How do I get over the fact my gf and her ex did sexual things together? No actual sex...

How do I get over the fact my gf and her ex did sexual things together? No actual sex, only fingering so she's still virgin, but I can't help but think of her as used goods and be somewhat disappointed

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you can't get over it unless you become a cuck. that's the problem with westerns...

imagine being with such a foul man as op

You stop coming here to the echo chamber of "she has to be a virgin or she's a whore".
She did sexual stuff in a committed relationship. It happens. She could have fucked ten guys at a party. Would you prefer that?

Maybe try not treat her as “used” goods, or as a commodity at all?
She’s her own purpose. Her ex didn’t tattoo his name onto her. She doesn’t belong to him, nor does she belong to you, for she is her own individual.

>her own purpose
her own person*

u need to be thankful for wat u have.
your her bf she loves you.
b thankful your not single.
dont focus on things you cant change.
dont look towards the past. focus on the future.
focus on what you like about her. and imagine if you didnt hav her be thankful.

Western whores and incel whiteknights. You weak minded individuals are the sole reason why west is dying out.

How should she get over the fact that you masturbated to other women before you met her?

>still a virgin
You have to be 18 to post here you know.

Post a pic of your face with time stamp

I've had this idea since ever, even before coming here. Of course I wouldn't prefer that
I don't treat her as such though. I have my insecurities, and her friendship with the ex doesn't help
One thing is touching yourself, another having intimacy with someone else
Jokes on you I'm 20

fuck off you worthless western whores.

If you are 20 then start acting like an adult and not a 15 year old.

Triggert Bert
You mad bro?

It's always the same thing with dumb roasties like yourself. Whenever a guy is concerned about a women's sexual past its always the same "muh insecurities her own life blablabla". I wish more men would look overseas for women rather than marrying horrible western women.

It's always the same thing with dumb incels like yourself. Whenever people tell you you're being retarded and insecure it's always the same "reee roastie whore blablabla".

>blehhh i'm jealous because my gf had a boyfriend before me
The way you talk about an adult woman who has had 1 ex boyfriend tells me everything i need to know about you. Be happy this girl is somehow willing to put up with your ungrateful, bitter ass because it probably won't be for very long.

In this day and age, a girl who is as 'fresh' as yours is something i would take any day. Most women who are like 20+ nowadays has had multiple dicks inside them. Usually atleast 1 or 2 boyfriends and a couple of random dickings (one night stands, flings, hookups etc.) You have a girlfriend who hasn't even had sex with her ex boyfriend and you deem her as ''used goods''? Fucking incels.

>being this triggered on a regular basis

>not wanting a whore who's made multiple sexual partners, and is thus more likely to cheat makes someone insecure.

I can always tell its a whore when they say stuff like this. A virgin girl wouldn't care.

>In this day and age, a girl who is as 'fresh' as yours is something i would take any day. Most women who are like 20+ nowadays has had multiple dicks inside them. Usually atleast 1 or 2 boyfriends and a couple of random dickings (one night stands, flings, hookups etc.) You have a girlfriend who hasn't even had sex with her ex boyfriend and you deem her as ''used goods''? Fucking incels.

Onions levels are off the charts. Protip, cuck: you're pathetic whiteknighting won't get you laid. Don't think that because you defend m'ladies on the internet you will cease being a virgin.

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You are an incel, it's more than obvious because no one else could be this dumb. You don't even have any independent thought, all you do is react as your very simple programming tells you to.

Why do kissless virgin incels get triggered so easily by the truth?

such projection from a worthless cum dumpster.

Don't take her seriously. Certainly not the relationship AT ALL. Use her, (don't) abuse her, and drop her. You'll find a decent woman eventually. Treat this one like a dog who loves you and listens to you, but is covered in ticks and missing a leg or two. Let it die loving you, but never get attached (you probably simply can't) to it. Then, find a nice, well-bred, virgin purebred when you're older and able to support a family. Aka the alpha dog of the pack.

You might find the answer in reversing the perspective.

How can I get over the fact that my bf and his ex did sexual things together?

What would you say to this question? I think by answering rhis, you might answer your own.

She's my first gf, I've touched a woman and she knows it

Men are supposed to be old and experienced when they settle down. A worthy woman is supposed to be young, fertile, and a virgin. Anything less and she is not long term partner material. OP's mistake was not framing how serious or long-term this relationship is. Short term? Who the fuck cares. You'll just be added to the tallies of guys she's fucked. Long term? You're in for a disappointing life, my friend

>"supposed to be"
According to who exactly?

According to the teachings of the cult of incels.

The laws of nature?

If you take sex this seriously you must be shit in bed. Feel bad for the girl.

OP, the thing is you CAN help think of herself differently. It's not necessarily easy, you have to go against your knee jerk reflexes, but you are the single person in the most effective position to change your line of thinking.

If you are not WANTING to get over it, then fine, dump her and start your quest for a girl who's virginal enough to not trigger your dislike. Which might mean making other compromises in terms of what you like to see in a partner.

