anons im trying to quit a weird fetish but i become very horny when in stress. idk how or why but its been fucking with my attempts to get rid of the fetish. im a student so i feel stress pretty often too. what do i do?
Help me
Jack off normal style
user i wish i could
What is the fetish?
I have a pee fetish and it appears I can’t get rid of it.
feminization and tg stuff
its probably the hardest to get rid of imo. thats its own problem though
gender transformations, although thats not as strong anymore
What is feminization?
Are you queer?
>What is feminization?
stuff like making a boy dresss/act like a girl
>Are you queer?
no but this fetish has made me doubt it
I’m not really following the motivation.
I know, as a heterosexual female with a pee fetish, that I’m more likely to find a normal male partner if I don’t have to tell them about the fetish but when I don’t tell them I can’t open up and then when I do tell them I still cannot cum.
i honestly dont know. i think its self hate or guilt that made it bad + a few other things
yeah pretty much
I don't think you can ever get rid of it. It's hard enough to get rid of something goofy like breast expansion.
user at least id like to tone it down to where its controllable. its literally the only thing i can fap to
Oh. In that case you just gotta branch out a bit. Acquire more fetishes so the one you want rid of makes up a smaller portion of your fetish pool.
but how do i do that
and how do i regain my natural attraction to girls
>but how do i do that
Fap to shit that's in the middle of the venn-diagram, then work your way up to the just the new shit.
>and how do i regain my natural attraction to girls
I dunno man, I just really like tits so that's not an issue for me.
>Fap to shit that's in the middle of the venn-diagram, then work your way up to the just the new shit.
okay. thanks user
do you watch porn, or hentai ?
hentai i guess but its mostly just stories and captions. rarely videos
>mostly just stories and captions. rarely videos
Press F for my bro with a female sexuality, may he some day find peace.
>female sexuality
stop this faggot thing
try humiation fetish (like public sex)
after that watch vanilla porn like doggystyle
after that, you should quit everything and jerk off with your mind on coworker or some shit.
take your time (2-3 month), i had a weird fetish myself it take 2 month to take rid of it.
>mostly just stories and captions. rarely videos
Typically guys are more visual while girls are more into stories and whatnot. I'm mostly just making fun of you to cope with the fact that I'm the same way.
its not the only thing i get aroused by user. i kind of go through a cycle
but ill try your method, thanks
>Typically guys are more visual while girls are more into stories and whatnot
fuck. shit like this is probably why i have the fetish in the first place
I'm sorry bro, it's a tough racket.
i know :(
but i still cant figure out the connection with stress
What do you mean?
Do you want to be the little girl?
Could it be that you feel playing the role of a woman would lead to an easier/less stressful life? In your fantasies, is there a man (or woman?) who actively feminizes you? Does he take care of you in exchange for letting him dress you up and fuck you like a girl?
the op
>Do you want to be the little girl?
i used to (kind of), but only temporarily
>Could it be that you feel playing the role of a woman would lead to an easier/less stressful life?
i guess? theres a lot of factors i think. this could be one
>In your fantasies, is there a man (or woman?) who actively feminizes you?
yes. used to be a woman, now its almost always a man
>Does he take care of you in exchange for letting him dress you up and fuck you like a girl?
kinda yeah
its fucking weird to write it out now. these used to be much stronger but its a little more in control now
*these feelings used to be stronger
i got to go now but ill explain in more detail if you need me to, later
dude when did this start. my bet is that you had some sort of weird sexual experience around puberty that is the cause. maybe you should seek advice from a professional. can we get background about this?
Is it girls farting fetish cuz you should just embrace it dude
sure ill get back in a few minutes
no its not
I actually feel you on this OP since my wacky list of fetishes (predominantly feet, but has extended to GTS, expansion, gentle fendom and the like) has pretty much caused me to realize no girl is going to put up with my shit.
Normal porn can never ever cut it. And the times I've paid for sex has made me completely uninterested.
Usually there's something deeper? The one time I went to a decent therapist, he mentioned that my parent's lockdown on my emotions forced me to find escapism in my fetish instead.
What kind of pee fetish? Golden showers?
heres a greentext i posted on another board. tried to cut it down to the essential parts
>be me, see body swap in a cartoon for the first time at a young age, find it hot
>thought about it a few times, the whole thing seemed pretty cool to me
>had a few fantasies i dont even remember
>soon i have my first crush. one day i think about body swapping
>how cool it would be to be her, but temporarily
>think about this a lot more than body swap, feel horny when i do
>dont know how to get rid of the feeling yet so i just keep thinking
>wonder about other girls and how it would feel like to be one
>discover tg porn soon, read everything, fall down the tg rabbithole
>masturbated for the first time
>rarely beat it to anything else
>one day i think about how fun forced tg on myself would feel. it gets me REALLY excited
>masturbate to it once, feels great
>now its all i jack off too
>eventually it shifts to being tg-d by a guy and getting fucked
>lose the desire to jack off to anything else
>i try to stop it, but the feeling comes back occasionally and its really strong
>been trying to quit for half a year now
although im not sure this is how it started.
You're actually masturbating to your own shame and self loathing which is expressed through the feminization imagery. It's a coping mechanism for your mind to take unmanageable negative feelings and turn them into something positive, but it's not a very good one.
It's no coincidence that when you're stressed the feeling is triggered more. Your fetish is a symptom, not a cause. You need to work on your self esteem and self loathing if you are to have any hope of kicking the issue.
