Besides childbirth.
The whole thing from casual sex to relationships seems like a fucking waste of time and all the talk I've heard of nofap and getting my mind off of women and sex actually not feeling good is just making irritated and more confused.
What can women do that masturbation and friends can't?
Or even is there?
I mean I guess there isn't.
I should abandon this entire thing.
What do you want, for us to debate you?
not him but that would be nice
ive seen so much negative shit on here that i might be turning prison gay
You see so much negative shit here, because all the negative shit comes from khv incels
Knowing the warmth of having a gf who actually is into you is something that can't be described outside of metaphors.
Also, sex is 1000x more pleasurable than fapping
nothing, after fapping i basically become asexual for a few hours. i enjoy solitude and have no desire to deal with another person during that time. as long as fapping doesnt take over your life you should be good
No... i need to stop posting here that's what I should do. This is my last post and I'll just read the responses and wait for the therapist to get back to me on the... 20th...
Okay so uh
The message I got okay. I have to check that website the crisis counselor sent me and get "guy" friends again. That helped... I need friends. I can't rely on those retarded hired friend social workers. I have to find actual friends that I meet on a more natural way than an awkward dnd game with a social worker...
So what I'm going to do is check that site. Now. After this post. I will check that site. What hobbies do I have besides dnd? Not sure. But its something. I can check on the site.
There's singing and/or acting lessons I can take next semester. I think I'd like that a d it could probably help me in a lot of ways so that one at least was a good suggestion.
I should start writing again. But I have to find a balance between that and school.
I should be fi gi ring out a 5 point schedule too at some point. No, focus right now. This is only a few seconds. For now I just need to look at that text.
Oh my god this is kind of working
Hey anons I probably won't be reading your responses at least not immediately, but if you can keep this thread bumped, I want to try and experiment and maybe other anons can learn as I go or something. was kinda weird I don't know how I feel about that one. I dod try meetup before I think but maybe I can look at it again.
Until you have a partner on an extremely intimate level, then you won’t know what the difference betweenness a girl and just masturbating and having friends is.
But by the sounds of it, you’re not capable of that kind of intimacy so just stick to masturbating and having friends, seems like you’ll be fine
user can you help me out ()
id like to hear a few positives about girls that arent just 'sex'
tell me how you feel
Posting all that and a anime girl as a picture on top like a proverbial cherry is a bit too obvious man
Well, when I get home from work and get inside to see my girlfriend, she’s already cleaned the house before I’ve gotten home and organised dinner. Not because she feels like she has to, but because she loves me so much she wants me to come home to a nice space (she’s told me this)
She does this with my clothes too
Sometimes when we haven’t seen each other all day, we get home and look at each other and just laugh like idiots because we are so excited to see each other and spend an evening together eating food and watching dumb videos on YouTube.
When I’m feeling stressed she rubs my temples and my back and gives me the softest and lightest kisses and caresses my skin to calm me down.
She asks me about my day and she cares about what I say, she gives me advice when I’m stressed about shit at work.
On Saturday’s, which is our only day off together, we get up early and go get breakfast and drive somewhere nice and walk together and hold hands and talk shit. Saturday is the highlight of my week.
She comes with me to hang out with my friends and she gets along with all of them great, she makes friends with their girlfriends and we all have a really good time together.
It’s almost like we aren’t even different people, she’s the one I want around when I want to be alone. We can sit in silence together doing our own thing.
I can be in the spare room for hours making music or playing games and she will come in and kiss my head every now and then or ask to listen or if I want food.
I could go on and on about this forever there is so much more but I’ll stop here
I might not need meetup actually there's a player in my class. I could ask them.
I did like roleplaying a lot and miss it a lot. Almost got a hookup there, but wasn't interested in her.
I could ask her... I don't see much of a problem with that.
So I just find a group on meetup in the meantime, but ask lesbo girl later. She's weird but seems nice enough.
thats very nice user. very cute. hope i find something like this but ive been taught that
>she’s already cleaned the house before I’ve gotten home and organised dinner
this is only in fantasies
>eating food and watching dumb videos on YouTube
>playing games
>feeling stressed
are beta and girls willl leave me over it
and they are all cheaters and good for nothing leeches. idk if i even want to try until i manage to get rid of these thoughts but i dont know hoe
>only in fantasies
I guess I live in one
>are beta
My girlfriend loves all of these things, and is a 9/10, hottest girl I’ve ever been with and admits to me that she thinks I’m literal alpha (lol)
This girl would never cheat on me, she adores me and you can literally see it.
I hope you find something like that.
Lol if i were in that situation i would find it too good to be true and would think there's some catch.
thanks user, i hope you find even more happiness in your life
gonna work on it
There are days that are just the worst. Nothing goes right and I am beyond stressed. When I get home my wife knows the look on my face and just sits by me. The touch of her skin is enough to make the entire day better.
