I am 22 years old and as my age increases so does my hate against women. Never had a girlfriend, tried self improvement through bodybuilding, still can bench 200lbs ez and keep cut enough to have visible abs. The only girls i've ever liked were the ones that didint like me. Now i feel a growing hatred towards all women, i feel like i missed out on happyness. Is going elliot rodger mode the only thing i can do now?
Hatred for girls
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solid bait, Ivan. three rubles to you.
how many girls have u asked out in your life? If number is less than 50 then you are the problem
Why would i lie tho? Im posting here because im looking for genuine advice. I guess itd be better if i offed myself without getting anyone involved
(Haha just kidding fbi and gchq)
Oh, i guess im the problem. Im just afraid of letting them be in the position of power. Like they can hurt me then or will feel repulsed by the fact
i saw one user say it's impossible to both understand and love women
once you understand that women are their own people with interests separate from your own, you realize there will be inevitable conflict between you where one has to dominate the other.
The woman wants you to stay fit, be a good provider and dominate socially, but do you want these things according to your own desires or do you pursue these things because women impose these standards on you? These traits may be outwardly dominant, but it is you who is dominated by women's standards.
The whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm buying an artificial womb when the technology is there and you should too.
psychopathic bullshit
almost everyone has a fear of rejection. but yes don’t blame women for the fact you’re anxious about being rejected by them. first, try to understand the social dynamics that lead to romance in the first place (has nothing to do with benching)—that will increase your odds of happiness and success.
Dude, i just found out pic related, and it was fucking illuminating.
You hate women cause you don't understand them.
Now, pic related is the CORE, to get a girl?
Just show her that you are EMOTIONALLY STABLE.
By that i mean that you have a life, an identity.. And if she choose you, she will join a man who have a direction.
For example: before i was like you, depressed and directionless.
I hated my Uni cause i didn't see any point in life.
Now? I found myself, i "awoke".
I REALLY understand what is happening ( in my micro-world, and in the everyone's macro-world), and this gives me a direction to fullfill my goal ( wich is to have a family, do the least ammount of work to give them bread on the table, and to have a women who will stay by my side ).
So, to recap:
1) find/understand yourself
2) by doing point one you will udnerstand what you want ( set your goal )
3) understand how you can OBTAIN that goal.
After you have done this, women WILL 100% notice.
They will see your confidence, that you can live without them, and they will WANT to be at your side, so that they can help you on you journey.
I know this seems like shit advide ( the work on yourself meme? ), but it's true.
It doesn't matter what you look like ( even if it migth help ), but with women what REALLY matter is WHO you ARE, and WHERE you want to go.
Their NPCness will just make them feel actracted to you.
This migth seems degradating and hating towards women, but it's not.
It's just the truth.
You gotta put yourself out there more and be ready to dole out bit of attention to women you might potentially dislike in order to find one you're compatible with.
Also going to the gym a lot is most definitely self improvement but doesn't do that much in terms of finding a gf. Ya you look nice but if you can hold a conversation, let alone attempt to approach any, you're just going to be a buff loner
Additionally, be careful with the whole "I hate women" mindset. Even if you're engaging with women and not specifically professing your distain for them, that kind of attitude can easily still be communicated through your body language, how you answer questions, or your tone of voice.
So remember to self evaluate if you find yourself in situations where you're like "I fucking TRIED being NICE to these damn WHORES and nothing seems to work!!"
Good luck
Get therapy
>Why would i lie tho?
Because 75% of Jow Forums is incels larping for some sort of self gratification or validation for their bigoted views
Dawg if i can get gf you can too, i am only 5'8 and 4,5/10
Thank you for the genuine advice anons. I will do my best. Its just that my emotions feel out of control, ive felt like im being tricked and led on, and yeah i couldn't understand them, they get on with guys looking so bad and loose?! So i suppose they have something figured out which i dont, and that must be some sense of direction.
No way. Too much to loose. Not going to be taking fucking mind killing pills or ruin my career prospects for a potentially small mental breakdown
Therapists can't prescribe medication
I've had girls show me attention, but i just didn't find them attractive! If that's not the case then what's the point?
