Internet Fame

How do I achieve it?
Did you achieve it?

I love but i haven't been getting many viewers, doe anyone have advice on how to impove this?

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dude, even fairly attractive female streamers have issues generating consistent viewers

for a guy? shit's impossible from a grassroots origin with the saturation you're seeing.

Fame is odd on the internet

On the one hand it only takes ~10 views a day to be top 10% on youtube so really there aren't THAT many people trying

On the other hand girls win social media out of respect. They get the most facebook, snapchat, and instagram friends

If you whore yourself out on there then you become 'famous' on social media instantly if you are a girl although that is not honorable.

I achieved infamy fame through being involved with my Clan in Counterstrike and being being a funny Jow Forums poster. I am not 'famous' though and glad of it. I also achieved top 10% youtube stardom out of hard work.

I am male so I actually have to submit content.

If you are female then show some cleavage and watch the flies gather

RIght now I am trying to put a movie on netflix and through independent film festivals, but that cost exactly a million dollars so I need to work a lot to get that cause nothing is easy. That's my next step and for now I will settle for being one of the only original content creators on the net and getting respect for it- not likes

You don't honestly want fame, OP. Especially internet fame. In a day and age where everyone's sharing their daily lives on vlogs/blogs/insta/facebook - being anonymous is one of the greatest things. The moment you fuck up and say/do/post anything that comes off as racist or sexist or pedo your ass gets crucified and everyone will know your name and face and constantly remind you of it.

People will run up to you constantly at the grocery store while you try to do your normal life stuff. People will come to your home and stalk you. Stalkers, underages, desperate people looking to make money off of your signature, etc.

Fame isn't worth it. Especially when you want to "retire" from public life. You get any wrinkles or grey hair and suddenly you're meme'd all over again with people pointing out your less than amazing looks. Don't do it. Fame is a trap. Speaking from experience and no, I won't reveal anything more than that.

Half the time, luck, or something that looks like it. You know how many times people have gone viral with their most low effort content?

Controversy and memes.
If you want the hard path go for a targeted path with a clear vision, a targeted audience and in-depth content.
I say its not worth it but hey, its your life.

DONT ASSUME MY GENDER! Jk, you're correct i'm a dude. So your suggestion is to give up?

Really where did you get that stat of ~10 people a day?

That is very true I agree with that, but I don't think that it limits me. There are a lot of famous guys out there, arguably more. I suppose most of them are proplayers when it comes to twitch though right?

Oh very nice ambitions, all the best to you

Interesting, I wouldn't mind coming home from a day of work and just getting on twitch 'just chatting' section, watching youtube and doing whatever and getting paid to do it. Ya know?

I'm not the type of person who cares about losing their anonymity and I know the consequences of becoming 'famous' and losing it.

I live in a gated complex so no one can come in without a pass. I'm not worried about that.

The only traps I know are... ahahah.
Interesting claim and okay I wont ask.

That is true, so you think that going viral should be my aim?
Come up with creative ideas that people haven't done before.

For guys, you either need great fucking content or amazing skills. Like, make high quality Blender/SFM animations. If you're a girl, get an outfit and cosplay. But even that market is saturated.

These days, it's all luck and recommendation algorithms unless you have actual, tangable skill.

Nah fake controversy is for fake people.
Memes are okay aren't they? Just for a bit?

Well if I want to get a large following quickly I should aim for kids, something that will appeal to kids, because they are a great demographic to get clicks from right?

In-depth content is not necessary for this type of audience is it.

Why do you say it isn't worth it?

Attached: sunsetcam.gif (400x400, 71K)

What are high quality Blender/SFM animations?

Yeah I agree that the market is saturated.
Maybe I will have to go to tiktok lmao.

Interesting, I have a lot of skills.
Would people watch me If I was researching a medical condition possibly?
I feel like it is something that isn't really being done and I have a degree in Biomedical sci so I understand all of the biochemistry.

I don't think that type of content would ever connect with kids though.

What is good content that connects with kids?

leeching seems to work out well as long as you can positively impact/provide good content to the other person's stream (else why would they carry you, right?) you would need to network well and work up to bigger streamers. there are twitch discords out there where streamers communicate and network, collab, etc. i imagine getting in there is a good first step to branching out though i'm unsure of the process of getting invited.

you can try to script something for LSF and pay some bot network to upvote/shill it but it obviously needs to be convincing else you nuke your credibility.


just stream on a consistent schedule and build a small fan base of regulars. not sure if it'll accomplish your definition of fame doe.

Are girl? Tits
Are man? Espouse the views of an understated group and give them a voice

These sound like worlds apart but it's the same shit-- gypping stupid people out of their money.

Actual fame and followers are different. Get good, quality content. That will get you fame, but only once you reach a terminal point in followers.

To get followers, you must actively like, follow, and comment on other peoples’ content. There are a few different ways to go about this step. Some professionals hire actual people to run their social media accounts as a full-time job. Another possibility is for you to use bots to follow and like, but you risk the possibility of getting banned if you do that. And lastly, you could spend all day long doing it yourself, but that only works if you’re a NEET, and can be draining, but you will get the most genuine followers that way.

Basically, for every 10 people you follow or so, 1 will follow back. Most platforms have a limit on how many you can do in a day or hour or something, to discourage bots.

Once you’ve reached a good number of followers, the most important thing is to produce regular content, and with a set theme. Quality is now importat. Consistency in producing content and being active with followers is key.

