Should i choose a New religion? or None

For now,I'm Buddhism.And it's because My family chosed it.
And now I feels uncomfortable about some religious events.kinda feel like i just don't like,My family don't like what i'm doing.They start to tell me that those events are important, and so u can go to heaven if u do it.I said ''I don't believe''.They mad about it.I don't like it,so i did many religious stuffs to get their favour back.
That's all.In my country,we got a lot of religious problems and restrictions for atheists

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That's because atheism is a passing phase every edgy retarded teen goes through, grow up. Rules in religion exist for a reason. However, since I am not too familiar with Buddhism, maybe it does have some obnoxious practices. Just choose a new religion then, but don't fall for meme scammer ones like LaVey satanism or Islam.

So... You have no reason to be religious? Got it.

What do you mean exactly? That doesn't make sense.

You said rules in religion exist for a reason. Therefore, we don't actually need religion, just the set of rules we deem important for us to function as a society. That can be set by the government and can vary from nation to nation in order to reflect its beliefs.

Seems like a great idea. Could not agree more.

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Recognize that events are only tradition. Respect that but tell your family that you are only being polite and don't need to be very involved. I think they will relax about you. The Buddha teaching is real and people add garbage traditions. There can be bodhisattva everywhere and you can learn from them. Maybe Jesus or gandhi or lady gaga is bodhisattva. I think it is better to let family know that you respect and believe but, you want to do it your way. I think they will understand.

Irrational appeal to unproven gods, powers, "ancient wisdom".

Yea, it doesn't actually work or represent reality. Even if it was probably a good way to set up "laws" and "ethics" for idiots in the past.
And by no means this is suggest that today, we got perfect laws anywhere in the world, but they got more sensible and well-defined over time; not as easily corruptible by anyone who claims to have found another piece of ancient wisdom or is the next prophet or reincarnation or... whatever.

If your society / country is cunts about it, half-ass your buddhism but be an atheist anyhow. Yea, you're being coerced, can't do much about it.

I mean, maybe you could do that, but you'd still need to study the morals and teachings of the Bible or similar, analyse them, and then apply them to your life and improve your morality. If every "atheist" did this, they would become 100x times more bearable and ok. Religion just has timeless morals and ideas. The main purpose of religion is to sustain morality and a healthy society, but I suppose in theory you could just not view God anymore than a metaphor and just focus on the teachings themselves.

My family is Catholic so we get together all the extended family at the ranch on Easter next cause it's a feast for Jesus and the Easter egg hunt is for the kids

> the morals and teachings of the Bible or similar, analyse them, and then apply them to your life and improve your morality
O rly? Have you ever read all of the bible, on your own?

I did, and I can tell you the only way you'd arrive at good morals is to do the opposite of half of what that genocidal injust book suggests. *Hurr god promised us land, we can murder everyone in it* *Durr send your loyal commander to die in battle, then grab his wife* and so many, MANY more shitty morals.

The other half may be okay. But it's a very self-contradictory book anyways, written by idiot ancient humans and adopted by power hungry people who LIKED to use these contradictions one or the other way as they please.

You're much better off reading quickly about the golden / platinum rule and going from there into contemporary literature and laws. They have "their own" ideas about what's right without being absolutely "correct", but you can take inspiration there.

Just got home and was going to answer you but already did.

Justify your beliefs instead of pointing to an old book that is more outdated than Windows 95.

Not the guy you're talking to, but the problem is how do you get a general public to follow that without society becoming a piece of shit dictatorship or at least retardedly expensive and exhausting our resources? Is the government really going to instate a law against promiscuity or lying or some shit? Religion is a necessary "evil" (not really evil imo, but probably to others). You also can't just tell people what to do without there being consequences, because they just wont follow. It's pretty much a more easily enforced reward system (do good, god loves you and you go to heaven and live a good life, do bad and god (usually) still loves you but you're going to hell if you don't repent) to keep a decent amount of semi-decent people in check. It's being edited and rewritten to fit modern quotas all the time.
In school, I was taught about the golden rule but no one gave a shit. The majority of people don't even read. There's a reason people go to church and usually have pastors, bible teachers, parents and other figures interpret it for you. Most people are too dumb, lazy, or genuinely have too much on their plate to worry about to interpret literature for themselves, especially not "law and contemporary literature". There's just no way to effectively enforce such a thing yet.

Not them either but you sound like you are saying that it is a way to control liberty without anyone realizing that you are doing it. Funny how it went to shit in here, it is called advice. That doesn't always mean opinion. This OP lives in a country where he doesn't have the same freedoms as we do and we should help with that in mind. Lets go to "Maximum Wage" post and argue.


I like you

> Is the government really going to instate a law against promiscuity or lying or some shit?
Yes, the latter is prohibited in a thousand forms in all countries, most strongly to protect trade and also the justice system itself. But also for other reasons like not allowing people to lie about things other people did to hurt their reputation.

The earlier may or may not be prohibited, because frankly the arguments against promiscuity are pretty damn weak.

> Religion is a necessary "evil"
It isn't. We only need laws. Religion is actually just an evil, not least because its enforcers are usually extremely arbitrary in choose who to prosecute for what [especially their friends and allies], they forget or invent rules at a whim, and many more things.

> Most people are too dumb, lazy, or genuinely have too much on their plate to worry about to interpret literature for themselves
And that makes them even more susceptible if you invent a new line of text for your religion.

> As Mose said:
> Thou shalt not consume bent fruit so thine ancestors shall not be shamed with the sin of bentness, FORSOOTH AND DAMNED
Okay, I could have made this sound more credible if I actually tried. Either way, all the abrahamitic religions are incoherent ramblings that the "believers" usually did not read, and you can claim any fucking thing no problem if you look like a religious man, which has been done and is being done every damn day since they became popular.