You threaten delegates and take them as hostage, that's not a girlfriend Ted Lawliet
>my emotions feel out of control
>ive felt like im being tricked and led on
>some sense of direction
It's the only thing that matter man, an universal truth for every man.
You purspose shape you.
Lemme be frank, i don't think that you understood this.
I certanly didn't when i first heard about it.
I think that you will have to come to the truth that i showed you on your own, and maybe it will take you years.
Just, in the meantime remeber: a man with a purpose is unstoppable, and if you find WHO you are, and follow your goal, you will be too.
If you doubt this, think about this: in cominist's prison camps they specilized in breaking men.
Well, guess what, religious men died wiah a smile on their faces.
Lemme repeat that, a SMILE, facing DEATH.
Can you even remotely understand the sheer power of those guys?
The legit power that held them in those moments?
And why did they have that "power"? Cause they had faith, and thus a purpose ( following thier God ).
Now, it doesn't have to be religion ( i don't suggest it personally ), but religion takes you to the same place: it gives you a purpose.
So, again, work on yourself, and what you DO will have meaning again.
One day maybe you will understand too.
Till then, be strong.
The future is yours.
This. Only in hyper rare instances do two people belong together and deserve to produce offspring. Artificial wombs and surrogates are the only rational decision
I have visible abs and can bench 200lbs and I don’t work out
Nice bait, but that would unironically mean youre a freak of nature
Thank you for your genuine reply, il try and take the most from it. I actually slept tonight and for some reason i dreamt i was flirting with a girl, but there the dream ended
I'm still finding this funny.
It's not exactly "on point", but for a lot of guys here, it's a very good starting point. You guys really should try to apply this to your behaviour towards women, and then adjust it as you progress.
I'm saying this as a woman. It is genuinely good advice, obfuscated as demeaning and degrading. Some of it is, obviously, but a lot of girls don't mind the overall theme that this is going for. As long as you don't push it too far, and accept a bit of pushback once in a while, and adjust to that, it will serve you extremely well. With a bit of experience, this will undoubtedly go a long way.
You despise yourself so much that you project your own self-hatred onto half of the world. Solid job there.
Seek love, not desire. Seek balance, not fire.
Your problems will not end if you find a partner op, you will just find someone to project them onto. Find something that will make you happy regardless, then a person who is happy for the things that make you happy and you want to share your journey with. Remember its a partnership, with a person with their own wants and needs and goals.
Unfortunately, its not easy doing so. Life is not easy in general, nor is it fair or just - it never was and will never be. All I can tell you is that you need to detach yourself with what you feel is fair or not, and just live the best you can without hurting others.
Women are trash your best shot is to find trash woman and turn her into non trash one.
>I'm still finding this funny
Well, thanks! Means that im the rigth track.
Who knows, maybe one day i ll be a man that i can be proud of.
Apriciated the feedback tho.
>It's not exactly "on point"
Come on, girl. Be honest, it is.
It sure explains how i got any gf i ever had, sadly.
( Being the "nice guy" didn't help LMAO, fuck what they teach in schools ).
> try to apply this to your behaviour towards women
>then adjust it as you progress
There is nothing to adjust.
This is reality, i mean, we ARE different.
> It is genuinely good advice
> obfuscated as demeaning and degrading
Girl, it's not demeaning and degrating, come on.
You have your strenghts, and we have ours.
We are meant to complete each other, methinks.
> accept a bit of pushback once in a while
>and adjust to that
Fucking this. Happens with my gf too.
But you are right. That helps too, else we would be too arrogant.
A tad of humility every now and then helps.
Just, an advice from a man too: try to push back in a rational sense, else we are gonna ignore you.
22 is young as fuck
u shud b around girls alot with friends parties.
>Being the "nice guy" didn't help LMAO, fuck what they teach in schools
Nah, the school was garbage at doing that. Remember it is coming from as a and lonely teachers, and you begin to Understand why the advice isn't exactly great.
>There is nothing to adjust.
