Guys lying about their height online?

I'm struggling to understand if it's common or just my lack of luck, but a majority of the guys I've been meeting off tinder lie about their height. I don't list any requirements for matches on my profile and I truly don't care for height as long as the guy isn't shorter than me (I'm 5' 7"), so I'm starting to think guys just think I won't notice. But when I meet up with them and they're almost eye level to me and they've listed their height as 6'0", I just wonder how dumb they really think I am.
It's insanely frustrating, and not because I care about how tall they are, but because I feel like lying about height makes the guy questionable from the very beginning. It's a turn off.
Do you think my frustration is unreasonable? Should I ask them about it? I mean, I have looked at it from a different perspective, and I'm sure it feels as disappointing as if a woman were to lie about her weight/body type.

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You should confront them yes, because it's really stupid. There's a reason why they do though. It should be evident why.

If they are willing to lie about something like that imagine what else they will lie about. Consider it a pleb filter.

it's pretty common because lying about yourself is normal.

people aren't choosing unflattering photos of themselves to post up on social media or advertise themselves on dating apps. we all deceive a little bit.

This is why I always tell people that I tell people I'm 6'0 instead of just actually telling them I'm 6'0.

>wonders why guys would lie about height then admits to being picky about height
Hmmm, interesting

Tinder is pure cancer, avoid that app, just go outside and find a bf there.

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Seriously lmfao

>I don't care what color the car is as long as it's black
Women are amazing.

>i dont care at all, and that's why i bring this up and keep restating how much i dont care

i dont care lol

Why do you even ask their height in the first place? It doesn't matter. And in my experience girls are shit at estimating height anyway. Many will think a 5'10" guy is 6'.

I don't but it's pretty fucking obvious why. Women are stupidly picky with height, especially with numbers. 5'2" girls will ignore average height guys without even realizing how tall they are. Believe it or not many girls can't tell and online it's 6ft or nothing.

Imagine if men filtered out any girl taller than 5ft, 5'4" is plenty short for 90% of men but they autistically decide it must be at most 5ft.
That's what women do.

>why do men lie about a thing that clearly matters to me to get my attention or approval?
>i really dont care about it but it bothers me so much when someone is not the height i wanted. I DON'T CARE!!!
>what the fuck guys??

5'7 male here. don't do online dating but I can promise you if i wrote that on my profile I wouldn't have my foot in the door at all. at least if you lie you can get somewhere even if a girl dislikes it at first but at least she talks to you for 5 minutes. but I agree it's a waste of time. you just aren't that attractive if you're short and you gotta live with it. even if someone goes out with you they'll usually crave something more manly since its absolutely a thing that exists and is out there and well within their range since any 6'7 nigga will fuck anything nowadays. it's easier to act like being short isn't a big deal that makes life completely different for you socially but it is. and I'm not even that short. life isn't so bad though without relationships. you learn to be a lot more self reliant when nobody shows an interest in you and you realize there's no point in trying to change it. at some point you realize it's kind of just gross how easy it is to be unwanted for something out of your control and you don't even want anything to do with the whole charade anymore.

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I'm 5'6 and had a girl who was visibly shorter than me try to convince me that she's also 5'6 and that I'm just wrong about how tall I think I am. She's probably 5'2 or 5'3 and still goes around claiming that she's 5'6. If someone is very insecure about something, then attempting to confront them will just end up with them acting up and trying to make you feel like you're being crazy. Asking them will have no results, it's not like they'll say "oh yeah, that's not my real height". And if it really is his height, then he might drop you since you'll come off as shallow.

On the other hand, since many women have these cut off heights where they won't even consider a shorter guy, it's understandable that guys will lie about it, especially if they're on a hookup app. Their logic is probably that you won't notice since you'll be shorter than them or that you'll give them a chance anyway. That's how dating works for most guys, it's basically just attempting to be given a chance.

I mean, do these guys know that you're 5'7? That kinda tall for a woman, they might be thinking that you're 5'4 and can't tell a difference between 5'7 and 6', many women are terrible at spatial perception.