Try to quit porn. It rots your brain and robs you of your creativity. Even if you relapse just keep your chin up and keep trying. If you have to start by just cutting down to once a week even that is a great start. Baby steps user.
this is honestly what i think too, but idk how to work on the issue at all. theres too much that goes against it every time i try working on it
ive tried going cold turkey. i can do a month or two at most at a time. should i try baby steps instead?
Against better judgement... How weird?
With fetishes, crushes and other typse off obsessions I've found that the only way to get rid of it is to go full full bore until you blow through to the other side.
>With fetishes, crushes and other typse off obsessions I've found that the only way to get rid of it is to go full full bore until you blow through to the other side.
user ive tried that but i kept wanting more
I also have a fetish for being a woman. Honestly just stop being bothered by it and then you will no longer fear it. I just remind myself it is just a fantasy and I don't control how I feel about it. You will probably also start developing intrusive thoughts about being gay but again just try to remind yourself it wouldn't even matter if you were gay you can still date woman and be attracted to men too. Also you can still be a man and be turned on imagining being a woman. It's just fantasy like a child fantasizes. It's probably your inner child at work.
The funny thing is that when I stop being afraid of it I want it less.
>The funny thing is that when I stop being afraid of it I want it less.
this happened to me to user, thanks for sharing. but i have other problems now
>how do i regain my natural attraction to girls
But you are attracted to girls right? I mean what is the fantasy? You like thinking about what having tits and an ass would feel like right? Or is it really just wearing women's clothes?
>I mean what is the fantasy?
hard to pinpoint
>you like thinking about what having tits and an ass would feel like right? Or is it really just wearing women's clothes?
both i guess
i just want to stop thinking about 'being her' as opposed to fucking her. like, the fetish is the first thought i tend to have and it hasnt always been like this
>But you are attracted to girls right?
i honestly dont know anymore
Okay user I want you to understand that if being a women turns you on then women turn you on. You are definitely attracted to women. Secondly it isn't a huge deal, I think it is mostly just a desire for empathy in a sexual context. I am able to fap to thoughts of having sex with a girl but I always like imagining she is having the time of her life. I think you are just more focused on the girl. Also I want to make it clear you can be attracted to men and women and you can just choose to be with women instead of men. You don't need to be LGBT or anything even if you jacked off imagining sucking dick.
>I am able to fap to thoughts of having sex with a girl but I always like imagining she is having the time of her life. I think you are just more focused on the girl
this, absolutely. i can relate 100% and i always thought it was a weird unnatural thing
so i have this fetish because im empathetic to girls?
also, bump for the question in the op
>so i have this fetish because im empathetic to girls?
Yep. I mean empathy is basically imagining yourself in another persons shoes. I think the fetish kind of develops when you leave yourself out of the picture which is where some of the self hate comes in. I notice my faps are the absolute best when I imagine having sex with a women and I think about how she is feeling but I also try to keep myself in the picture and fight the urge to shit on myself. A lot of times I find intrusive self-hating thoughts pop up when I try fapping to sex with a woman and it obviously kills the mood. But it is definitely fun to imagine what the woman is feeling and there really isn't anything wrong with that. The real problem is the self-hate.
interesting . I do believe that our early life experiences especially around puberty do shape our sexual desires. you should probably get a therapist that specializes in this to work through it if this is something you want to change.
this is me btw
>The real problem is the self-hate.
i know but most of it is kinda tie to the fetish
therapist isnt an option right now, user
>most of it is kinda tie to the fetish
Don't let it get to you. I know it might feel like you are less of a man for it but you really aren't. It's just a fantasy it doesn't define you as a person. I think it's the only real way to overcome it just let go of thinking you are horrible for having it.
>I know it might feel like you are less of a man for it but you really aren't. It's just a fantasy it doesn't define you as a person.
thanks user
>I think it's the only real way to overcome it just let go of thinking you are horrible for having it.
but theres just so much to go through for that and idk where to start
Something you could start with is by noticing you don't really control your feelings or thoughts. It can help you relieve some of the guilt because you really aren't making yourself like this or anything.
okay thanks
but ill always feel like a liar for hiding this and even if i get rid of it, idk how to get over the fact that i had something like it in the first place. it makes me feel like a failure
>ill always feel like a liar for hiding this
Everyone hides their sexual fetishes man. You don't necessarily have to hide it from a girlfriend if you get one though but I am not much help in that department.
>how to get over the fact that i had something like it in the first place. it makes me feel like a failure
That's what I mean when I say it isn't your fault you can't control it yourself. It doesn't make you a failure.
>That's what I mean when I say it isn't your fault you can't control it yourself. It doesn't make you a failure.
thats true, but the fact that i ever had something like this in the first place, and let it stay for so long do bother me
sorry if i sound repetitive
That's what you have to let go of. You could try meditating you will find some peace in it I think.
i find it a little difficult but ill try user
bump for the question in the op
user, what do i do about how i think others might see me?
bump again
this is just a meme though, right?
Try whacking off when you get stressed in traffic; you need to harness this power for good to improve your life, user.
>you need to harness this power for good to improve your life
thanks for the advice
can i get a non joke example of how to do this
I was only half joking, so no.
can you tell me more?
how do i fix it?
or am i just fucked?
>how do i fix it?
If I knew how to fix it I would have.
>or am i just fucked?
For both our sakes, I hope not. But the pessimist in me says yes.