>he doesn't know how it feels to have his gf nestle back into him while you spoon on the couch watching bad movies and eating pizza and then she sighs contentedly while playing with your hand
The catch it that your life would now be tied to another person and you can’t be selfish with life choices anymore.
I kind of enjoy hearing women speak. Most of the time when I ask someone out it's because of their voice.
And maybe even farts on you and laughs.
>sex doesnt feel good
lol what a loser. i bet hes been cut
The key is to not worry too much about sex, because that is indeed done just fine on your own with today's tools. You do it because you found yourself a person you genuinely want to spend your time with.
Literally do it for the same reason most women do it. Men are generally garbage at pleasuring women properly, and has the wrong idea of what makes sex good. If size mattered, we would never have sex with men, because toys feel realistic, but are bigger, and machines do the thrusting better than you do. It's not about the sheer pleasure, it's about the union and the relationship, which is ALWAYS vastly more important than mindless sex or masturbation. Having someone go crazy for you, lust over you, and lay and cuddle and comfort you, is vastly more important. Watching someone cum because of your actions is exhilarating, and coming home to someone every evening, is pure joy.
If you only want a relationship for sex, you might as well not bother, and just masturbate by yourself.
Would debate the "sex is better" aspect, but the warmth of loving gf is hard to overstate.
700 members. Damn.
Sounds inconsistant. Not sure why he'd want random people over like that.
200, 300...
Maybe I should start my own group.
I don't and never had a girlfriend, but I have had sex and its waaaay better than masturbation.
Also, she does nice stuff for you for free since she loves you. And you will too (hopefully) for the same reason.
I am remaining girlfriendless by choice though, since I want to be experienced in life and have lota of skills befoee I even consider one.
Dont want to make my girlfriend have to suffet because of my lazy ass.
>comparing sex to masturbation
Laughable. Sex with a person you love that knows your body and what you like is something entirely different than masturbation. It's like a five star restaurant vs. dinner at McDonald's.
That being said, there are other benefits as well. My fiancee is my best friend. She's brilliant and we share a lot of hobbies, so we can spend hours verbally shitposting, but we can also spend hours together in complete silence, each doing their own thing, and it won't be awkward. I can be myself with her. She will listen to my trouble without judging (I have depression and tried to kill myself multiple times in the past, so believe, I have a lot of issues. She knows about them and accepts me as I am). She's a great cook and loves to make me happy, so she cooks for me regularly. She also bakes a lot. We have never argued and probably never will because we know how to keep our cool and genuinely want to make the other person feel good, so when we disagree on something, we just discuss it calmly.
Life has never been better for me before. It's not just about sex; it's mostly about having someone who accepts you completely. It's a comfy feeling.
>muh "good" feelings
Is all normies will tell you. You can be much more productive and efficient when you're alone. All I'd want from a woman is sex and children. Both of these can be supplied in ways that don't put half of my assets at risk, nor dangle false rape claims when they get dissatisfied.
Between surrogates and prostitutes there is no purpose in a traditional "gf." If you can score a Fwb, that's even better, but never develop feelings for it
This, living with and having sex with a girl you love who loves you can improve your quality of life drastically. Cleaner, more and better food, blowies whenever you want...
>not time consuming
>and you want to do this without a woman
Man, you are in for a nasty surprise.
Well, I should have added wetnurses and nannies. Regardless, if I was wealthy enough, or just working from home, I could handle it. If I had a few months savings to last until it could crawl, it wouldn't be that bad. Believe me, I've helped raise my younger siblings. I know what it entails.
The other option is sperm donating. As long as my dna passes on, I'll be happy
Look up how feminism ruined marriage. It is a Ben Shapiro video. It explains exactly why having a wife is good for men too. It forces us to grow up and generally become more cultured. It's good for women because we are supposed to protect our family.
not op but just as a brief counter:
While all of this sounds lovely, it is possible that such a level of intimacy is simply not desired by everyone.
and then one could argue that biologically humans are social creatures, we have a natural desire for love and intimacy and so on someone who has been in a similar position, I can say that all this simply becomes overwhelming, burdensome, and eventually unwanted.
I've had the privilege and fortune of meeting and spending time with some really cool and truly easy going girls, and while I had fun, too much intimacy and closeness is just not what I want at all.
now, this might just be me but I am much more comfortable, relaxed, and genuinely happy living alone, tending to my hobbies, doing what I think is fun, and maybe occasionally getting together with the small group of friends I've had since childhood.
I wonder if anyone else truly yearns for this more solitary lifestyle and not just because they are an edgy sad lad who hates women because he hasn't been able to have sex.
Good thread.