>it's easier to act like being short isn't a big deal that makes life completely different for you socially but it is
imagine being so delusional

I tell girls height as soon as possible so if they dont like me for that then they can go. It prevents wastes of time. I understand too I dont like fat chicks so when ever a fat girl likes my profile I swipe no. Its preference beside most girls where I'm from are short af so it most of the time it dont really matter. I'm the drawf lord (5'6). I've noticed alot of fellow manlets get mad even when I call them short. I guess they some people can't accept their flaws and probably just pray to god they can win you over with charisma and personality. Expect more of it just like some girls dont take profile picks with their body included due to insecurity.

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Not OP, ive never really asked about height, but it’s still kinda important to me (not by choice)

I’m a 6 foot woman and if I’m taller than the guy it creates issues on both sides
I feel like I’m too big, and he feels like he’s getting dominated by me
It’s not a good feeling

I love snu snu tho.

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Lol I’m sure some guys like tall girls but idk in my experience it puts men off and creates a weird power battle in the relationship. I’d rather the guy just have the pants in the relationship

Hey whore, maybe they lie because you’re too much of a superficial whore that you literally won’t give them a chance for something that’s out of their control?

Welcome to tinder, where nobody is who they say they are. It's no different from literally every woman on the app using camera angles and filters and makeup to completely alter their appearance. I can bet you're guilty of this too.

If a guy tells girls he's short then no girl will ever go on a date with him. If he lies he may get called out on it but at least he'll get a chance at getting laid. The odds are heavily stacked against men on tinder so they have to use all the advantages they can, else their profile will get hidden by the algorithm and they'll get literally zero dates.

I've measured over 6'0 and I've measured under 6'0. I say 6'0.
Height inflation puts you in a shit place in terms of game theory.
If a guy was 5'11 does he really want to say he is 5'11 if he knows 5'10 guys say often they are 6'0? That means the girl will picture him as being shorter than the 5'10 guys.

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5'5" here and it's the reason why I'm a virgin, at least according to my sisters and women who I've asked

so that's probably why they're lying

Yes, I am also all for women not wearing pants on tinder dates.

Grown man here. This is a psychological flaw in males. A lot of them wouldn't realize their inaccuracy. It is not really a lie exactly. Maybe for some, but not a lot. Most men see themselves inaccurately and "lies" about hight can be a sign of confidence or a lack there of. I called myself 5'8" for a long time and couldn't be convinced otherwise. I am 5'11.5. I don't think most of them are trying to pull anything.

Lots of angry shorties in here. As it turns out, women are allowed to have preferences and maybe you're not one of them. Suck it up. The world isn't fair you fucking baby. Hit the gym or make even more money.

I'm 5'11 and I list my height as 5'11 because I'm not ashamed of it.

I'm 5'10", but I told the DMV that I'm 6' and they printed it on my licence.

Why? Well, because when I put down 5'6", I get literally no matches for months.

When I switch to 5'10 or 5'11? Day of.

They recorded my height as 175cm when I was 16 and got my permit and since then have refused to update it to 179cm despite trying 3 or 4 times.

I once spent 15 minutes talking to the woman about how I'd tried to change it and she lined me up to the height chart and went
>oh you are 179cm okay I'll have that changed

And then when my new licence came in the mail it still hadn't been changed.

>hit the gym
Getting swole as a manlet just makes them look even shorter by proportion.

>make money
Money buys hookers, not companionship.

In my opinion manlets should just be happy there's a couple landwhales who might be willing to date them.

I once met up with a girl who told me she was 5'7 and she was definitely 6'

true lmao
maybe that's why I like tall skinny guys over jacked midgets

This guy is 5'4".

I don't see a point in lying, in fact, it's better to be honest about it, because if she still wants to meet up after knowing my height then its a good thing, she aint shallow. pretty fucked up to say you're 6' and not even close. that'd be like a chick who really has a dick and you find out when its too late.

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>implying a girl on tinder would meet up with a guy who's 5'7 intentionally

Eh he just doesn't know when to hold em or when to fold em.

This is a repost from months ago.

