How do you stay warm when it's stupid cold?

How do you stay warm when it's stupid cold?

Like freeze your fingers off cold

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wear more clothes, use blankets and drink warm drinks.

It all started with collecting furs and lighting fires. Can you be more specific in your question?

Buy a space heater and wear gloves faggot.

Wim Hof Method

Gloves can't even help

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please be a little more detailed about what advice you need. are you hypothermic right now?

Oh I'm fuckin shivering bud, how can one warm his hands without an access to outside heat?

Layered clothing, eat lots of fat.
Keep busy but make sure you don't sweat too much.
Make pictures of people that froze to death (this will keep you warm inside).

Keep your ears,feet,neck and hands warm.

Are you in a normal house with a good AC? What’s the temp in your house?

I’m not Canadian, but I assume you can call emergengy services if your health is really at risk.

God bless this country amirte?

I dunno. Are you freezing to death?

i’m finally warm and about to make some hot choccy. welcome to hell! you’d think it would be nice and hot but no, it’s so cold it burns

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also why is leo standing like lucky luciano in that pic

bloc the part when he’s like “u could never be my one and only anyways” but basically i’m lov

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champagne and sweet red

So cold I can't feel my face

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at least ur inside again, i’d be worried if you stayed out any longer than like five minutes

I'm laughing. You're so innocent weaboo.

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u should have som hot choccy, it’ll keep u worm :~)

I get a big empty juice bottle, like those cranberry juice onces and then fill it with the hottest possible water that doesnt melt the plastic. I get two of those and make sure the lid is tight. Then put them on my feet in my bed under the blankets. Sometimes ill put one on my back for extra warmth

Youll be surprised how warm youll feel just by keeping your feet warm

i’ve never thought of this this is genius, i usually just soak in a hot bath but this could be less work

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should i have:
rolo hot choc
coffee crisp hot choc
peppermint hot choc
orange pekoe tea

Order a white hot chocolate from timmies

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i’d have to pay like $5 for delivery idk if i wanna pay $7 for a timmies drink that’ll probably take forever to get here since it’s late and night staff don’t care

Something about this song

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here’s a bop, also u didn’t answer what kinda hot choccy i should have or tea. i’m not spending money on tims rn i’m so broke lmao

Tea. You think I'm evil?

no but why tea? i’ll have it bc i gave it as an option but Why

Warmth with less calories and less stomach heaviness.

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understandable u right

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I used to do the same thing. I would sit on my computer with my feet in a bucket with really hot water but you know how fast that water gets cold.

I forgot how i got the cranberry juice bottle idea but i started out using a regular water bottle to warm my hands.

The great thing about the big juice bottles is that their warmth will literally last into the next night. When youre replacing the cold water with new hot water, use the old water to water any house plants if you have any

Fingers crossed you can ward people off from this website onion#8979

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hope to see u on discord u swetty swetty boye

Also congratulations on becoming an anonette.

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i wanna be a botanist and i have over 60 plants in my apartment. whenever i wanna water them i throw them all in the bath tub lmao

i don’t wanna be anonette that name makes me sad because it represents someone else to me lmao. don’t forget the french part of the french onion#8979

I didn't post that. So you can see that there are a lot of anons and a lot of anonettes

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oh wacky thot it was u, maybe it was peanut anonette

Welcome to the cesspool of the internet. I recommend leaving and never returning.
I think it's my time

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hopefully will start seeing u on discord, looking for u for hours on here can really take away productivity time

hugging ur shirt also, smells rly nice. miss u

Fingers crossed you enjoyed feeling me inside you today

think i didn’t?

Fuck I wanna chat on discord now

see u soon lmao

layers, my son