Ever since Sneaky started doing the trap cosplay, my girlfriend has been borderline obsessed with me crossdressing

Ever since Sneaky started doing the trap cosplay, my girlfriend has been borderline obsessed with me crossdressing.

I've indulged her in the bedroom. We got a cheap wig, she'd do my make up and I'd wear her clothes.
She says I'm so convincing, that she wants me to actually go out with her, but I made it clear I'm REALLY not comfortable with that, but she still pushes the idea.

I was thinking MAYBE I could do this if there was some sort of anime convention around.
Is guys crossdressing in cosplay a thing at anime cons?
I want to kind of "blend in" and not be some kind of center of attention

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Don't fucking do it op, this will destroy her relationship with you the further you let her push it.

>Is guys crossdressing in cosplay a thing at anime cons?

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Tell her you're ok with it in the bedroom but not in public.

I made that very clear. I feel like since she thinks that girls dressing up like guys is just a tomboy thing but doesn't realize it's not the same for guys

A lot of girls seem to have trouble understanding that guys just don't have the same options as girls. I don't know how to explain it to them, but it's really fucking annoying.

Seeing dudes dressed like chicks is par for the course at Cons.

That being said, you need to establish your boundaries if you don't want to do this.

The more you go down this path the more danger you are in of changing your whole relationship dynamic. You do not want her to start seeing you as a girlfriend ect. It will change everything. She I’ll become more controlling and dominant over you.

It is and some are passable

You’re just a few steps removed from her introducing a “bull” into your relationship. Congratulations - you allowed this

The thing is that she never asks for anything
Her asking me to cross dress was the first time she really wanted something other than where to go for dinner.

sounds nice

As a girl, thos is the biggest fetish of mine.

Taking a crossdressing guy outside would be a bit much for me, because I don't like to show off my fetish outside. I just want him to look like a girl while smashing me. It almost makes him more masculine, in a way. Like even with fairy hair, a dress, make up, and a push up bra with padding, he still dominates me hard as a man.

There is something insanely hot about that.

Just be steadfast about your limits. You don't have to act submissive just because you crossdress.

I have very few guys I would just be willing to sleep with if I got the chance, but Sneaky is the exception. He could do me any time.

I have no idea how a gamer guy can look so damn good.


I'm so fucking jealous.

>uses words he doesn't understand

his pictures are shopped and with a lot of makeup

The pizza delivery girl set in particular has a particularly awful chin job

I saw him IRL in his Xayah cosplay. Literally the hottest guy I've ever seen in my life, and this was at a place full of plastic Korean pretty boys who actually look photoshopped in real life.

Pizza delivery Sivir wasn't his best, I'll give you that. But it sounds like you are jealous, user.

You're allowed to have boundaries.
I know someone that let a girl push him into this and he still regrets it immensely. It's not even because she broke up with him and it probably had something to do with how she saw him after that. It's because he sold his self-respect in an attempt to please his girlfriend.

>You must be jealous of him because _i_ find him attractive
That's some real fuckin neato autism you got there user

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>H... He doesn't look that good
You don't have to be defensive, user. You are anonymous here. It's okay to be wrong, no one can tell it was you when you post in another thread.

You people are so pathetic. Women crave masculinity and you have shown that you can't satisfy that. You might as well end the relationship op, assuming this isn't you making up stories about your fetish.

It takes immense amounts of masculinity to be able to crossdress and still satisfy a girl in bed.

Easily more masculine than any roidfag from the gym, who thinks he is hot shit for being able to press whatever arbitrary amount of pounds he thinks is impressive.

>How does he look good?
>Make up and photoshop
>But i liked him IRL you're just jealous?

Have you considered you're infatuated and autistic
You liking him IRL doesn't mean the photos aren't shopped, they're fucking photoshoots.

Why ask if you're going to be upset at every suggestion?

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What an absolute faggot. Keep lying to yourself m8.

Jesus Christ dude. Maybe take a breather outside while you calm down

Literally seething

>Why ask
Ah, you are one of those people.

Protip: don't assume it's just you and 1 other person in the thread. I didn't ask anything. I'm just responding to someone who seems to not fully understand what girls find attractive.

>You liking him IRL doesn't mean the photos aren't shopped, they're fucking photoshoots.
Never said it was, just stating the fact that he still looks downright gorgeous and handsome in real life. You should work on your reading comprehended, instead of getting so upset over people having an opinion you don't like.

not them but implying somebody else is jealous of your attraction is actually some real autistic shit

user, the other user doesn't want your Jow Forums affection, why would he be jealous of that

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>n.. no u
I really don't understand why people like you keep trying this hard.

I mean, I don't mind. It's kinda funny to watch you have such a meltdown, but it is still perplexing to me.

>literally the only people posting pictures
>n.. not samefagging

Do you have a point or are you just desperately stating how not mad you are

I do yoga every day and that's the largest stretch I've seen

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Daily reminder that Sneaky already got caught with a sissy and crossdressing fetish before he met his girlfriend live on stream and that she only latched onto him because he's wealthy and she is getting shit ton of attention from it and can shill her own social media, patreon and cospalys.

She's basically using him. But she isn't going to marry some sissy faggot who wants dildos in his ass and spreads his buttcheeks for horny dudes online. Once he's sucked dry, she'll move on to a man she can respect and love. Women don't respect these kind of men, they only use them for power and money.

Attached: lol.jpg (2132x1672, 740K)

>Oh, you're one of those.
Oh yes, one of those.
A poster? What the fuck did they mean by this

You should work on that. Its pretty easy. Just tell yourself "I don't know if this is still the same user.", and formulate a response based on the post, and assume nothing.
>A poster? What the fuck did they mean by this
You seem to have forgotten to link to the post you are talking about.

The implication of that reaction image is "dude has no fucking idea lmao", autist.
Everyone knows crossplay is a huge thing. As is outright trapping.

>Assume nothing
>Makes erroneous assumption in the next sentence

Shit advice 0/10

>Makes erroneous assumption in the next sentence
Well, you refer to something clearly unrelated to my post, but you are right, I should have taken my own advice there.

I really don't see the appeal

Not really.
2hu fags don't try to look girly and that's the whole point.

Sneaky would be a lot cuter if he did his eyebrows. But probably not really an option til he decides to become a girl permanently

which is only a matter of time at this point.