1 approach won't work everywhere or for everyone. You need a certain type of personality to match this perfectly, and if you can't, adjusting it a bit to suit your needs will make it better. And some girls require a slightly different approach.
Overall, it is definitely recommendable advice.
Welcome to Jow Forums(nel)
The reason that nice girls you like dont like you is because they can detect youre a psychopath
>i love to travel
What else should i add to roasty list? What do you think roasty?
>the school was garbage at doing that
>it is coming from as a and lonely teachers
Well, don't know if all of them were alone, and it's ot just schools, it's society in general, and the message that is pushed.
You would think you could trust the sistem, and that you can lower your guard cause it is build to protect you, eh?
>1 approach won't work everywhere or for everyone
What are you referring to?
The first part ( setting a goal for yourself, etc ), or the pic ( after you get a girl )?
>some girls require a slightly different approach
Interesting, can you say wich one?
You're a troll pretending to be OP right? The stereotypical brainlet incel response. Shot up your school yet?
I haven’t touched a weight in years, yet im abouy to go wrap my hands around aome warm juicy tits in my bed.
Goodnight you weak ass bitch who is too much of a pussy to fucking take a risk and ask you girl out.
>roasty unironically wants someone to shoot up school
Women have heart of gold dont they?
>Well, don't know if all of them were alone, and it's ot just schools, it's society in general, and the message that is pushed.
>You would think you could trust the sistem, and that you can lower your guard cause it is build to protect you, eh?
Might be my age, but when I had this sex ed and dating advice classes like... 15 years ago, it was a middle-aged single woman going through everything from sex to relationships, to how you act in a relationship.
In hindsight, she seemed laughably incompetent at it.
>What are you referring to?
All of them. Everybody is different, and I'm not saying any of the parts aren't useable, just that you don't need to take them as hard rules, but more guidelines to work towards.
>Interesting, can you say wich one?
This overall approach won't have the same effect on the shy virgin, that it will on the party slut. It's mostly just controlling the pace and force at which you apply this, but it does take some adjusting to work best.
I'd wager most people would realize it fairly quickly.
Is that all you stupid women have to say? You fags are like broken records. Incel basically translates to
>He disagreed with me and that made me mad!
Get fucked you disgusting waste of space.
You really are an incel. Anyone who doesn't agree with you must be a roastie. Sad how people like you who have an IQ of less than 80 get so buttmad at the truth. You can't handle being told that it's your fault for not getting girls.
>it was a middle-aged single woman going through everything from sex to relationships
Oh, God. LMFAO.
Nah, we didn't have sex ed, but theachers tried to drill into our thick head how to behave.
I mean, they tried, but we didn't listen.
>just that you don't need to take them as hard rules, but more guidelines to work towards
Oh, i see. Agreed.
>This overall approach won't have the same effect on the shy virgin
The way to "get" a girl? I mma have to disagree.
It worked on mine, and she was the shy virgin kind.
And it worked on sluts, i can testify to that.
Or did you mean the second part, the "later" pic part, the one where the dude explains what happens in a relationship?
If so, what would you do differently?
Their brainwashed and retarded brains cant make up any other insult. Western women are unironically biggest joke there is and they will act like they are the true shit when they get approached from third world shitskins at daily basis.
They live in complete delusion in order to not kill themselves. Im not even joking at this point.
You are right it's my fault for not wanting arrogant cunt who think she is the best shit in this world while looking like trash.
> My 5 brain cells, can't comprehend how to fix my problems so I decided to blame other people and feed my corporate owners more and more
>buh wumen infruge on muh freedum wah wah
I have no problem getting women and have a girlfriend, but I think it's funny how you think I would put any of my value on the amount of women I can get. I do not need you to be happy and you are easily replaceable.
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are.
You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you.
They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are?
How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.
I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections.
My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby doll. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will
ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen. I live in London. Please be in London
I live in the west and god damn dude I'm witnessing it first hand. Luckily I got a girl that is old fashioned and respectful. Not this new age bullshit.
