Wife with bulimia

I imported a european wife after meeting her online about 5 years ago, I knew she had issues but pretty soon after starting the visa process she starts binging/purging again after not doing it for many years

She's been in the US with me for about 2 months now and she cant stop because she's so "stressed out about everything"

I scheduled us a family dr appt in april but what the fuck do I do with her before then? She is extremely resistant to any kind of therapy but she says she's open to try some kind of antidepressants. Try to get her into a psychiatrist asap?
I know most people would think I'm a retard for doing this to myself but it is what it is- she cant go back and I have to make this work.

She just sits at home and watches other fucked up women on youtube all day. She hasnt ever worked and she legally cant now until we get the permit but I cant get her to do hardly anything. She might go out of the house to walmart 3 times a week but that's getting less and less now. I make over $100k so she doesnt have to worry about money or working and she still cant stop being bulimic/self destructive.

What do I do? pls help

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>I imported a european wife

Please, tell me more.

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dont laugh pls

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Did you meet her before importing? Where did you get her from, Ukraine?

Where do you go to import one of these euro neets?
Also if you have to, remove her internet access until she gets some help. Do you want her to get a job also?

Germany and yes I flew over there a bunch of times

I knew she had issues but she seems insistent on struggling through them herself when she does nothing to change her situation

I met her on ffxi lel wasnt looking for a wife it just happened
She's got incredible social anxiety so I really doubt she'll ever be able to work a normal job, she would like to do something from home but no relevant job skills- I'd only want her to work to get out of this terrible mindset but I dont need her to

>I met her on ffxi

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please I can only take so much

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How hot is she?

How is the sex?

I'll take her off your hands for you lul. She put out at least?
She might just need a purpose. Giving people something to do, and them feeling good about the results, can really fix someone's mood and outlook on life. My ex being able to take care of me and my house did wonders for her pride. Especially when I complimented her work. She also used to farm materials for me in the mmo we played while I was at work.

imo 7.5-8/10 on a good day

for a while it made her cry every time, now she just cries some of the time
otherwise bretty good- she loves butt stuff

> She also used to farm materials for me in the mmo we played while I was at work.
top kek thats what I want her to do but she currently refuses, and she is supposed to be taking care of the house but some days apparently all she does is sit there eating straight flour and barfing

she does cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day though

Yea it's harder to get them to do that if they play the game themselves. My ex just wanted to spend more time with me. So she self inserted into all my interests.
>barfing flour
Yikes. Have you tried turning her off and on again.

she doesnt play anything atm because she continuously says she's not interested in anything and depressed

Dude just fuck her

>some days apparently all she does is sit there eating straight flour and barfing

user. I can't hold it in anymore.

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you arent helping

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Well you can't make her get help. You may just have to watch her deteriorate. Or you can give her the boot.

>You may just have to watch her deteriorate
yeah this is the part that sucks

>are you mad?
>are you disappointed?
>why arent you saying anything
big oof


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are you retarded or something

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