How do I cope with the fact that any girl I'd meet wouldn't be a virgin with at least ten partners?

How do I cope with the fact that any girl I'd meet wouldn't be a virgin with at least ten partners?
It would be okay if I had had as many. But I don't, nor will I have had. I never got to experience teenage love or any of that stuff, I should just have to settle for that that's something intended for other people?

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>any girl I'd meet wouldn't be a virgin with at least ten partners?
Back up

>with at least 10 partners

Wouldn't be a virgin [and] would have had at least ten partners

You can easily find poor rural girls who come from struggling families. Offer to essentially buy the daughter from her parents. You have to have a rural house yourself or she will get off the plantation. Make sure you keep her knocked up as much as possible. This is the only way to get a virgin this day and age

In what country? America, maybe. "Poor rural girls from struggling families" don't exist here.

Bro, if you’re finding women who’ve had like 10 partners, find one who seems alright, like some of them are obvious sluts who just want your dick. Yeah who cares they’ve had ten before you, there must be one who seems nice and they’ve made “regrettable decisions”

Oh I misread that then

I'm sorry friend. You could always import one. Where are you at? Your country has no rural areas at all? I guess I understand if your in a small euro country, but still seems like a stretch

Sweden. It has rural areas far up north, but things aren't much better there. Internet everywhere, etc

I got you. Well, import from the slavs or south Americans. You might be able to find an American as well, but I wouldn't trust it

Yeah, but then I'd just be getting a mail order bride, no better than prostitution.

It's a little better. You can have kids with one. And they'll be grateful for at least a minute about having been given a new chance at life. That's why I said knock em up quick so they can't run away

Yes, mutt kids.
Why would I want to stoop to that low a level?

Not all women are whores. There some virgins if you're looking at younger girls.

Because bitching about women not putting out for you on Jow Forums is a much higher calling than fathering a family.

Yeah, but then I'd get in trouble with the police.

I mean like 18-20 year olds.

Then they'd already have ten partners or so.

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Jesus Christ I'm glad I'm not a Swede

what a godless hellhole

That's not true. Stop going after slutty girls and you won't have that problem

>avatarfag calls anything a Godless hellhole
Kino hypocrisy my man
But then they'd have to put effort into themselves and into getting the girl. Why do you think they go for sluts in the first place? Because with the right tools for the job they're stupid easy.

You didn't say you were a nordcuck. Sorry man, here in the US there's still a few. Maybe like 20% of young girls. I couldn't imagine dating such a worthless whore. If you're a degenerate I guess go have your fill...if not, hope God's watching out for you.

That's true, and there is nothing wrong with him doing that. But don't come on here whining about it when he's not willing to put in a modicum of effort to get a quality gf

Wew. All of my female school friends have had 1-3. We're 28 (and a couple only lost their virginity last year). Not all women have that much sex OP.

I get by on the fact that my dick is bigger than most. Only been with 4 women and I'm near 30. But damn if it doesn't make me feel good everytime I get a dick compliment