>mfw I actually laughed
That was very nicely worded user. I retract my previous statement. You're aight.
it was copypasta you newfag. It was all ironic.
Such transparent obvious lies. Someone who acts like a psychopath brainlet incel like you cannot get girls.
>actual 5 IQ spotted
You either meet your girlfriend ten years ago or you're fucked really
at least you know how easy it's to trick you. Learn from your mistakes and try to become good woman. Life is about evolving and not being stupid while following false doctrines.
Oh, don't worry, hard times are almost here, women will cut the bs as soon as they start to understand the gravity of the situation.
Ah hey, if those in power handle everything correctly, we won't even have war.
At least i hope..
We just gotta survive the culling.
>drops down to 2 IQ
you're still missing the joke mate
I don't care if you believe me or not, I think it's funny that all you can do is repeat the same tired bullshit all of the other women like you do. You can't fathom a world where you are replaceable and don't have power over men, and that makes you uncomfortable.
>he's hung up on the fate of a climactic happening
Dude this planet's fucked in like 50 years tops
>i was only pretended to be retarded jokes on you
yea yea. Im low iq retard sure.
A few of the good ones still exists, I found one, but damn dude it took a hell of a lot of trial and error. And a lot of wasted time.
Says the guy only repeating incel npc lines.
>hurr roastie
>u mad
>I heard the blacksmith has new weapons for sale
Repeat ad infinitum whenever someone presses A next to you.
But the west is gonna collapse, cause women refuse to do thier job and make kids to continue the civilization, and they don't even want to import slaves.
It's a global economic crash, and maybe a nice WW ( like what happened during the last world depression lmao ).
Btw, can the girl from before answer to this?
Now you're not making sense, did I break you?
>I heard the blacksmith has new weapons for sale
never heard this one.
mate, I tried, I hope you grow another cell or two and realize that even people with below average intelligence understand sarcasm
have fun in 1 IQ land
yea you got me. Good luck in life hope you wont choke on the cock.
same to you lad, have fun with that cheeze dick
Im the op, and this was not my post
>The way to "get" a girl? I mma have to disagree.
>It worked on mine, and she was the shy virgin kind.
>And it worked on sluts, i can testify to that.
>Or did you mean the second part, the "later" pic part, the one where the dude explains what happens in a relationship?
>If so, what would you do differently?
I was referring to the whole thing, both getting and keeping one.
But hey, if it works for you, keep doing what you do. You understand how to apply it properly, so it's all good. All i am saying is that it might work less well for some people doesn't fully understand how it should be applied.
> it might work less well for some people doesn't fully understand how it should be applied
So.. Basically you are saying that.. If you don't understand how the thing work, it won't work for you..?
I gotta be honest girl, that's not as deep as i would have wanted it.
Pun not intended, i ain't a fag.
Shes probably ugly or fat. Gl with that faggot
Top kek
How can I find my purpose ?
I don't have faith, even though I would like to
I don't have any subject i'm particularly passionate about, and those in which I have a moderate intereste (like movies) I don't see myself making much in them
Not OP, thanks for this genuinely helpful advice.
>tried self improvement through bodybuilding
I don't know how or why you guys think this makes us want you. It is a repellent and we know, correctly, you bodybuilding types hate women.
How fat are you, anonette?
Fuck off. A well trained guy is far more appealing than a fat lazy piece of shit.
No one is talking about Arnold levels of buff bodybuilder, we are just talking ottermode/ripped physique. And besides, it usually gives a lot of guys a lot more confidence in themselves, which also helps tremendously.
I'm not, I run and recently got into yoga.
Most of you roid boys are in love with your own muscles and spend all your time gazing into a mirror and comparing yourself to other men and their muscles. You have no time for anything else.
I legit was like you.
The best that i can say to you is: "it's your journey".
I can't tell you who or what you value, only YOU can hope to understand/know yourself.
I can tell you what it did the trick for me tho.
I was depressed, and i repressed my self to work harder.
And it worked, but my depression deepened, cause i had no meaning.
Then, one day, i was on fucking youtube on all things, and i started following the rabbit hole to this website.
