I'm 35. Life didn't work. Options?
I'm 35. Life didn't work. Options?
Your options are the same as everyone. First, figure out what really matters to you and what you want your life to look like. Then make it happen.
I wish, but they are not. My career is done, I'm overqualified to get bad jobs, and I can't get on my area. I can't study something else because I don' have money. I was truly thinking something more radical, like moving somewhere else, but I don't have money.
Lie about your qualifications.
Doesn't work.
> I'm overqualified to get bad jobs
what does this mean? if you wanted to get a job as a waiter you'd get rejected?
I'm sure you're not at the end of your rope. Worst-case, you can get a student loan if you wanted to go back to school for something.
But don't fall for the moving meme, 90% of the time people mistake change for progress.
that fucking sucks, now i'm depressed. I always thought i could be a night guard when i burn out on my job but now i'm sad to learn that i can't do taht :( it fucking sucks.
also, do you know anyone who has some land that you could work on? like a friend who deosn't use the land. It seems super comfy and low stress to work the land.
I'm depressed too. I've been trying to get jobs cleaning, delivering mail, etc... But I don't get them.
No, actually I'm in another country (Sweden), so I don't have many friends here.
I don't know if I'm at the end, but I can't get loans. I know that, I have already checked. I was trying to get a short education like a technician on something, but I can't apply for those, because I already have "higher education".
Retards. There is no such thing as overqualified.
Bullshit. You just don't want it to work.
Yeah... I'm pretty sure is not working.
You still have heaps of life left. Make it work
I don't get why don't you lie and water down your qualifications to get a shit job to make enough to move and start over.
Yeah... I'm pretty sure you haven't tried.
If the employer discovers that you lied on the cv, they fire you immediately and you get a bad reference for the next job. Here in Sweden things don't work very much like you would expect.
Dude, think about it. If it's a shit job he is not gonna check if you are overqualified once he hires you. He's gonna care that you show up and don't fuck up, that's all.
Even if he does check you can just play dumb and say you forgot to mention it, that's not lying. Lying would be if you said you are an engineer and you are not. Besides, how in the world is he gonna check? Don't you have privacy laws? I bet is almost impossible for him to check if you have a degree or what jobs you've had without your explicit permission.
idk man, you seem trapped and this just seems a way out.
As for the bad reference, once you're out of the hole you can never mention this shit job, say that you were freelancing, or studying, or taking care of your mom.
>Don't you have privacy laws? I bet is almost impossible for him to check if you have a degree
On the contrary. Your degree is a matter of public record. Which means anyone has the law given right to access that information.
shuffle the deck again there's still time. End the game strong mate
They fuckin don't care, wirk at mcdonald, the turn over is so high, you think they take the timr to check your fuckin diplomas
I've been hired on the spot as a waiter in a restaurant, they couldn't care less about my cv