So really, you got exactly the same problem here. Except you also have a thousand contradictions and unclear passages that you can pick either/or as you better please on top of that [if the whole religion is even uniquely written down!]. It's a fight in every normal law to remove these passages, but you profoundly "aren't supposed to" for religions, at all, so this remains dumb and abusable forever.

Maybe people arguing their own personal beliefs don't belong here.

As the other user said, religious books are pretty morally fucked up and contradictory. It's like saying if religion were to not exist everyone would wreck havoc on the streets, which is fucking retarded. Society and empathy are just that. Humans are even evolved as social creatures and to be in packs for survival. No one is inherently evil. Either way, if the only thing that keeps you from doing bad things is because some spacedad is going to burn you in hell forever while your skin regenerates simultaneously for stealing a candy or being rude to someone, you're pretty fucked up.

>L Lawliet

Ironically Buddhism is what most people go to or go through after they throw out their own religion and go through their atheist phase. They especially love taking it as a philosophy.

What branch of Buddhism and what country are you from user?

The best thing to do is to look at all the religions of the world, there aren't that many, and then see what they have to offer and teach and live as a good person off of that.

You guys know that uh religion is man-made right, and it's also not a thing that gets up and walks around and does things. You say that religion is evil, but religion is just a manifestation of humanity.

It's all people. If people who wage wars or do terrorism didn't articulate it with religious reasons they would just use political reasons like everyone else. Making religion illegal wouldn't remove all the socio-economic conditions and situations that results in people killin each other or molesting kids

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Either you misinterpret and take a lot of things literally from it, or you're not being specific enough. Tell me exactly what page you are actually refering to. Which book are you even refering to?

God, everything you write is so edgy and cringey. "omg those idiot people know nothing" yet why are atheists a bunch of whores, have daddy issues, come from broken homes, complain they can't get gfs, are cucks, most likely to be a pregnant teen, etc? I've seen too much proof that atheists are brain dead autists that never grew up.

Morals are timeless, you autist. Society today is non religious and is more depressed than ever, suicide rates are insanely high. People were better off and happier before atheist fags became a mainstream thing.

Never said that isn't or shouldn't be a right- as long as it's not imposed on others. It's just retarded.
>religion is just a manifestation of humanity
What makes you say that?
And for your last point, no one said that banning religion will stop all evil. It will definitely make people less superstitious, mindful and educated though.

>more mindful and educated*

Ok, so this is a hijacked shit fest in here. Fuck off. This ain't your pulpit. Any fucking idiot can take a snippet of the bible and argue their case. Dont try and pull that exact page bullcrap. Im astonished at all you fucks for ignoring OPs problems and ranting you're own garbage.

>What makes you say that?
cause it wasn't created by animals, or by god right? it's a man-made concept and whatever good or evil that comes out of it also man-made. Blaming religion for what man does is shooting the messenger

>It will definitely make people less superstitious, mindful and educated though.
that's a big assumption. It's almost like something that you believe in despite having no proof of it. Like faith.

>Society today is non religious and is more depressed than ever, suicide rates are insanely high. People were better off and happier before atheist fags became a mainstream thing.

This isn't true either.


>let me change my interpretation to suit my narrative
>shoehorns stereotyped headcanons about atheists
>Morals are timeless
How so? Does everyone have the same set of morals?
>Society today is non religious and is more depressed than ever, suicide rates are insanely high. People were better off and happier before atheist days became a mainstream thing.
Correlation doesn't mean shit, user.

>cause it wasn't created by animals . . .
You'd be right if the entire humanity wrote that bible. Most people are brainwashed into religion from ever since they're in school. So no, it isn't a manifestation of humanity. Also, I'm not blaming religion, but blaming people who adopt and spread it.
>that's a big assumption
It's an inference, not an assumption. For example: one cat is there. That specific cat not being there would make the place it was in "cat-less". Same thing. Superstitions not being believed would make people not superstitious. People realizing that we actually don't know the answers will make them mindful, and by extension make them open to education instead of denial/ignorance.

>You'd be right if the entire humanity wrote that bible.

you know that not all of humanity has to get on one thing for it to be a manifestation of humanity right

like people speak chinese, but not everyone on the planet speaks chinese, that doesn't mean that the chinese language isn't a manifestation of humanity.

same with religion, people were worshipping the moon and lightning before they knew how to read or write and there's loads of different religions all over the world I wasn't singling out the bible, religion is not just the bible

>Superstitions not being believed would make people not superstitious. People realizing that we actually don't know the answers will make them mindful, and by extension make them open to education instead of denial/ignorance.

but no people still kill each other because of things like nationalism and race identity which are also human manifestations

It's definitely a human concept, but it isn't a manifestation of humanity. Looks like a semantics issue.
>but no people still kill each other because of things like nationalism and race identity which are also human manifestations
I don't understand how that's relevant to religion. If you're saying that the people who adopt this concept are to blame, then I pretty much agree with you. I'm pretty sure that most people mean to say exactly this when they say "religion is bad", things are implied. Religion is just a concept. It becomes detrimental if used, just like many other concepts.

>but it isn't a manifestation of humanity.
what would that be then

The hard truth?
Religion is fake.
The retard Marx was rigth about this.
It doesn't matter in WHAT you believe, just believe it.

Personally, i believe in wanting to udnerstand.
My god is truth, i think you can put it that way.
Understanding how people REALLY works, and WHY thing are happening brings me joy ( similar to religion ).

My advice for you?
Develop yourself.
Find WHO you are, and when you do you will udnerstand WHAT you like, and what inspire you.
At that point, just follow that.
It doesn't need to be your "main" thing ( for example, what you work into ), it can be the same as religion ( not what brings you food to the table ), but that completes you.