IQ of 132, but mixed-raced

>IQ of 132, but mixed-raced
>Have a forehead as low as Hitler, think like Hitler too, but smarter than he was
>Quiet, people think I'm stupid, but don't really care about it because the people themselves are just wastes of space to me
>Don't feel attracted to women because they don't have my genetics
>Can't love anything in life, too old

What should I do?
I can't have a family because I can't care they exist. I can't race-mix because it's evil. I can't make friends and talk to people because I don't care about them.

What is there to do when other human beings may as well not exist? I exercise everyday, and I take omega-3, drink an appropriate amount of water for my body weight, and I take a daily multivitamin, but it's not enough to keep life worth experiencing.

Escapism doesn't work anymore because I have nothing worth anything in life, so even my way out has been impacted.

Attached: Me2.jpg (812x593, 184K)

Other urls found in this thread:,1988,1996,2004/section:80

Dude. Stop making this thread.

Most people in this world and on this image board hand me nonsense.
They say foolish things like "race is just a construct" when it's a hard reality.

The blacks have denser bones than the whites. The human species evolved out from Africa.

People attack me and say I support Hitler when they fail to understand that I'm essentially the same thing he was. Non-conscientious, probably going to die because of it.

Stop, dude.

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Are you an East Asian, or are you a white with a high forehead?

Are those fat saggy titties I see?

>They say foolish things like "race is just a construct"
The "hard reality" is that, scientifically, it is. The vast majority of geneticists have already acknowledged that "race" is a genetically irrelevant concept. Genetcists have found that you actually have more genetics in common with people outside of your race than you do with people in it. "Race", in its purely biological sense merely refers to how close your ancestors were born to the equator. You accompany people of African descent with having denser bones on average to people of European descent because you aren't educated enough in the subject to know the difference between genealogy and race. Environmental factors that have significant impact on the adaptations of a specific genealogy, scientifically, doesn't actually have much to do with the race of an individual. If you don't want to take my word for it then its all there on Google if you care to check for yourself.


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my gf is actually pretty cute >_>

Your IQ is only 132 and other people are a waste of space? Just shut up and enjoy the ride brainlet.

>Geneticists have found that you actually have more genetics in common with people outside of your race than you do with people in it

This is impossible. Send me the source for this

Asians have biological wiring to handle 150 IQ.

It all works internally, so it's not visible like it is for other races.

>your life is actually like this
Oh my actual God. Wow.

>enjoy the ride

There's nothing to enjoy in life for me.
The only reason I don't commit suicide is my sister, and shes severed herself from me out of her own selfishness as a female.

I've got about 28 years left to live (by that time my sister won't matter to me), and then suicide by gunshot. I'm not going to keep existing just to suffer.

All that IQ and you're still a tiny bitch

>I've got about 28 years left to live
Define "about." I can promise that estimation of your doom is a waste of time. Are you in your sixties?

Well yeah my IQ is 159

I don't know how to drive.
I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 21
I'm 22 years old and I've never even kissed a girl. I once had to work 140 hours in the span of two weeks and wanted to commit suicide by the end of it.

You have to be brain-dead to not see where this shit is headed. I never would've bought the gun had I hadn't worked in the way I've done.

I never thought life would ever get that bad, but it does get that bad for the weak of the human species.

This entire thing is a consequence of my IQ and my mother's womb. It was supposed to have estrogen, but it was pure testosterone instead. What happened to Hitler happened to me. A white man with a high forehead had sex with a woman with a low forehead.

Attached: hitlersparents.jpg (1200x675, 204K)

>dont know how to drive
>didnt learn to ride a bike intil 21
>still haven't kissed a girl despite how easy it is these days
>132 iq
You fucking wish you had an iq that high

Attached: 1545706713543.gif (100x100, 23K)

Everything becomes extremely difficult when you exist outside of evolutionary wiring. I can't walk down the road without panicking because I suddenly realize I have to walk, step-by-step, to get home, or I will never get back there.

I have issues with catching a ball, finding the center of objects, and paying attention to things that I don't care about like income taxes and mathematics.

It's all fucked-up.

At that stage you sound like you're autistic, got aspergers, dyspraxia, something else or any combination of those.
Honestly you just seem like some pseudointellectual with a huge ego that doesn't want admit they're just talking out their ass 90% of the time. Or this is all just convincing bait.

>"In many ways, genetics makes a mockery of race. The characteristics of normal human variation we use to determine broad social categories of race—such as black, Asian, or white—are mostly things like skin color, morphological features, or hair texture, and those are all biologically encoded.

But when we look at the full genomes from people all over the world, those differences represent a tiny fraction of the differences between people. There is, for instance, more genetic diversity within Africa than in the rest of the world put together. If you take someone from Ethiopia and someone from the Sudan, they are more likely to be more genetically different from each other than either one of those people is to anyone else on the planet!"

There is more examples in the article and in the linked sources.

Like you're the one to tell someone to stop

>expects a tripfag to be self-aware
They're here because they're fucking depressed closet narcissists

>You've got autism

That's not it.
There is likely no such thing as autism.

There's always a real and valid biological basis that is not willy-nilly garbage.

When you hit 17 IQ points past racial norm, you stop caring that you're naturally intelligent. All that really matters in life is what you do, not what you come into it as. I did nothing to deserve the brain I have.

Blacks are the original ancestor of all human beings. It's not a shocker that they're genetically distinct from one another. But if you take an Asian and a Black, the Asian will genetically align with other Asians.

>But if you take an Asian and a Black, the Asian will genetically align with other Asians.
Read the article in its entirety and its linked sources. If you want to discuss facts then lets discuss facts. Your anecdotal musings are entirely worthless.

Okay I see you're just one of those pseudointellectuals who thinks they're smarter than professionals in medicine and psychology because you read a few wikipedia articles and reports.

The first man with autism is a fucking banker

Hey, Chinese are smarter than me and this is what they have to say

Wise men are not scholars,
and scholars are not wise.,1988,1996,2004/section:80

I think more accurately he's someone who is unable to rectify facts with what he believes to make sense.. Just because information feels comfortable or sensible to you doesn't mean its correct. People make this mistake constantly.

The "facts" are not true. When I counter them, you do not counter back. There is only one truth in the same way there is only one gravity.

You are bending reality to fit your desires

What is evil about putting your dick in somebody and sharing your seed with the world?

The Chinese would sell their own kids just to have someone agree with their points
I have not ever, and never will, take anything from China as anything less than fucking crookery

>thinking tripfags are allowed to have any opinions

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