Where do you meet conservative girls in college? I'm not talking about the country red neck whose only personality traits are guns and triggering libs, but the ones who are reserved and mostly have traditional values?
Where do you meet conservative girls in college...
What if I don't care about religion? I don't like lying unless it's to further my career.
not in America. Even whores who browse Jow Forums are completly brainwashed. Just fuck random pig and try to make her into conservative girl.
How exactly do you convince someone to change their mindset? I imagine you can't do it so blatantly because anyone would respond negatively to that.
Oh look it's another "I want a pure virgin gf who will love me unconditionally and fuck like a pornstar" thread. OP, you are pathetic. You don't even know what traditional values mean.
he socially conservative thing to do in college is to focus on your studies and not start romantic/sexual relationships with fellow students. that’s the ironic part.
fuck her until she passes out. Then question her liberal shit. If she start talking shit rape her. This will rewire her brain and will automatically make her feels good if you will start to question her brainwashed brain. Do this until she will want to speak about it and wont fight back. If she will fight back it's rape time.
>being this much of a retard
I never said I wanted a virgin girl, though it's preferred. Do YOU know what traditional values mean? I don't want someone who fucks like a pornstar.
Ok so you're just retarded too.
take my advice or leave it. No one forces you. But belive me my option is much more fun.
Are you the same ruskie posting those idiot wojak pics in the other thread?
Conservative people don't just hang out at some Conservative People Ranch or someshit
No this is the first post I've made this week
Why would they want you when you have no traditional values yourself?
I do. Not all my values are traditional though and I don’t expect nor want her’s to be either.
What do you even mean by traditional values? That buzzword gets thrown around all the time.
They want someone whose view of sex isn't "yeah, it's something I just have" and who isn't afraid to stand up for things they believe in.
Probably even better for you. Christians are like gays. They like to try and convert people who don't follow their lifestyle.
That doesn't mean shit. Pretty much everyone is like that.
Those girls went to a better college than you were able to get in to.