Then i bombarded myself with redpills, hard and harsh truths, till i now understand where i am ( and where the world is, roughly, im not God, but i have a really general good idea of what's going on).
After that i rediscovered what i was taught as a kid, why religion is important, and what is used for.
I basically discovered WHY i was taugth all this things.
After that, i trained myself in developing an inner voice, and i understood who i am, and thanks to that i was able to look at myself, and understand what i wanted.
Now, i don't know if i ll ever get it, but i have an end goal now, so the path that i will walk migth change, but i know the general place where i wanna end up.
So, in short, to know who you are, i would suggest you to understand WHERE you are, by then think of what you would like the path to go, and then udnerstand why you want it to go there.
After that, discorver yourself.
I hope this will help you!!
Look believe what you want, but you muscle men are arrogant and short tempered. You think its you at the pinacle and everybody else is fat and lazy and a piece of shit and that is simply not true
>roid boys
It's not your fault you're attracted to them
This. Bodybuilders suck. They're not even aesthetic.
Can you even read or have the steroids and whey made you a blind idiot?
I don't know where you live but the "roidboys" at my gym are like ~10% at most
They do, each other. They flex and pose and look for reasons to remove their shirt but usually in front of other men. Its their form of a pissing contest. They gaze lovingly into a mirror and see themselves as near perfect as a human can be and everyone, EVERYONE else are losers.
>I'm not, I run and recently got into yoga.
Hell, you sounds like a friend of mine ( girl ).
i hope that it helps you, cause if you are similar to her, then it will help her too, and she deserves it. She is not the best person, but she is worthy of love.
Btw, if you are the girl who answered to me here:
, what do you think about this: ?
Cause it sound like you have a brain in your head, and a woman's prospective migth help to here .
I'm a woman, you cunt.
No one is talking about the gay macho dude on steroids. Being ripped doesn't mean being on steroids or staring at yourself in the mirror for hours every day. Best looking guys are something like pic related. You are thinking of something completely different if you think "bodybuilding" means "steroids".
but you all want to get there and pump and flex and have your own gym language and handshake. Its like a cult
>I'm not fat, I run and recently got into yoga
So like 99% of all women after the new years resolution. Great job, fatty.
>if you are the girl who answered to me here
I'm not
you aren't a woman, no woman would post that pic but a guy would
You have clearly never been to a gym, ever.
I go to a local one, and no guys match the description you are giving. And I'm a girl, and I was afraid of this stereotype when I first began.
Seriously, just stop. You don't know what you are talking about, and you severely misunderstand what is being referred to when the advice "do bodybuilding" is given.
>but you all want to get there and pump and flex and have your own gym language and handshake. Its like a cult
No, we go there to directly or indirectly improve our chances with the opposite sex you gymthot.
like I said, you believe you are at the pinnacle of the human form and everyone else is a fatty. Your mind has become mush, you got roid brain.
Seriously for a minute. You do know most people laugh about you freaks
You just confirmed you are just a fat guy who hates the fact that he is too lazy to work out, and thinks it's "genetics" that decides whether you ripped or not.
That, or you are a delusional fatty who is trying to rationalize why you don't go for the hot guys, knowing they would never give you the time of day, and if they did, they would film it and upload it with the headline "fucked a whale lol"
>improve our chances with the opposite sex you gymthot
and I am telling you it has the exact opposite effect on us meat head.
>all men that go to gyms are roidheads
>even the natty ones?
>I don't have a chance with the gym guys, so I'll thrash talk them: the post.
The sheer level of delusions needed to think this is insane.
But you do you user. I'll be enjoying my steroid free guys who naturally worked on their six pack, and you can enjoy your fat, lazy gamer boyfriend.
>decides whether you ripped or not
here again you are wrong about most of humanity outside your cult. we aren't obsessed with ripped or not 24/7 RIPPED, RIPPED, RIPPED its like a chant while high on growth hormones
She (let's be honest, it's most likely a fat guy) is most likely just trolling at this point.
I sincerely hope no one is actually this stupid.
Do post a picture of your ideal man, then.