ITT: General life advice for men

ITT: General life advice for men.

I'll start: for the love of god, shower every morning

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Take care of your skin
Get a nice cleanser to wash your face when you shower, a facial moisturizer and body moisturizer.
Moisturize your face every morning(get a face moisturizer that has sunblock) and moisturize your entire body after you shower.

Boys remember to wear deodorant or some kinda aftershave (but not one which is too strong) cow who wants someone who stinks

Shoot your shot when you the chance, cos life’s short and man up a little

I needed this, thanks anom


Take a chance and ask her out. Better to deal with the rejection and reprecautions now then the regret of a missed opportunity later.

Never confess your feelings. If you do, make it brief and casual. When the moment is right, just say “I really like you” and leave it at that. Less is more. Nobody likes a dramatic guy.

Fuck you, I work outdoors and get dirty every day so I shower in the evening. I'm not going to shower twice a day every day you fuck.

Stop being a pussy.


Learn how to cut your own hair, or at least shape it up.

Don’t dye your hair.

Learn how to replace your tires and change your oil.

And lastly don’t take shit from females user. If they’re dogging on you, dog back but keep it cool. You’ll get much further in life by not taking things personal and keeping your humor in tact but also not being a pushover. Girls love that quality in a guy.

Let confidence come naturally, and don’t try and fake it.

Shitpost on Jow Forums

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people in this thread. advice in this tread. dear god

I'll end us then:
get the FUCK off Jow Forums. Do anything but being on Jow Forums.

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Good point. Goodbye anons, have a good one

Been here for 12 years. Not going to change.

Based. Later faggot niggers.

>Not going to change
Neither will you, and in 12 years I'd wager neither have you
>lists, post-by-post
Are we fucking Buzzfeed? Buncha limp-dicked fuckboys

Since early childhood I've suffered with eczema and just recently at age 23 i started to take proper care of my skin.
Being mindful of sugary foods/candy etc. (stuff that causes flareups),avoiding touching my skin if i get the urge to scratch.
Also having my prescription cream at hand and never go without it.
I feel much more confident now that my skin is that of a newborn baby, gave me a decent morale boost.

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True but im here for a reason. Without this place I'd still be a virgin too.

Blessed thread

>if you're thinking about saying or doing something then just get it out of the way, sudden deaths are unpredictable and tragic for this reason
>shower every day that doesn't mean you always gotta use shampoo or soap
>wear fucking deodorant
>always wear a fucking condom even for oral sex. get tested regularly.