Female advice pls

Can i get advice from a female.

I met this chick on tinder. Added her on snapchat, and she called me cute. Asked her out, and we met up. I just made the date at a bar, but she invited me to her house to meet before the bar. I put my arm around her twice, but didnt go further cuz i was kinda waiting for more signals (but keep im mind im also inexperienced). We didnt go further, and then she wanted to go eat and then go to the bar. So we did. While eating she told me that she just got out of an abusive relationship and wants to take it slow. When we got back to her place after the bar, we chilled again. She added be on fb. We seem to have had a very lot in common, and her adding me makes her seem interested.

But my question is, did she want a hook up? Since she called me cute, and also used blushing faces in text when we talked about meeting, she seemed very interested. And then now, even though we are still talking and have plans for a second date in 2 days, she doesnt want to date? Why did she act so interested in me before meeting, to only act less interested now?

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Also, do girls really invite a guy they barely know to their house without ever meeting them before if they dont wanna fuck?

To interest you. Women have insecurities too. She wanted to be sure you'd come.

Show her something like this

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I can kinda believe that. She's 23 and dated a 36 year old recently. He is also kinda fat, has grey hair, looks goofy, and plays dungeons and dragons. I'd rate the girl a 710 as well, so i feel like she could without a doubt do better, and was thinking she must have some personal issues going on. (On the first date she opened up about being on anti depressants).

So, you suggest that im over thinking it, and that she really is looking for a relationship? A relationship is what i really want too, and i like her a lot but i just couldnt get it out of my mind that she isnt looking to ever date me and it makes me feel sad.

If she invites you over to her house immediately from adding off it means shes trying to fuck. I highly doubt she wants to date but she may still feel some damage from her last relationship and feels too anxious to let you down

reading this legit makes my stomach sick because thats what ive been thinking. I was hoping i was just paranoid... but prob not i guess


Sounds like she likes you and is just really nervous. To be honest as weird as it sounds I’d be more comfortable meeting a guy privately before I met him in public, id be scared of him not showing up or something humiliating happening towards me.
She will probably be super awkward and slow at all of this if she’s just gotten out of an abusive relationship but the fact that she’s reaching out to you shows she’s into you. It’s really hard to start dating again after something like that happens

you're a girl?

btw, im fine with taking it slow in a relationship, but the way she worded it is that she wants to go slow before getting into one. I dont want to get friendzoned, it feels horrible rn. I'm pretty sure im gonna go for a kiss this thursday on our second date. If you're a girl, do you think that kiss would mess stuff up after she just told me she wants to go slow? I'd just want to date her and kiss and cuddle while we get to know each other, i crave affection more than sex from girls desu.

Something doesn't add up here. I don't know of anyone who would invite a guy into their house without meeting them in a safe, well populated, public place first.
There's something wrong here.

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i thought so too, a lot of told me i was paranoid because women do that all the time (pretty much to fuck). All i done was give a friend her address in case he doesnt hear back from me.


Nah I think a kiss would be fine. I was in a similar situation as her and yeah met a really nice guy but I had to go way slower than normal
Over a few weeks we did the hand hold and touching and kissing part then we got into a relationship and slept together. Still together btw

Ok so, as a female that takes things slow sometimes I am shy about asking for sex. Whats important there is that you do it slowly and romantically. Try kissing her or making a confident move if she says no, then dont take it personally. But you have to try in order to have answers

how many weeks would you call an appropriate about to begin dating?

idm going slow, but we meet up once a week. After 3 dates/weeks i'd hope to be going somewhere dating wise with her, thats why i wanna kiss on the second.

I think it was about 3 or 4 weeks for us
If you’re hanging out consistently like we were for that time period I’d say any longer than that is stretching it but if you’re only meeting up once every few weeks I’d say longer about 1-2 months

btw i really like you feedback. this is my 3rd girl ive ever been on a date with (im 23), and ive only ever had one gf. So im very inept, i always second guess myself. Would you been down to add me on discord, snapchat, or something? Just so i can ask you for advice every now and again. I rarely get a womans perspective, and thats most valuable in these scenarios.

how did he/you know you were finally in a relationship? Who said what? How did that bridge happen?

Post your snap and I’ll add you :)
I don’t use discord

schmitty2477, and thanks.

We never really had a conversation about it, I guess it just got to a point where we were together most days, doing couple things together ect. We were in a weird situation, we met in a share house that I was living in, he was friends with one of the boys living there so I met him in the lounge room and he would be there most nights playing video games ect.
We kinda just started sitting closer and closer together on the couch over a few weeks lol