Dreapt of heaven

>dreapt of heaven
>what ever you want to call it.
>it wasn't even me who was enjoying it.
>abother perspective on life or another person.
> I feel empty now.
>it all made sense.
>it was perfect.

I'm having a bit of an essential crisis now. Nothing seems right.

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>I'm having a bit of an essential crisis now.
>essential crisis
> E S S E N T I A L C R I S I S

I think you mean existential crisis user as in relating to existence.

Pardon my mobile spelling error.

pardoned. I believe you require meaning within your life and this dream has appeared as a somewhat compensation for that. Delve into Religion, the Occult, Jungian psychology as well as philosophy.

I mostly just figured my mid teen existential crisis out through logic, didn't need any help it seemed easy enough.

Tell me user why you feel uneasy about reality, we all have such a crisis at all times but reasoning can differ. So lets begin a patient psychologist relationship.

Ebig lapterr

But wait a minute user, maybe the crisis IS essential? :0

Thank you for your graciousness.

It just seemed so perfect, nothing like I've ever conceived. It felt so alien but right? I no longer had a concept of time so I no longer had desire. Possestion was pointless a derogatory. But now I'm left with desire and wanting of possession. It feels empty.

>never ending existential crisis which is essential

Attached: Suicidal wojak.jpg (225x224, 5K)

>Thank you for your graciousness.

I act as a template for your thought nothing more, this is what a helping friend or a psychologist has always been to patients and friends.

>It just seemed so perfect, nothing like I've ever conceived. It felt so alien but right? I no longer had a concept of time so I no longer had desire. Possestion was pointless a derogatory. But now I'm left with desire and wanting of possession. It feels empty.

Hmm often dreams reflection or compensate some part of our lives so if obviously you probably will not feel comfortable saying anything in detail online but how is your outside life? Perhaps I should create a discord if further communication will be required.

>something something perfected diamond through something something something swords made by heat something something

If you're willing I'm far better at conveying information over voice than text.

exactly but it does not refute the current crisis in which a man is connecting through to something he has hidden, something that a mans soul urgently is trying to break free... to bring into the light... to make the man whole again. To make perfection

hmm well I can definitely relate to a better expression via voice and debate/conversation but I myself does not wish suddenly use voice, I believe this almost robotic aspect should be required first before voice.

What robotic aspect do you mean? Do animals wonder of heaven and perfection? I'm afraid I do not understand.

I believe a greater level of Objectivity is necessary to the earlier times of such a conversation, it allows me to act to a larger extent a basis for your thoughts without any unnecessary emotional interference which usually one would reveal to the later end while I aim for them to be revealed from the start, to break down completely to design such a structure no man would dare say could be built.

Everyone has their cross user

of course but you'r mistaking the cross as an objective representation rather a cultural significance clothed in change.

Ask and I shall answer. What basis do you need? I am a man without shame before you.

I am glad to here user, we will get there but first we must establish a written format, for I have greater analytical skills within this as well as it's detachment but the voice ads a more casual as well as emotional connection which is necessary but not yet.

Give me a little while to establish the discord.

Well? I wait questions not reasons.

My mistake user.

So how is your life currently, anything troublesome? anything that has worried you? Specifically before and to after the dream.

Recently? I live next to my sister and help with her kids who live in the same household. 16 and 23, it's not hard. But my sister within the past year has gotten back into hard drugs (meth) and everyone's noticed including my youngest my niece her daughter. My job is depressing. I work in a nursing home, take care of the elderly etc. No one cares about the elderly, we just shove them in a corner and hope to forget. I used to love my job. But now I'm detached and depressed. You take care of someone and talk to them for years and one day they're not their. Its taken its toll on me and now I just fake it. Still doing the best I can but no love behind it.


I understand user and do believe your crisis has a definite focus on a lack of meaning and a meaning of good for that matter. You must find the flint to make your own light and for me that flint was religion, philosophy, psychology, art ect but it differs for each man, though considering how immensely they worked for me I could not recommend at least one of these more highly, find a definite passion user and embrace that, give yourself into it's power and so it will give in to you.

What interests do you have if any?

You must also revive that spark you had for helping these elders and hopefully in quoting a Japanese haiku it will help you:

"Death is not the opposite of life but apart of it"

Anyway I must sleep user, will continue to talk and reply tomorrow and if thread is down I will create another. It is 11 pm here so I will be on about 6 pm tomorrow and thread will be called "psychological help" I guess.