I have an intense fear or rejection which is why I haven't bothered with women for 10 years. It's hard to get over it but reading things like this helps. Although I can't help but think that if I was in any of these situations I'd get dumped the next day. It's a hard thought to get over in my head, enough to actually take the risk anyway.
Again thanks for posting, this helps.
Set the tripcode so I can navigate better.
You have to pay to list a group on meetup so its mostly businesses looks like. Did /tg/ have something in the sticky? I'll check there.
By the way, I glimpsed some people in this thread mentioning that they are not OP. Just so you know, anyone claiming to be OP who responded outside this chain of posts is not me; I've inky responded to myself and the thread as a whole blindly. Tripcode will probably make that easier
Reddit says Tavern Keeper, Roll 20, some other things...
I should probably also consider looking up writing groups, although I initially wanted to set that up at my college instead.
As an aside, I remember talking about girls and sex with my old group. Well, they seemed to like it. Even the guy with the cut dick like me apparently most men are. So thinking about that, I think its a .atter of not getting my hopes up and recognizing what might not fulfill me or be that good.
J said he felt like a peace of meat at one point regarding fbs. But he had good things to say about that crazy super slut open relationship chick who I didn't wanna mess with because her guy looked upset a lot and I really wondered...
Maybe I should start reading and writing again. That's a good mix of people. But I barely finish a book. Still, I can write well apparently and I should probably finish my book idea.
But I don't have it on schedule right now. Apparently with getting it done only in classes, I have something in common with a lot of students and some teachers.
But its about 9:40am so I should get ready now.
women just got the better end of the stick where they get to decide whose heart to destroy bro I realize men do this too but women overwhelmingly moreso... no matter how you slice it it just easy as fuck being the object of desire as opposed to the one who desires. Some dumb fuckin hoe gonna reply to this post with some all-encompassing opinion trying to level the playing field - say that women desire men too (no they fuckin dont that's a lie) - but the fact of life just that being a man is living hell while being a (at least mildly attractive) woman is a bucket of joy and laughter... yes, men are just women who got their existential cherry popped, by a harsh world, by a world unknown to women...
When this thread dies, I think I'll start a diary.
Then, I wanted to think about making an Jow Forums, I could talk it over with myself in some way instead of getting autistic about it. At least that's my hypothesis. I'll see.
Tbh I love sitting against a wall while my girlfriend faces me riding me, the view and having her in my face is 11/10 not going Into other details. But sex far overpowers an old fap
I have a lot on my mind and to do, but college is out today for weather..
This gives me time to plan. Today I'll get a planner and a diary. I'm diagnosed, at least, with ADHD so what I need to do is think which type of planner will work. O know for college I have to carry around binders and shit and I've passed classes, so the real problem could be my mentality.
Today I'll see what they have for planners... as for the diary... I'll keep it at home somewhere.
Actually, I should ask my apartment manager about tacks and such first. I have time to answer that question.
Did 12 push ups fuck all y'all niggas
Reminder to anyone who happens to be reading this: don't jog in cold weather. Use a treadmill. Got too excited. Fuck my throat.
Bought everything but the diary. Going to special place for that.
Noticed a pattern when girls look at me that I used to deny or explain away where they smile, then look away/down still smiling...
Its different when its at a store xounter with no other customers I think but I'm not sure.
Whatever the case, I need to pin this calander up.
>tripfag is totally self-absorbed
God damn dude.
Fair enough. I don't think I'm going to reuse this.
My goal is only to see how this goes. I could see how this could backfire and I can see why you'd say that.
Some of the things I wrote weren't really necessary and maybe for a second with that observation of ambiguous behaviour, maybe I was bei ng delusional. I'll try to only post when I have a dilemma or something and bot be self-absorbed because that's really...
Well, hopefully I can try not to do that.
Yeah I think that's enough of this thread.
I'll just get the diary and fuck off now. This thread/idea has worn its welcome.
I just don't trust anons to jot make me feel worse. That's all.
Also I'm sorry for touching on being attractive that's a long story. Women don't care as much about it so I mean it doesn't.. whatever.
>And then I read my own thread
Some of you were not exactly helpful or maybe didn't say enough like I don't know and am really, really scared as to why this poster thinks I'm incapable of intimacy.
But I would like to thank
It brought me to tears to see so many positive experiences.
I don't know what you all think of me at this point, but all I really want is to be like my parents. Maybe not with kids, but to have that experience.
It hurts and I'm hoping I can just keep myself balanced. But somehow I feel almost like I have to read these just to stay sane. Just to accept what I've missed so far.
I was afraid to read this thread, but I think I learned a lot doing this.
I learned that I can help myself and need to sometines, but I can't be cynical and fearful. I have to get over that.
I hope I can feel better someday. Realistically, I have to accept I won't feel completely better unless this changes...
Is this really even a 'want'? It doesn't feel like it is any more...
>the tripfag is responsible for this bait
No kiddin