proven with pat tests? Otherwise it's basically bunk, chicks of all ages and demeanors will cling to anything for attention yeh
Back to Jow Forums you fucking useless lump

It's very obvious that you're trying to larp as someone else to save face you dumb slut.
Go back to Facebook you dumb slut, this is not your safe space.

keep thinking that the bullshit machinations of your mind are reality, tiny man. more good things in life for me.

I really don't care bitch, drop the act, you're not fooling anyone.

You’re just acting like an infant because you know it will bother me, but I’m not your mom or your dad. You’re a disgrace, honestly.

Lol stay assblasted roastie.

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wow you’re avatar posting now

Now this is pathetic. Go skip rope or something underage faggot.

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wrong again bud