How do I get a clingy gf who doesnt have any friends?

how do I get a clingy gf who doesnt have any friends?

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tumblr. good luck

Hm sounds like me. Tfw no bf to cuddle and be comfy with.

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you think you want this
but you dont
you really dont
you wont believe me until you actually do it, but just remember that user warned you

Lol you are that guy from soc i see

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Two ways. Meet a girl who is friendless, she will automatically be clingy(hard to find, easiest to manipulate). Or meet a girl who really really likes you with friends, but you are better than all of them and slowly alienate them with your influence over her(easy to find, hard to manipulate)

Fuck off emo Ted.

if you mean it heres my discord
shhh normalfag head back to r*ddit
Ive tried the latter but she moved to a different state

hahaha silly me forgot my discord because I was quite excited

at least you know you’re unworthy of a healthy woman

Dude whatch out you might break down agin lol

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Here he goes fabricating stuff again. Like the argument you won right?
I mean hey if that helps you sleep at night

If i didnt stop, you would have started crying, like i said if you need a friend just tell me

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My gf used to be like that after her breakup, but a bit ago she wanted to get friends again and she hasn't been that clingy ever since. I miss those times

>duh guys i tried one time that means it will never happen because I failed once


You tripfags are literally the worst.

This is a cry for help. Even thinking this should make you realize you are going off the deep end and need a change.

Ironically, you need to be a social chameleon who both understands and indulges introversion, and yet who can leave that shell and re-enter it basically at will.
There has to be some balance. Two people who don't really like people a whole bunch are more likely to find problems with each other than solutions.

Don't idealize anime waifus as having any parallel in real life. They're literally women designed by men to appeal to men.

Same, keep crying i guess

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Ayy lmao I got one

Shit gets annoying. Talking about marriage and shit 6 months in. I just keep her at bay

How many of those edgy pictures do you have? Post your stash stats.

dont be a possessive kike

you look how i expected

don't feed the niggers

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I'm friendless but I can always find a new boyfriend (and I know it).

>Suicide Boy
It all lines up

Suicide Boy is actually fun to read xD

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>clingy gf who doesnt have any friends?
Pick one up at the borderline personality disorder subreddit.

That's a no from me dawg

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>only 193
lame ass faggot

I deltied old files

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Stop with that ugly tranny please

You should delete yourself while you're at it.

What is this nationality, and why do they all-- literally all-- have the worst personality ever?
It's like "everything Asian plus a white guy"


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