If you DO Want to stay with this girl because of her qualities or whatever else, you have to start telling yourself stop when you think derogatory things about her. You're going to have to actively distract yourself when the association comes up. You have to stop reading when coming across a rant about non-virgins.

What you're doing right now is going "oh god I want to stop smoking but I just can't, I want one again and again" as you light up a new one. You want to flip a switch in your head with zero effort or pain. That's not the way it works in life.
Thinking something is not a neutral thing. You literally build neural pathways that make it more likely for that same thing to resurface. This is how obsessions come into existence. You can back away from it but you need to really, really want it and not secretly feel like you're right and have a point.

>getting called a pathetic whiteknight for pointing out the truth.
Bro, ditch your ego and confess that you're simply a bitter incel who is jealous of his girlfriends sexual past. Because not coincidentally, guys who complain about their girlfriend having had a relationship in the past are always guys who are virgins themselves. Guys who have gotten laid in the past know how slutty most women are nowadays. They would gladly take a girl who has had only 1 ex boyfriend but nothing else.

According to nature, men also get less fertile and more likely to produce offspring with genetic defects if they wait until they're older to procreate.

Sounds oddly familiar. Maybe everyone should have kids early, then? I'm not opposed to that either

How old exactly?

Never had children yet, but I'm 29.

I was thinking about having children when im 35-40, is that too old?

We still haven't had sex though, so it just fuels my insecurities

It's not that simple, young (

But they're reproducing and you are alone so technically they are keeping it going, and you're the problem kek

Nah. Most of the studies (example focus on men 40+ and it also depends on the age of the woman involved of course, you both deliver half the genes. It's just that it was long kind of assumed that the man's age doesn't matter while it looks like it contributes at much.

Also as I said in the other comment there's downsides for every scenario, and there's always chance involved. My father was 42 and my mother 41 when I was born but it went fine. Likewise, if you have a child with a disorder at twentyfive it offers no consolation at all that this was unlikely to happen. You always take a risk wanting to have a child, if it's not about health then about their personality/attitude and future life.

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I don't buy this argument. Yes, we're expected to work for Goldstein for several decades to pay off the debt we accumulated at college, for cars and for a house, this is true. You can't learn to be a parent without actually being one, or at the very least interacting with children of all ages for a long period of time. A 16 year old mother will be the same as a 45 year old one. The difference is one is less likely to shit out a disabled kid and the other has much more time to have others kids. The more kids, the easier it is to raise them. An older mother will hopefully have a more stable situation, but this doesn't justify having kids later in life

oh this belongs in inceltears ;)

What are you insecure about? That she's not attracted to you and that's why you haven't had sex yet? Or do you feel that because she was sexual in the past she doesn't have the right to sexual boundaries and wanting to take her time? Or do you feel like she's just keeping you around for other benefits than the typical relationship stuff?

You're not really being clear here about what the core issue is. You say it's all about how your girlfriend was touched at some point and now you say, no, she's not touching me. So what is it?

You have the right to leave over anything at all you don't like. You could leave her because you think the way she touches your dick is slightly less than perfect. But if you don't want that and you want to work on the relationship, allowing yourself to indulge in thoughts about how gross and slutty it is that she was with some guy, or how it's going to impact your future etc is actively undermining your relationship. Basically you can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you accept that you want this girl who lived this life, and work on seeing the good in her (as everyone needs to in their partner) instead of zooming in on what you don't like about her. Or you dump her. There's no other choice that leads anywhere at all.

Laws of nature say we should be healthy and procreate. Not rage in the basement about how women are whores.

Really? You think a sixteen year old has as much insight into why she does what she does, what messages she received in childhood, what a good life looks like to her, what she lacked as a little girl and wants to give to someone else as a forty five year old?

Do you honestly think teenagers have on average as much mildness and patience as middle aged people?

Essentially, do you really believe people don't grow up past puberty? Because I sure don't. "Grown" people might not be AS sensible and perfect as kids tend to think they are, they still have their flaws and are winging it and whatever. But that doesn't mean they didn't grow and change from the experiences in the meantime.

But you can look up personality changes throughout age, this is absolutely a thing.

oh thats good. Got worried for a moment there.

We've been together for several months now, and due to past traumas we agreed on never having sex. A while ago we started talking about it, she changed her mind and said she felt ready to do something with me. A few days ago, however, she actually backed on what she said and told me she doesn't want me to see her naked, have sex or do minor things. Considering her past one one hand I said I was ok with that, on the other hand I think we won't really ever be a couple especially considering she did do things with the ex but she won't with me. I don't want the leave her or anything, just to sort this out

You should have said from the start you are asexual.

Sorry man but this sounds like waaaay too much shit to deal with for a relationship of several months old. She obviously needs to work through some stuff and even if she can do it by your side it's going to take time. Your resentment doesn't help and won't help her process but it's not even the biggest issue here by far.

I found out my gf french kissed a few guys and its eating me up inside. It literally makes me nauseated when I look at her mouth and I keep thinking of the guys she kissed when we kiss.


