Where can you meet an Asian girl if you are not college-age anymore...

Where can you meet an Asian girl if you are not college-age anymore? Must be an immigrant who wants to stay and not a westernized slut.

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Be born an asian man and be successful. Most asian women who aren't westernized prefer dating within their race.

In Asia

Get off your high horse and follow this guide, you'll get some.

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How do I get born an asian man?

You don't.

>asks about meeting asian-asians who aren't just white girls but better looking
>reply with guide for banging basic white chicks

If she is willing to race mix she is already westernized. Women race mixing is a western thing.

Read the whole sentence next to the image motherfucker.

>"how do I do X? I don't want Y."
>"duh, just give up and do Y instead! I'm helping!"

You've got to be a real Casanova if you think you're going to win over a fob Asian girl

I have a friend who almost exclusively has dated Vietnamese/Chinese girls for the past few years. He insists it's not intentional, it's just who replies back to him on OkCupid. Might be a place to look?

chill, okc's a cesspool.
Most of these things are.
Then again I'm black so maybe that's why

Don't know what you are talking about. I have seen quite a few asian-white couples. The problem is more that the ones who were not born in the west, will likely go back for the family after finishing their studies. So the question really is how to find an asian girl who is ok living far away from her parents or who has a job that allows her traveling a lot.

Yeah, dating while black is not gonna be a fun time if you don't like black girls.

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Yep, and I don't like black chicks.
Ah well.
Fapping's still fun.

What do you have to offer?

Free dick cheese?

>everyone likes white men more than white women.

I am hardworking. Chinese girls honor that in contrast to white sluts. Don't know about Japanese though

You're not the only hardworking guy in the area.

And there is more than one girl in the world. As you said, next!

Define hard working.

>adv, how can I become a werewolf?
>werewolves don't exist
>fuck you tell me how!
>fine, go drink water from a wolf's pawprint
Or just get over your fucking yellow fever and go for any girl who'd accept your pale Jow Forums loving ass.

Women are buyers, men are sellers and it's a buyers' market.
You have to sell yourself, not the other way around.
An Asian fog girl isn't going to give you the time of day unless you have something offer, you're going to have to settle for larping on Jow Forums

>asian girls are a mythical creature

No thanks, I want to have a family and not be cucked by a western whore

I am a software developer and I spend my free time learning for certificates, going to meetups and conferences and looking for ways to get into freelancing or found a startup

shit i should really get on getting certs on my own

Ok. How much money do you make? Remember yoy want an immigrant. This means you have to be exceptional enough (aka make a lot of money and YOU bend to HER culture not the other way around) so her parents aren't ashamed she is a race mixing degenerate flushing her genes down the drain.

And of course more than likely be willing to move to her country so she is near her family so they can mooch off your money as well.

Yes, this is precisely the problem that western women have. Nowhere else in the world can you find a creature more privileged and more full of itself than a western woman (regardless of skin color). I don't need a relationship with someone who has been told from the early ages that she is a princess who will always get whatever she wants with no investment of her own. Luckily other societies have better parenting.

I mean early age not ages, lol. few decades ago the west was still ok, then the boomers came

You haven't run into a narcissistic asian princess yet, be glad you haven't.

Be prepared to make enough money to either
A) move her family into the states
B) send her family a chunk of your earnings and visit often
C) move to her country of origin and have her family move in with you or live close by you so they can get gibs
D)don't do anything for her family and she resents you for it leading to a break up
Most immigrants will come to the states, get educations, and then move back to where they were to make more money. Her parents will also hate you if you aren't asian because they are racist and have a culture of dating within their own race.

What the actual fuck are you talking about. Marriage in asian culture is like a business deal. You make the money, she takes care of the kids. If you aren't wealthy enough you can forget it.

This applies only to Chinese. Philippinas and other south east asians are not as devoted to their families and like to stay abroad. Not sure about Japanese

Sounds perfect to me. I can provide for a family and I want my wife to take care of kids instead of some stressed teachers. Why should I be greedy with my money to my own family? I will die some day anyway, as long as my kids get the benefits, that's the best I can do with it.

>Must be an immigrant who wants to stay and not a westernized slut.
every westerner and their grandfather bought a south-east asian whore for pennies
are you a NEET?

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Its not just you and her kids. You will be expected to provide for her relatives as well, and no, not just grandma and grandpa. Uncles and aunts as well ect. Not to mention love in western culture is not the same as an asian one. Western society has a very romanticized love. Asian is not putting out after she is done having children and even the it is not often because sex is not the point of getting married. Money is.

Untrue, China has a huge influence over every asian country. Every single one. Japan is literally Chinese culture revamped.

Wrong. Almost every asian country is rooted with chinese ancestry and thus Confucian by nature. There are very few exceptions.

>This applies only to Chinese
Traditionally, cultures and countries in the East Asian cultural sphere are strongly influenced by Confucianism, including mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, as well as various territories settled predominantly by Chinese people, such as Singapore. Today, it has been credited for shaping East Asian societies and Chinese communities, and to some extent, other parts of Asia.[12][13]

Wherever there were chinamen settling and influencing, Confucianism followed. Which is the majority of the asian population especially when they are emigrating like they have been. You may find some SEAmonkeys who are the exception, but you will find that they too are still influenced by it. (and far less intelligent than those with Chinese ancestry)

Good luck finding non-westernized Asians. Asian girls are treated as honorary white girls, they get whitewashed quick. These types prefer white guys since Asian dudes are seen as beta.

Though I will agree, non-westernized don't like mixing blood.