How is sex anything more than hedonism?

if it's not, then theres no reason to persue it,right?

no sarcasm, im for real

Attached: real-people-try-cosmo-sex-moves-Fk3.png (640x360, 91K)

So is eating anything with flavor or non nutritious.

the purpose of sex is procreation

something the west forgot in the pursuit of feeling good

Don't worry people are even more sexless in asia

This “argument” is flawed for two reasons. First, sex is obviously more than hedonism because it aids in reproduction. Second, you claim there is “no reason” for hedonism, which is false. There are plenty of reasons for hedonism, you just don’t personally agree with that philosophy.

The only reason to pursue sex is if you actually want it. Stop weighing the right and wrongs of everything.

Gays eat da poo poo.

Like ice cream.

there is no reason to do anything. reason one of the many tools you have for getting what you want.
you are putting the cart before the horse

What's the matter with hedonism?

On average, human women need to be inseminated about 100 times to be actually fertilized even at the most fertile point of their cycle.
That means, even if you're fucking for procreation, 99 times out of a hundred will only be for pleasure. Theres a good reason Humans are wired to find sex extremely enjoyable by nature. I f you don't enjoy sex, then you wont have it often enough to make procreation happen.

This math seems off

>what is reproduction
>why is it necessary for the maintenance of society

Sex is only hedonism when proper pair bonding is not involved. So you are close to being correct. Most sex these days is hedonistic. That doesn't mean that sex is inherently evil.

>these days
When has sex not been hedonistic?

If both the man and women get enjoyment out of it, is it still hedonism? I would argue that non-mutually pleasurable acts like giving massages, blowjobs etc are mutually beneficial because the person pleasuring gets pleasure by simply being aware of the pleasure the other person is feeling. The pleasure feedback loop is amplified when the person being pleasured senses that the person pleasuring gets enjoyment out of it too.
It would be hedonism if one of the parties didn't want to have sex. Pure love making is mutual pleasure.

>Most sex these days is hedonistic

You INcel is showing - otherways you'd know that sex *is* a bonding activity. If you have sex, you'll create a ond to the other person ina way that barely another activity can.
And Is say that as someone who likes casua sex a lot. The problem is that a lot of emotionally damaged people use sex as an outlet, sometimes going great lengths to avoid the bonding component (with bullshit like "I'd never look an ONS in the eye during sex") which is why inexperienced spergs believe in the meme that you need disney puppy love followed by marriage to have sex be emotional.

Try having a relationship without sex, you can't.
Sex is used for bonding, you'll never know someone deeper than the moments sex provides.

Are you retarded? The purpose doesn't change because of the outcome. If you try to buy an icecream but accidentally buy Transformers 2 instead, the intent was still to buy an icecream.

You're compring apples to oranges.
A better comparison: If you try to build a car, but start building a scooter, what will you get? Purpose is important.
Having Sex twice a year in the dark while clamping your nose and trying to not enjoy it because baby jesus would cry otherwise ist just really fucking unlikely to get anyone pregnant.
Besides, I find it mind-boggling how people get the Idea that something completely natural could be innatel bad. Do you also fast 20 days of a month because eating is evil and enjoying food will get you to hell?

Yea but then birth control fucked everything up.
(no pun intended)

It's also healthy. People who have sex live longer.

I am a married man. You are obviously devoid of any morality.

Pleasure is bad because pleasure is bad because pleasure is bad because

Not entirely wrong. Cultures more traditional than the west ever will be used sex regularly and channeled that sexual energy in the name of whatever god. Then the woman had children. Not exactly pure hedonism but traditionalists didn't exactly go "hurr Durr time to breed don't enjoy this too much frauelein", bust in missionary then go on their way.

The main difference was that this was all controlled by a patriarchy, and thus, actually produced something of value.

>You are obviously devoid of any morality.

Says the NPC who lets his life and sex life be dictated by others down to every little detail

Osama bin laden had 5 wives and was more traditional and moral than you ever will be

Have you ever been to such a country?
People there have easily more casual sex than in the west, they just need to go to greater lengths to keep it covered and have things not go public.
In fact, I think they have more casual sex because they are not sorrounded by a society shovig down their throats all day how important it is to be "sexually liberated" and therefore have sex for pleasure and not social status as in the west.

>Osama bin laden had 5 wives and was more traditional and moral than you ever will be


There is something very wretched about a woman actively bonding with men "a lot".

And don't "incel" me, I am a woman and I never had sex with someone outside a long term committed relationship.

How old are you? Sex is what you make it and pleasure for the sake of pleasure isn’t necessarily hedonism until your life revolves it

>And don't "incel" me, I am a woman and I never had sex with someone outside a long term committed relationship.

Lol you're a female incel. I'm a dude and I've fucked literally over 100 women. Most of them raw.

Come at me. I'm spreading my seed

>There is something very wretched about a woman actively bonding with men "a lot".

I find it very fascinating how the people claiming to be oh so happy with thei r way of doing things a re the first to get ina huff about what other people are doing with their life?
How does another womans sex life concern you in the least?

Also this:
You seem like the type who will actively screen for desperate Beta losers by having them wait around while and hope for mommy to throw them some pussy please while you check off a mental checklist on whether you want this to be a relationship.
Nothing wrong with a woman needing some trust and time before sex, but elevating it to dogma will send any normal, confident man running.