How the hell do I actually make friends irl?

How the hell do I actually make friends irl?

>Mall culture is dead
>skate community culture is dead
>clubs are dead in my city
>arcade culture is dead
>my only friend is my bf
>my mall culture era friends are all gone

Attached: holy_crap.png (711x952, 844K)

>Mall culture
>skate community
Fuck you're old.

I'm honestly not that old, eastern countries all still have all of those but I had to leave the place. Now I'm in a western world.

>How the hell do I actually make friends irl?

What do you do for fun?

>skate community culture
no it's not, at least where I am
There's skaters but it's not a huge commnity like in the 00s and 90s, it's like a few pockets here and there.

I draw, skate, shop for cheap second hand products, that's about it. There's more hobbies, but they have nothing to do with outdoors.

Yeah my home town still has those but it's mostly little boys. Would feel pretty weird having a grown adult around kids. Rarely see teens or adults at skate parks anymore. Seen no skater types where I live now, only longboarder girls.

Oh. Vidya then.

I’m virtually a shutin but I assume you have to be more intentional about meeting people these days.

>There's more hobbies

What are they? Reading alone? PLaying video games? Etc. Etc.

You can turn anything into a chance to meet people. Show off your art, go to a class, meet people, join a fanzine, etc. etc.

Use what you like to meet people and stop complaining. Put some effort into it.

Yeah, it's much harder now. Especially since people get more paranoid of you talking to them, they will assume something negative from you. If you go to school together or often meet at the same bus stop/Street, then it's safer to try and comment on them to strike up conversation.