What‘s an efficient and painless way to suicide? I did some research and that shit is hard...

What‘s an efficient and painless way to suicide? I did some research and that shit is hard. It‘s either brutal and quick or painless and unreliable, meaning you could survive. I don‘t have the balls to jump infront of a train. I also never thought I would shoot myself but the best course of action might be to drive to a shooting club and when they give me a pistol I eventually put it in my mouth and pull the trigger. You can‘t easily buy guns in my country, that‘s why.

Please tell off a painless and quick method, thank you

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>in before user doesn't achieve the correct angle and simply blows a hole in his mouth and neck, possibly severing his spinal cord below the intended C4 and surviving

go seek therapy user. free hotline numbers. speak to a professional. reach out to friends/family that you need help. if you're attending college, there are therapists on campus.

If you're in South America just say your local cartel boss has no balls.

It's never worth it, OP. Continue living. You have the power to turn your life around.

Sounds like you're just making excuses because you don't really want to die. If you really wanted to die so badly you wouldn't care about a second of brutal extreme pain if it meant an end to your suffering. Everyone who wants a painless way out doesn't really want to die, they just want to complain about how that want to die

Jumping from a very, very tall building would do it. At least a 15 story building.
You'll probably pass out on the air before you hit the ground.

Ensure that this is what you really want before proceeding. You are looking for a permanent solution to a likely very temporary problem. With your options before acting.

That said: helium tank. Plenty of guides online about it. Easy to get, relatively cheap, painless, and difficult to fuck up. Do a favor to whomever finds your body and make sure to leave a note on the outside of the door. Don't want to mentally scar anyone.


We should ask those who took that route... oh wait

Asphixiation works well if you can makje sure no one is going to come and try to save you.

You can do it with a car, running a hose from the exhaust to a slightly open window. Or if you want to get fancy, an helium tank and a bag solidly secured around your head does it well enough.
In both cases you will fall asleep painlessly then die.

But considering that dying will be your last experience, shouldn't go for something more exciting ?

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Speaking about my problems will not fix them.

Made me kek

I had bursts of will power all the time, but years later after trying hard I have even more problems than before, it's funny actually.

No, not really. I'm still afraid of pain.

I thought of using a helium tank but I read you can easily end up mentally impaired and alive in the end. If I end up as a downy in a wheelchair I won't ever be able to suicide.

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you're under the impression that therapy is simply about talking which leads me to believe you've never seen a therapist before.

suit yourself user but things get better and you would realize that if you made a consistent effort to improve your situation.

>can't even be assed to look up his own suicide method
No kiddin'.

>suit yourself user but things get better and you would realize that if you made a consistent effort to improve your situation.

You are so fucking oblivious to how obsessed I‘ve been with self improvement, both mentally and physically, for almost 4 years. Spare me your dumbass condescending tone.

I did. I‘m not finding anything I like.


and what have you accomplished in 4 years user with your absolute and perfect willpower and effort

I never said my willpower is perfect. If you want to make a point with exaggerations you‘re wasting your time being childish.

>claims other people are being childish when he's literally asking for an easy way out of the bed he made

are you dodging the question of what your "obsession" with self improvement actually accomplished over four years because that never happened?

I‘m not answering the question because I have nothing to gain from it. You are hostile and whatever I say will result in you trying to say something to hurt me, which is already apparent. Why even bother? Being born with a genetic illness that makes me feel disgusting and not wanting to leave the house isn‘t „a bed I built myself“.

>I thought of using a helium tank but I read you can easily end up mentally impaired
Like I said originally, it's pretty hard to fuck it up. It's likely the most painless way to die and it won't even get anyone suspicious before you do it.
Honestly, it kinda just seems like you are just toying with the idea and just want to vent a little. That's fine and probably actually for the best. Good luck, user.

Instead of killing yourself, sell all your shit and travel to Vietnam or some other SEA country.
It's cheap to live there so you can sustain yourself for a while just on how ever much money you bring with you.
Go fuck hookers, get drunk and meet people.
The alternative is you kill yourself

Well I saw a news article with an image of a mother and her now mentally retarded son in a wheelchair who tried to kill himself with an exit bag. Other than that I recall reading it somewhere.
Ragaedless, it does seem like the best method I read so far. I will buy a tank and use some sleeping pills to force me to sleep. Yes I‘m venting and yes I‘m still on the verge. Merely because I‘m afraid, not because my life is worth living.

Lost All Hope on Google.
Literally three words.

If it's quick enough, it's painless.

But asphyxiating on an inert gas is supposedly the most painless and peaceful way to go.


OP what exactly are your problems?

What's your problems though?

>Instead of killing yourself, sell all your shit and travel to Vietnam or some other SEA country.
>It's cheap to live there so you can sustain yourself for a while just on how ever much money you bring with you.
>Go fuck hookers, get drunk and meet people.
>The alternative is you kill yourself

I like the above suggestion.