I’ve had this unhealthy obsession with wishing that I was born as a male ever since I was 12. I never told anyone in real life about this and never made it obvious, but I get seriously envious from some guys just because they are guys.
I hate this. It plagues my mind, makes me awkward, makes me paranoid and hate myself just for being born the wrong gender. I don’t want to have a sex change, I just want a miracle that makes me born as a real male.
I’m not exactly sure what to do. Go to a psychiatrist? I fear they won’t be much help...
Bro this is a deep subject that 4 Chan and gross Floridians would hardly understand and would only chastise you for. I wish you the best of luck though
Christian Evans
I'm trying to ignore them, to stop this. I'm a straight woman and I don't want to change any of it. But god fucking damn I hate it.
Gavin Scott
What the fuck are you talking about? This is YOUR age, girls. You have all the power that you want, you can do whatever you want, and men will still kiss your asses. Expecially ehre in the west. This is legit major cognitive dissonance. And lemme tell you? You Don't want to be a man.
Jayden Watson
Speak of the devil
Nathan James
you’re the very embodiment of cognitive dissonance
Samuel Anderson
Transition? Theres probably a ftm thread on lgbt and testosterone is easy mode either way so you have time to decide.
Grayson Green
Okay, i ll bite. How so?
David Myers
>hates being a man >cant empathise with someone hating their gender Isbiggydiggydoo
Benjamin Lopez
Who says that i hate my gender? I don't. I accept myself, and reality ( and a part of reality is that western society treats men like disposable garbage if you aren't aware of it. For women it's different tho. ). How about you stop making assumptions?
Zachary Hall
Do this if you're degenerate.
Nathan Green
You must have some issues if you're so hung up on women playing on easy mode that you cant accept anyone NOT wanting to be a woman
Jace Myers
I want to be a provider, I want to be taken seriously, I don't want to be a frail 5'2 girl but here I am user. I can't protect anyone for shit, unless I make it my life goal to train in martial arts and shit and it would still be less than 50/50. I don't want to be pregnant or give birth to have a biological child. I don't fucking want all my value to be boiled down to how attractive I am.
I fucking hate it. I can't really make friends with women, unless I have my only female friend backing me up. She's the best, accepts me for who I am. I can't really make friends with guys, because they can't banter with me because they feel it's wrong to banter or be retarded with a woman.
My boyfriend is the sweetest guy in the world and I hate that if someone was threatening him I can't really just willy nilly get in a physical fight. I want to fight, a fucking lot and I did it before puberty, but guess what, once testosterone kicks in, you don't have a fair chance. I want to give him the world but guess what, I have to work harder and tiptoe on eggshells to achieve what he has.
I don't want to socialize as a female. And when I don't I'm outcasted by both genders.
I'd rather have male problems than this.
Blake Lewis
>I don’t want to socialize as female, and if I dont then I’m outcast by both genders THIS I wish we could talk about this. I can’t express my thoughts on it anywhere because men and women have violent reactions to you not following the terms that they think you should follow. I used to naively think I was safe to be myself around other women but have been proven very wrong. It will go as far as a woman preaching about autonomy and being themselves, but to turn around and tell me how to think about my own body
Christopher Ross
And if I don’t agree with what the woman thinks, then I’m obviously a stupid child who’s opinions don’t matter. I’m a woman and this is what other woman have done to me. I never talk about it because I never feel safe around anybody or like they actually respect my opinion, even if they’re a feminist
Noah Evans
>You must have some issues No, i just saw how a divorce can make a men a slave. That's not an issue, but it sure showed me how decadent and corrupt and imbalanced western society really is.
>you cant accept anyone NOT wanting to be a woman I just think that trowing away your power cause you don't recognize how strongly valued you are is stupid.
