Did you meet your S/O as friends first or did you ask them out quickly after you met them?

Did you meet your S/O as friends first or did you ask them out quickly after you met them?

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From my experience as an outside observer, most relationships start between two individuals in a preexisting clique.

What is S/O ?

Significant Other

asked her out within two weeks or so. "officially" together within a month of knowing one another.

considerably less successful pursuing girls where i give too much time in-between meeting them and making my attraction to them clear

I've seen the same, and that's also where I got my first long term gf. Everyone I meet online it might last about a week, or a month tops.

Met her at work. We were friends for a couple months before we started dating. Went a little too fast and went back to friends for a bit, then realized that was stupid and ended up getting married within a year. Been married 4 years now, shit just works out that way sometimes

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Ohhh thats cute, i am happy for you user

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Basically this but minus the marriage part; went fast, backed out, tried again with the friends thing and that's seven years of history.

a-are you a girl?

Can we e-date?

Sure user, but i am 5'8 and i am 4/10

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Lawler is literally just Ted Cruz but from the Balkans. He is a tripfag, not a girl.

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I'm the tarot reader user

As long as it is just through here then that's fine

It's not like we would ever see each other in person and I like what you post

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I got trapped again!

Friends first.

Ok sure user
What lol, pleas dont talk to us you creep

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I got a gf on the board where you ask how to get a gf!

Eat that faggots

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I never asked that lol

Oh well looks like you are same like everyone else here, i thought you were normal

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I was with a guy who cheated on me. The girl and me actually became best friends - he was an asshole and lied to us both.

She introduced me to her friend of many years and he asked me out.

She was our maid of honour and best man three months ago.

we were together for five minutes

My first gf.. I guess we started out as friends. On and off for 2 years, and then we were together for 3 months.
That and what people call "the friendzone" are the reasons why i stop trying to get a girl the moment i get the feeling she doesn't like me that way.

Oh sorry i misunderstood you, i thought you were saying that to me

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you got older. when you get close to 30 and deal with women your age, things get more straightforward. both parties know whats up. no need for pretending by first being friends etc.

I'm 23, i'm just tired of bullshit.

Wouldn't that also depend on how long they've known each other?

pre tinder, I've had a pretty good time on tinder in both short and long term dating, as have a lot of my friends
Most of my recent experience has been dating apps so there's a smaller time frame generally of when things happen, usually within 2-3 weeks but in my experience dating within circles of friends it sometimes takes a bit longer, 1 to 3 months depending on the circumstances and how well we already know each other. There's just so many more factors in my opinion that complicate things when you meet people the traditional way, not to imply that that the end result is any better or worse.

We've met at a party and chat for the whole duration of it. Then we saw each other at more events (by chance) and we hit it off. Slowly, we started going out just the two of us (as friends) untill one day we woke up in the same bed. That was the sign of the things escalating.

Every time I see this Lawliet Cruz fella i's always super cringey