I have no idea desu. I don't feel the need to have sex yet I want to try how it feels

if you have time to worry about this, I think you don't have enough to do in your life.

Just got done with first semester at uni and I'm 2 months free so kinda

Dude, sorry to break it to you but you guys aren't in a relationship. You're a friendzoned cuck who has the privilege to call it a relationship.

>Western Whores

Want to know how I know you’re a gook fucker who spams Gook models while screeching about muh tradition?

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>Insecure about gf having french kissed a few guys
Oh no, how will you feel when you'll learn that she most likely also french kissed girls?

I'd much rather be born to a young mom (which I was) than an old one. My mom (now 38) has since had 2 more kids. It's easier that way because me and my younger brother are 22 and 16 respectively. We take care of the kids more than she does some days. The assumption that things will go well, and that that is reason to put off kids, is retarded. If you want kids, as in actually want them, and not just in a social pressure thing, have them when you can, when your body and mind are liquid enough to do so. My mom is still poor. She probably shouldn't have had me, let alone my younger siblings, given her material condition. Yes, life would have been more comfy is she wasn't below the poverty line at every point in my life. But does that take away from the family part of it? Not really. I'm not perfect, but I don't think that has much to do with upbringing. You can make it work if you want it.

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>A virgin girl wouldn't care.
I was amusing myself with this thread, and see this.

As a sad, depressed 27 year old virgin girl, you are the exact reason I likely won't end with a virgin guy. You are so hostile, angry, and believes you somehow deserve a woman to worship you, and have stayed pure specifically for you.

This is not how it works. You have to learn you are not looking for that person who devoted her life to you from before she knew you existed. Even virgin's hasn't stayed virgin's for your sake. As long as this is what you believe, as long as you think women exist just for you, there is no way you will ever find love.

>was fingered
>used goods and not relationship material
>he should then fuck her, so he is used goods, and no longer viable for a relationship
This sounds like dumb advice.

This isn't actually possible, you know that right? If this is how it was supposed to be, there would need to be a huge overrepresentation of women.

If men are supposed to settle when they are old and experienced (aka had sex with lots of women), then there is a large amount of now experienced women unviable for relationships. The pure girls would be an extremely small pool, and the amount of "good" partners would be too small to sustain the population.

If you respect virginity you would wait until you are married to her. If you think its not a real relationship until it gets sexual you are only apart of the problem(a society of whores) by being impatient and horny.

You have only been together a few months. If you value purity you will be willing to wait until marriage to get sexual or dump her immediately for not being pure enough.

OP isn't necessarily asexual, from what I read in there are trauma-issues keeping him from sex.

>unironical incel
>"I don't think my teenage poorfag mom had anything to do with that"


What's the point? You also don't think about the toilette at work that has been used by probably more filthy assholes than your own, or the glasses you use in a restaurant.

Grow the fuck up

Oh I should also add, if you don't trust her to be wife material then you shouldn't even think about sexual things if you value purity so much. You wouldn't want to be a hypocrite, would you? You already have a trust issue and harbor personal insecurities. If it isn't solved over time your relationship is doomed.

>keeping it going
>by ending up as single mothers who raise men to be school shooters and criminals

Yeah, they're really keeping it going, you fucking retard.

They are though. They are breeding after all, that is all nature really cares about.

I wasn't aware every single mom made a shool shooter. Oh wait. They don't. As long as the are adding to the population more than is being taken away that is keeping it going.

White men race mix more than white women. If you want to blame anyone blame traitorous men. There are far more of them race mixing after all.

>school shooters
This is exclusive to shithole third world countries.

No modern civilized country has this sort of stuff happen, even those rampant with thot and slut culture.

Cool beans, my dude. Even if she waited until 38 like fuckwad suggests, I'd still be poor. The only difference is my mom would be older, and I'd probably have more extreme autism than I do.

None of the shooters grew up in single parent homes. If your delusions are this bad perhaps check into an asylum?

if i ever get a gf im afraid ill think stuff like this...

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why do I get connection error when posting here

Shitty servers.

I hate men like OP. I would castrate him and make him eat his own dick if I could.

whitelist the site on adblock

She is used goods user.

If you touched her at all, and don't stay with her, you might as well kill yourself, too. You've now become the same kind of used goods, and are no longer a good person. Your practically guaranteed to get school shooter children if you do, and you'll just raise them to be part of this sick and disgusting culture of casual touching and sexual contact with more than 1 person in your life.

As soon as you have touched more than one person, you are no longer capable of a proper loving relationship, and it will ruin you and your children's future. This goes for both genders. I really hope we get a good cleansing soon, so we can rid the world of these sexual deviants.

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OP, I fingered my ex but we never had sex because she was religious as fuck. Now I read your thread and remember her, maybe her new boyfriend feels like you :(

based and redpilled

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Can you tell me where those are written down? Like got a link or something? I'm very curious how nature has commanded us to live.

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But its only Jow Forums for some reason...

What a dumpster fire this thread is