That said, girls can't tell height for shit. I love it when some girl insists she knows how tall guys are because she thinks her heels literally add 5 inches. I'll trust my doctor when he measures me, not you eyeballing it, thanks.

idk what to tell you but i have... quite a few times actually. last time i used tinder, back in december, i had 40 matches. met up with 3. bumble and hinge are FAR more successful for me.

i can't help that i am short, and it sure as hell aint fucking easy. will prolly never land an 8 or 9 on there, but at least im not being a sulking bitch about it.

That's because they think guys who put 5'7" are actually 5'5". If you're actually 5'7" you're really borderline for being an acceptable height but since most girls are only 5'5 themselves you're not hopeless.

Mostly seconding this user here But to act like its delusion is dumb my man 5'5 here. It was one of the first things that got brought up day one when I got hired on in my management job. Of course the guy I got hired with was fucking 6'4 so I guess that conversation was inevitable. A lot of jokes thrown my way that Im used to laughing off at this point.

One of the ones on DAY 1 of the job
>well I guess we could have the two new hires fight for it.
>looks at 6'4 bro
>looks at 5'5 me
>hahaha well I believe in you user good luck user you'll need it

Look its not everything. Its far from everything, but to act like its delusion is foolish. I'm cool with all those dudes but its almost always an uphill battle.

also when people lie about their height are they dudes my dwarve size or or they like 5'9 dudes who say they're 6'0+? Just curious.

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i strongly recomend getting tall men shoes. they look perfectly normal on the outside but they actually make you 2-3 inches taller and its fucking great. so im 5'7" but i look 5'10"

link to their website:

BTW I just want to say that lying about your height is retarded. Especially if you're dwarf mode like in this post I just made. Its better to own up to it, but thats why I dont do online dating.

I have better success with women in person.

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>these are great especially because women will never see you without your shoes on

Exactly. Shits retarded. and this is coming from a 5'5 dude.

Just own your dwarfness bro. You aren't even that short. MOST women aren't taller that 5'5 5'6 I'm usually eye height or shorter. so long as you are like 1'' taller than them they usually dont mind.

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Girls always think my 6.5" dick is 8 or 9" so let's not pretend that they're good at judging distance/height/length. It's probably because they're less logically inclined. I'd go as far as to say it's probably why they make terrible engineers.

5'7" male here. I do online dating and I can promise you you're full of shit. All males of this height I know get girls very easily because it's easy to look good and fit.

>I’m a 6 foot woman and if I’m taller than the guy it creates issues on both sides
Why would it create issues? Most guys wouldn't have any issue. It sounds like you're the one being insecure. Just stop caring about it so much and date a guy you find attractive, shorter or taller than you, it doesn't matter.

Guaranteed at least half of those are larping lanklet virgins. Those guys come out like moths to a flame on height threads.

You're a big girl

For sure that was because of height. And not because he was better qualified than you in every way and you were a desperate sperg.

Oh yes they would, in fact being tall is a huge disadvantage on tinder which is purely looks based. That's why every tall guy lists their height in an act of desperation.

>p-p-pls swipe right on me because I'm 6'3"!

That link should be stickied really.

Wtf is this bullshit.

>the average height is 5'9
>the most right swiped guys are 5'8

Height is a bell curve distribution. All that statistic says is that the majority of guys have approximately average height. Nowhere does it say that women were asked to swipe left or right purely given a guy's height, and there were no controls, just that the majority of dudes were around the average height.

Are you under 125lbs?

>this cope
Please, guy. You know nobody's falling for it. Don't be the only one who is.

5’7” I have matches on tinder but I know when they find out i’m not 7’8” they will leave me for some other man with a pituitary tumor,

At this point should I give up?

That is some pathetic coping. The results were clear, the most swiped right guys were slightly below average in height. No height above 6' was anywhere near the most attractive bucket. All it shows is that, when purely looking at physical attractiveness, shorter guys have an undeniable advantage.