Caleb Edwards
>divorce Yikes. You know thats just carma for stupid dating descisions right? Your parents still love you even if they dont love eachother >your power >assuming im a woman Haha ok
Hudson Bell
>I don't want to socialize as a female >I want to be a provider >I can't protect anyone for shit >I don't want to be pregnant or give birth to have a biological child. I don't fucking want all my value to be boiled down to how attractive I am You legit don't know what you are talking about. You think it's easy? Fuck off, one year and you would beg to return to being a woman. You are a child who understand nothing.
Nicholas Watson
Exhibit A
Robert Allen
Transition. Seriously, Testosterone is powerful as fuck and will make you masculine. Big shoulders, facial hair, body hair, deeper voice, it would help you alot.
Jayden Myers
Ignore him, being a man feels great. >be me, skeletwink >start working out >slowly looking better and better >start noticing pecs when i walk past a mirror >muscles starting to show through shirts >being able to just do all the things i used to struggle with >SO constantly touching me, cant keep their hands off >getting older, i can finally get away with a beard Literally the greatest feeling on earth
Kayden Long
>Your parents Not my parents >You know thats just carma for stupid dating descisions right? It happened to a man who worked 12 hours a day to provide to his family, he wasn't a lot at home, but he gave his son and his wife anything, and she left him cause she didn't feel apriciated. Kys.
> then I’m obviously a stupid child who’s opinions don’t matter Well, you are. You are ignorant, thus your opinion don't matter, cause you are unable to fully put yourself in a hard working men's shoes. That's why famale suicide are at a recond high btw. Wanna know how it will go if you won't have kids? Either you buy a cat, or you will end up alone and you will kys when you understand that now you are a genetic dead end.
Landon Sanders
Imagine unironically typing this post
Liam Ramirez
I used to be kind of similar to you, am a 24 year old woman that isn't very feminine. Wore men's clothes for a while in highschool and pretended to be a guy online. Had a lot of messed up ideas of what being a woman and man had to be that made me feel bad about myself. I don't know what causes it for you but I recommend looking into gender critical feminism and some blogs/articles on what gender means and female socialization rootveg.wordpress.com/2014/01/15/gender-is-a-social-construct/ thefeministahood.wordpress.com/2015/04/05/what-is-a-woman/ I wish you luck and hope you can become comfortable with yourself
Juan Wood
>muh trad values >marries a thot >gets btfo Pottery
Jose Cox
Look mate, I'm open to talk about it because I know exactly what you're feeling. But I surealy will step on some toes, because I am rambly. The fucking "I'm the better woman than you competition", hell no tits mcgee, tell it to my goddamn face if you want a fight, but guess what you fucking won't, you'll go about it behind my back and rally up another 5 like you, and I'll hear you snicker and chuckle behind a desk somewhere. >feminist Yeah I know what you mean. I'm a feminist myself, but fucking hell I've gotten a lot of unwanted opinions on how I should live my life to their "standard". Political views don't really have an effect on hypocrisy.
I hate the war on genders and every single goddamn day I have to hear how I should behave because I am not born with a dick.
Bentley Nelson
You clearly hate your social role. And you know what? That's fine, but wishing you were born a man doesn't change anything. You are still a woman and that's all you will ever be. The good news is that in the West, adherence to gender roles isn't as strictly observed anymore. You don't have to do traditionally "female" things. Stop wearing make-up, wear comfy clothes instead of tight sexy clothes, pursue "male" hobbies, don't have children. The thing about """protecting""" people is a larp, nobody protects people physically in this day and age, but if you want to feel powerful, get a gun. It's literally that simple.
Lincoln Parker
Having a dick is not a state of being, but a state of mind
Chase Price
I've never understood this one because >You know patently that no level of science short of pure miracle-working by modern standards (which are advanced as fuck) will ever provide you a 'full experience' of the male body and will instead be a guinea-pigged, Frankenstein's-monster mixture of hodgepodge, psuedoscience and praying this doesn't cause complications ten years down the line >The older you get, the more plainly obvious it becomes that no gender gets it easy but that each are beset upon by their own level of tedious, arbitrary bullshit that they will never be able to rise above because it's the scores of people living by those standards that need to rise above, and that's an issue of them, not you
What you're basically asking is "Can I please be respected in X fashion on a fast-track?" without realizing that the disrespect you get now isn't a product of you generating an easy-to-disrespect image-- it's that there's always going to be people who disrespect you. Like you say, "Exhibit A" here as if there's some grand injustice but all anyone else sees here is some guy projecting against women on Jow Forums, as usual, as happens in virtually every thread. It's so fucking proliferated and token that there doesn't even need to be a woman to hate, they'll just pick a dude, call him woman and start riding that train into town.