Good luck, fagbro.

Interesting, could you give me an example of the understated? Much appreciated.

True, but a following leads to fame. Well in the sense I am referring too anyway.

I think that is true, so I need to become part of the twitch community is what you're suggesting?

NEET, are you brittish? ahaha, never heard of that one.

I have actually done this, before, oh well something similar and I have around 4k followers on Instagram. But they're all bots following me so it's meaningless.
They don't do anything.

I think your take is interesting but not of help to me.

Cheers fagbro

Take someone like incels and frame their point as if you actually intended to discuss that with an adult rather than to just yell at people online

server for artists of all kinds

It's literally the same thing as achieving fame in acting or music or any other media

-be good-looking
-be charismatic and extroverted
-never, ever stop.

Of course there's a few exceptions that prove the rule like that h3 guy looks like shit and that Francis guy managed to capitalize on his success at ironically pretending to be a fat neckbeard and then being an unironic fat neckbeard, but for the most part it's all good-looking and charming people.

I don't really know twitch all that much but I only know Ninja and Sodapoppin who look almost like identical twins, that Phillip Franco guy or whatever his name is too.

Like 90% of twitch and youtube is just skinny white boys that make 13 year old pussy tingle, and pewdiepie was that as well before he became alt-right and grew a shitty beard. He's like the template for internet success. one of those soundcloud rappers even looks like him but with neck tattoos.

And finally like said if you don't want to be that HEY WHAT'S BROS IF YOU WANT TO JOIN THE FAG ARMY BE SURE THAT SMASH THAT FAG LIKE BUTTON AND FINGER THE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON AS WELL WHOO I'M NEEDLESSLY EXCITED FOR THIS VIDEO MY SENPAI you can just fuck all that and just stream regularly and even do like obscure base that will bring you a smaller but more loyal audience at least at first

For instance take these faggots and express that instead of them seeking social refuge by pretending none of their flaws exist, they're given a platform to express themselves with the ability to consider what they say before they say it in a tangible form as well as the means to carefully gauge and time responses as the internet does not always work off of reactive timescales like face-to-face interactions do.

Even though I'm saying the same thing really-- that they're trying to whitewash their flaws-- the euphemism sells it way fucking harder than 'they're needy faggots with dependency complexes' and if that isn't marketing-- taking something and making it look good when it doesn't on its own-- then I don't know what is.

>even do like obscure base that wil

obscure games, sorry.

The way you write is so dense, I had to read that twice

Interesting. Only problem with incels is a lot of their language and acts (webcam) would stop my content from being family friendly.

Who are you? Come on, I won't tell anyone and besides, for all we know it's someone telling lies on the internet.

Whats this?

I think that there are a lot more than a few exceptions. Ricescum, fouseytube, Anything4views... they're nothing special. There are tonnes of guys that dont fit that category of good-looking. I'm not bad looking though so I guess I don't have to worry about this one. (Not sure how to say that in a humble way)

I do agree with your other points. I think they're important.

However all of our evidence is anecdotal, I want empirical evidence.


Well written for the most part.

Whitewash their flaws? What do you mean?

I agree that euphemisms are great for marketing, and that I should incorporate that style into my content for clicks. Absolutely.

All g, know what u meant

Same, because he has responded to the discord comment i'm not sure what he means.
Feel like its copy pasta desu.

I forgot to add that this limits my content.

Lmao I wouldn't believe the person writing that is famous even.

>I think that there are a lot more than a few exceptions. Ricescum, fouseytube, Anything4views... they're nothing special. There are tonnes of guys that dont fit that category of good-looking.

Rice and Fousey and definitely conventionally attractive, right down to their hair style and the way they groom their facial hair if they indeed have any

but yeah anything4views does look like he's the game master of a D&D session, I'll give you that one.

>empirical evidence

hard to do when Youtube success is so fickle and the main audience changes every 5 or so years, and youtube itself is extremely new. It may have been around for nearly 14 years or something but people weren't becoming famous or rich off of youtube until the late 2000s/early 2010s

Remember Fred Figglehorn? The Annoying Orange? Them and other channels I've completely forgotten about were the kings of youtube and now they've completely faded into oblivion.

Rather than trying to find what's hot right now and trying to check all those boxes only to find that kids have moved onto something else, just do what you want to do and let people come to you.

One word: Aspiration. I often call myself a "Future YouTube Celebrity", because I know it's going to happen. I just post whatever videos and YouTube and I just passed 880 Subscribers and I'm not stopping until I get that Diamond Play Button.

People viewing you should feel validated, included and understood; whatever you feel and however you see it, you need to present it with those ideas in mind.

Fousey has a huge fkin nose. yuck.
Rice is thin as a stick and has a fat head.

That is very true tho about anything4views.

Yeah that's what we need though isn't it.
Empirical evidence. I'll look up some now.

I do remember FRED. But if u change your content, eg. Pryocynical or Pewdiepie
Then you can stay upto date.

I agree with that. Doing something that hasn't been done. Isn't that what Collosall does?

Interesting, what types of videos do you make? If you dont mind me asking. I think that the quality/quantity debate is interesting, I believe that a higher quantity of average videos is better than few high quality ones.
Again Pewdiepie is proof that this works.
(As long as we are using him as the template for success)

I see what you mean by this. So engaging with my viewers allows them to feel as though they are part of something.