How tall are you? Because you got triggered something fierce by facts.

how the fuck are you supposed to do that, how do you meet people to get into a relationship with, i just dont get it

>If they are willing to lie about something like that imagine what else they will lie about.
This line of reasoning is way too common for how dumb it is. Think about how little it correlates to real life. There are plenty of times when you might do something very mildly unethical and it won't imply you do something extremely unethical. Consider these:
>If she steals food off my plate, imagine she might steal from my wallet!
>If she kills a ladybug, imagine she might murder me in my sleep!
>If she wears provocative clothing, imagine she might fuck a guy without a second thought! (incels love this one, equally stupid)
>If she has a glass of wine, imagine she might be a chronic alcoholic!
>If she playfully teases someone, imagine she might be a sadistic sociopathic bully.
>If she likes to eat fried chicken on a special occasion, imagine she's a hambeast waiting to happen
Lying about something small does not imply lying about something bigger. People MUCH more freely make small transgressions than big ones.

I'm 5'7 3/4"

Your only hope is to get a pituitary tumor if you don’t die you might grow a couple inches...

Then get on tinder and fuck lots of bitches and stop whining.

Lol 7.5" and get called 10 constantly.

>post actual height as a short guy
>no matches
>chuck a few extra inches on there
wow I just don't understand it?!?

Like penises?

Tinder doesn't have height.

>online it's 6ft or nothing.
Stop believing this meme

>I tell girls height as soon as possible so if they dont like me for that then they can go.
You sound like a chinlet.

Lol dont self project

For you.

The only one projecting is you dumbfuck, since you have to mention your height to hide other flaws.

You’re pathetic

>we got hired on the same day
>we both had engineering degrees
>we both had similar work experience
>this was both our first proper engineering job out of college
>the joke was about a desk
>it was the corner desk

Nigga listen it was just joke, but you're making a lot of assumptions here. Unless I have a fucking comedians wit which I fucking dont its hard to spin a position of "I think this guy could kick your ass easily" without looking like an insecure lil ass bitch so I just had to laugh and go something like "Ill climb that tree" or something of that nature. Dont remember exactly but it was funny if not demeaning.

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Lol i didnt even mention my height yet but you did bring up chins :)

>I've noticed alot of fellow manlets get mad even when I call them short.
Finally another one of you. Its hard to find people who are willing to make fun of them selves

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Because a lot of them a reading posts that you must be taller than 5.9 on dating profiles.

Your mind on Jow Forums propaganda

Guys, guys, chill...

I am 5'8 and i dont care that i am a midget, just be yourself

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They are going to exaggerate it because some women place so much importance on the number.

Women are going to exaggerate or leave out details about themselves when advertising for dating as well.

>this shitstorm over obvious bait

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Heres my chin.

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I think you're attaching too much value to it. People tend to tweak their height/weight/age a little bit when online dating the way you polish a CV. In many cases these lies aren't even willful lies but things they tell themselves for vanity reasons. (Like going "okay this is what I weigh but I'm holding water weight right now and I still wear clothes so I can subtract a few pounds" and going a little too far.) It can be cruel to see yourself reduced to a handful of completely average statistics, especially when you want to impress.

Of course it's always better if they are truthful. But I don't think it's a glaring red flag to present yourself a little better. You don't expect people to show non-flattering pictures of themselves, or to make a brutal assessment of their personality flaws in their bio.

difference between 5'7 and 6' is slightly more than the length of your index finger

>"Hey, nice to meet you. My name is manlet and I'm 5'7."

More like when they ask about it. If they dont then of course play it smart.

Don't listen to that non
Tinder is fine
He's just mad cuz he can't get any girl to swipe right on him

T. A guy who lies about his height.
The thing is, height is not a logical thing to lie about. Their mind is already a mess from insecurities to lie about something you won't get away with.

My penis is 5'9 if that helps.

>i don't care about the weight
>as long as the girls weight is not greater than mine

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I feel Tinder has been getting worse recently. I have currently 3+ likes and can't find them anywhere in the pool of people around me. The only people that match with me are people I've swiped on.

Lol u r gay.


It's like a girl lying about her weight online, the hope is that once you meet up you're a "bird in the hand" and so they'll just fuck you anyway.