Look. You're chasing a novel idea but that's all it is, a novel idea. Assume a perfect world getting everything exactly the way you wanted-- people would find other reasons to disrespect you. It's not like they'll stop marginalizing your opinion or anything. Fuck, people ascend to the pinnacle of entire countries through years of work (or being assholes, whatever you consider it) and they still get disparaged by faggots who barely eked out a high school education, much less literally anything else with their lives.
Have you considered that the problem may be that you let others' thoughts and words get to you too deeply?
I’m a different person than OP so your post doesn’t necessarily apply. in addition, couldnt one argue that (posting on Jow Forums = letting others thoughts get to one more deeply) could also be applied to your post?
Charles Roberts
You're pretty grounded mate, thanks for that. It's easy to forget that it's simple. Made me smile, thanks user.
Leo Ortiz
Research radical feminism and thank me later.
William Howard
>radfems unironically admitting to being closet trannies Oh god my sides
Mason Cox
I mean, I won't stop you from deflecting what I believe to be a perfectly valid point on that basis, but I was hoping to have more of a valid deflection if it got deflected.
I mean, look at all that tldr shit right there.
My post was definitely aimed at OP. I'd be happy to provide something tailored more toward you but I have to warn you-- this kind of issue is a very 'deal with it' kind of issue because the alternative is charging headfirst into experimental science and being a prototype of future transsexuals. I guess if you don't mind that whole, 'your body for science' angle, but me-- I'd kinda rather not pay to enter the closed beta of some treatment I'm not even sure is gonna work. The problem of genders and identities is that it only really becomes a serious issue around ignorant people, but ignorant people are everywhere and nothing will stop them from being ignorant.
As for 'affected too deeply,' my point was less against 'exhibit A guy' and more against 'the idea that you're being marginalized or undervalued because of your gender,' since in modern days and my experience, outright disrespect (as exemplified by Exhibit A guy) tends to come not towards a place of disrespect but from it. Point being, no matter who you are, people are gonna shit on you which seemed to be OP's primary problem, that they weren't being treated for the person they wanted to be. But nothing will ever get them there really, and that's basically true of everyone-- you either settle for something else or just live in the obscurity of your own self-image, I guess. Or something else stoic but relatable.
Benjamin Brown
I'm not OP or the other user. You're trying way too hard my dude, we know what you're talking about. Too many words for something that can be explained in one sentence. I think that's what rubbed the other user the other way.
I don't want to offend you but you truly do sound like my essays from high school. Edit more and assume that people know the basis of existential discussion.
Chase Diaz
close tranny =/= gender disphoria Not the same thing, at all. This is the sort of shit that makes women become anorexic, feels "other" from womanhood. I am a woman, fuck you, I might not fit society's perfect mold but I am
Kayden Morgan
thanks a lot! I’ll give those a read
Luis Green
>assume people know anything >on Jow Forums I never, ever do this and it doesn't serve me wrong, man. I know it doesn't because of the fact that all these people are sitting here like, "Gee, would these things I've been struggling with for years on end be better brought up to a professional, or a bunch of chucklefucks online?" You kinda gotta assume you're not working with creme de le creme.
>you're trying way too hard I guess I could have just said 'kys tranny' and moved on.
Adrian Sullivan
I could write a long paragraph for you but I don’t want to devote so much energy to somebody who says a long version of “why don’t you just shut up and deal with it” but also says “kys tranny”, in an ironic display of being completely unable to deal with it yourself