How do you meet women if you have no friends and never even attended graduation (early graduate)? I'm 18 and will be working as an electrician by around June. I'm also going to move out of my Mom's house this year. My hobby is making things and forging knives. I have a fairly muscular build and girls have been attracted to me(sadly I had very low self esteem) and did nothing about it. I'm now better but since I graduated high school I have yet to be in any situations with a girl.
Women's advice would be appreciated
Get some hobbies with other people.
But I don't want friends.
>good advice is engendered!
You need to stop this.
Titties are engendered. Thanks to fat men, even that's slowly becoming less true. For everything else, there's science or an answer like 'everyone's an individual and you need to learn not to expect to be able to google an answer for literally any single thing you encounter in life, tangible or otherwise.'
Use Tinder, then.
I'll be here waiting for you to explain to me why Tinder won't work and then I'll tell you that those are your options and it's up to you to try or not.
So I have to make friends to get girls?
Yeah, having active social circles is one way to get girls.
But why do I need to know other people in order to get one person? Have all of your lays come from girls connected to your social group?
>But why do I need to know other people in order to get one person?
That's the wrong idea.
Meeting people in general requires people. It's not about dating exclusively.
Imagine you want to find a partner for ping pong. How would you go about it?
Because one person isn't even that high a standard, but you know, the literally-exclusive number of people that exempts you from opportunity, that's none and that's what you know
You could have 1 friend up to 999 and be able to find 'one' person, but you've got the one number
In layman's terms, you can't even get just the one person. So yeah, hedging your bets with more than one is probably a very smart move
It doesn't seem like you like people a whole bunch, why would you want a girlfriend then? It's like social contact upped to 11, you're just on a constant feed to and with this person compared to others
I'm probably gonna commit suicide before I turn 25. No one's fault, I just don't wanna relearn how to be around people.
Sex and companionship. And your right, I don't like being around people, but having a girl living with me and fucking me would make life pretty nice.
Wow, you are too young to be so lazy.
I have insomnia and depression. Maybe I'll get better when I move out and am not around my toxic single mother and stupid older brother. I just don't wanna spend most my nights alone after I cut them off. I don't have any people.
> I don't have any people.
Make some friends. You'll drive a partner up the fucking wall if they are the only person you talk to.
You forget all the parts where she's still doing all the exact same things as people that make you dislike them.
This is my problem with these threads, you have no idea what you want. You're like a dog chasing your tail. Is this all just a temporary game, are you retarded, or are you just so twitterpated you have no idea what you're doing anymore and are just letting your brain fire off on autopilot?
Don't get me wrong, the fucking you part will be great but are you genuinely so deluded that you think this isn't going to backfire in exactly the same ways as your normal social interactions do?
If anything, man, a relationship is even harder social pressure because you're constantly expected to compromise and let things slide, let it roll off your back, understand that 'this is them.' And unlike regular friends or FWBs or a hooker, you can't just opt to log out, leave, whatever else when it gets bad. I mean, you can, but then that's what fuckboys are and I don't figure that's gonna help you.
How do you maintain friendships.
Amen, OP really needs to read this.
There's no book for this. It's about doing.
Start by not isolating yourself. Share your time with others.
So then my only option is escorts? I honestly don't think I'll be alive past 21.
this is the most lazy "one size fits all" advice for this topic ever. and it gets posted every time. in my prime years i easily had active contact with about 50 people, casual contact well above 100. i have met so many friends of friends of friends that i forgot more than i can remember. not once have i had a romantic opportunity through that. same goes with hobbies. if you dont enroll in some swimming or cooking class then good luck with that. and if you do, good luck competing with better men that are there for the same reasons as you. nah this is bullshit lazy advice. OP needs to know that there isnt this magic tip for finding a girl. And all those magic tips involve some sort of chance encounter. "Just go to this or that place and you will eventually find someone!" people basically tell OP to sit on his arse when he should be told to put in the hard work if he wants to find a girl. actively dating is what you need to do, not doing something else and then waiting for someone to find you. you go out there and find what you want, end of story. online dating, speed dating, small cafees where girls are OBVIOUSLY waiting for a guy, bars. and dont come with this "oh but you need to improve this and that". no, this again only delays what you want into infinity. you will forever wait until you are "ready". bs. ive seen fat old neets without friends finding girls, borderline retards finding girls. there is only one valid advice: put in the hard work and grind by dating again and again. no waiting for magic salvation to knock at your door.
I mean, I'm just stuck. Do I write another wall of text for you only to get battered back by a listless one-liner, or do I just give you some bullshit "b urself user!"?
Can you tell me some suicide methods that aren't prescription drugs and don't involve a gun? I wanna be able to end it in public, not in house.
If you can't handle having friends how are you supposed to handle a girlfriend? If you want to be a bf learn what it's like to be friends with someone first.
>please tell me how to shortcut a shortcut
No, you lazy cunt. Google that shit or just drown yourself or just get a gun anyway and shoot yourself.
You don't need a woman's advice, you need to socialise and learn to not be a sperg when you talk to anyone.
If you can't talk to people, you definitely won't be able to talk to women, being in shape and attractive gets your a conversation starter, nothing more.
No woman will want to date a guy who keeps to himself and has no friends unless she is also a social outcast, but there are guys who aren't losers that will date her.
Just use some dating websites. If women flock to you like you claim, then you shouldn't have a problem
Again, don't be lazy.
lift weights in your shower