Get it off your Chest!

Get it off your Chest!

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emma you’ve got a beautiful smile

- c.

I think my waifu is cheating on me

Because I know you are living situation has not changer, I will proceed in the manor that I am.
I don't have to prove anything in court with that. I know and this tells me that nothing has changed at the core. I will protect at all cost.
Hate what I'm about to do but you have no one to blame but yourself.

I worked my feet to the ground and you nearly showed your nipples!

The only opportunity I've ever had to lose my virginity and I couldn't get it up. She was round for several days and it never worked.
I'm scared it's because I'm on SSRIs for my anxiety.
I'm too anxious to even consider approaching women now because I think it'll happen again.

Wait for that ideal gfd gf

What are you going to do?

I like to move it move it

Please call me. Just to say hi. That would be so nice.

I want you to love me. I’m afraid.

My entire life has been karma and atonement for the “sins” of many generations of my family. I’m proud of what many people in this country might hate me for. Fuck what they say I’m damn proud

she turned out to be a furry so I'm over it

furries are the most degenerate lowlifes on the planet and the /mlp/ wishes it was /a/


I've been in love with you ever since I met you. It's funny, it's not one of those obsessive loves, or a situation where I'm infatuated and NEED to be with you, more-so it's a comfort, two people who have very similar interests and you make me laugh. You really make me laugh, and I know I make you laugh too. That's important. I can't count how many times I've wanted to grab your shirt and pull you down to my level, but an appropriate sense of behaviour is what's always stopped me. You make me feel safe, secure, and it's somewhat infuriating knowing there's a large chance we'll always remain friends (which I'm also grateful for). And maybe that's the scary thing, I'd be so scared of losing you as a friend if you found out how I actually feel, because you're wonderful.

Whoever you end up with, I hope she treats you like a diamond, because you are not made of glass. I hope she honours and appreciates you for who you are, because from what you've let me see, your world is beautiful.

I know I will always love you, platonically and romantically, and if I do ever get the chance to act on that I will, but I respect you too much as well, I think. I believe my thoughts and feelings about you are ones I'd rather let unfold naturally.

You're an amazing person, I hope you can see that.


I'm 19 pay for my college bought my self a truck put 10 grand on it and work full time while going to school. Why in the fuck is this not enough for my parents ? They tell my every day I dont do shit and need to step it up. Yet every day I sit next to stupid pricks who's parents pay for all these things and they squander it. What the fuck is their problem ?

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True furries are the most degenerate lowlifes, you would ever meet.

The thought of what could of been is a portal to an alternate dimension

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i hate the way my mind works

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How does it work

She's cheating on her man with me and various other men.
However, she sounds really sprung on her recent addition, an old friend of hers.
I've hit a new low by getting attached to a fwb whore. We're supposed to be fucking this weekend, but now I feel like she'll be thinking of him since she went on and on about how she's gonna fuck him next Friday, and how he was the best kiss she ever had

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my mood changes dramatically for the worse over the smallest things

Stop seeing her lol


I just lectured my parents about internet memes

Honestly i'm just going to smash her and leave it alone. She was going on about next week and I was like "well don't forget we're planned for this weekend" and she was just like "yeah I know".
What really sucked was how she said she'd be willing to call out of work and do all this shit to see him, and how with him it'll be love making instead of fucking.

Truthfully this shows i'm not meant for casual sex. That and the more she opens her mouth, the more I see how much of a sociopath she is.

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My ex and I slept together last weekend and I’m so confused as to where we now stand. We were just friends, then we dated for a couple of months, then we broke up and we’re back to being friends and then bam! We sleep together and cuddle. He says how it’s been such a great day with me and then kisses me goodnight as we part ways. What the fuck am I doing?

You're ditzy but in a cute way. But you're still smart. Just not confident. But in many ways, you're very confident.

It's like looking in the mirror. That could be why.

Uhh... you do know that J gets very freaked when he sees his initial here, right?

I tried to explain the plot of Madoka Magica to my dad. I included the phrase "it's a deconstruction" in my efforts...

I felt so happy and close to you all day. Didn’t you feel the same? It’s seems like now you tried to make me feel bad. I probably won’t be able to sleep now. Maybe you want me to leave? Just tell me.

This is why I hate dating. Too many fucking mind games

She's already cheating on her SO with multiple men. You're a fool for getting attached to begin with.
Are you sure sex will make it better? You might feel more like shit than anything

I don’t want you to leave but aren’t you planning on leaving anyway? I felt so close to you too that it hurts knowing you’ll be gone soon.

I’d only leave if he told me to.

I want to kiss your beautiful mouth and stroke your soft hair. I want to hold you all night. But that’ll never happen again. Good night, sweet Prince.

I agree. I get attached easily and have known for a while that casual sex isn't for me. But sadly that's all I ever seem to find.
And honestly, I can't had sex in over 6 months. So i'm hoping to get my rocks off at least once and then moving on.

I am so mentally fatigued right now I can't even type a coherent message for you guys.

I hated people today. I couldn't understand them at all. I felt as if I was from another dimension.

I miss my girlfriend. Flying her down for valentines which I am super excited about

I ironically wish I worked tonight because my coworkers are the only friends I have. I feel less lonely when I am around them. I want to cry because I am so sad and lonely at the moment. Nobody to even play vidya with.

I'll be there soon

There's nothing between us anymore

For a few months there you were mine

I don't know how I feel about this whole experience

You pulled me straight into the spotlight so people could shower you with money

You're all out there now. You're public property.

I only ever got attached in the first place cause you had my name on your chest and dressed in my kink and there were just certain 'tells' that you liked me.

You dragged me through the mud

I get attached and found out about you from Jow Forums when I just wanted some more direct people to talk to when I wasn't in a good place already- that's what this particular board is for.

I went through too much

I reached out to you several times. I gave you my address. I gave you my phone number, my instagram, my email and I KNOW you checked here at least a few times. You meme'd it once.

I reached out and then when that failed I played along like a good sport.

If you want to contact me then contact me, but I know you never will cause you made a career out of staying single.

You're not in any way attached to me anymore. I've gotten the release that you do write other dudes on your body for money so I know I wasn't special to begin with- just lonely and fooled.

Now you are openly baring everything for everyone.

In the end I was hoping to work with you one day, but I know you don't have the talent to work with me. If you reach out TO ME one day then I will give you a shot, but don't kid yourself then anybody is going to just hand you a golden ticket .

B- please stop bullying me. I had to delete my Instagram cause of it. I liked checking my instagram cause it was the only way I could reach certain friends anymore that didn't use facebook. I can't reach out to certain people that I actually love now cause of this insanity.


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I don’t know if I’m bipolar or just human

I got into a car accident 2 days ago (just fucked bumper and hood). I was depressed as hell. Today I feel pretty good despite being out 1000 dollars. Watch me be depressed tomorrow cause my burger comes with pickle or something

I deserve revenge

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How do I erase my memories? I’m willing to do most things

The propensity of having a shift is completely proportional to the unplanned scenarios introduced. Hence why every little detail must be planned, the more controlled it is the more stable i become.

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I cringe at the memory of your ways.

I'm going to slaughter the Chinese

I am coming to terms with the possibility that I am a schizoid, and that I might not have a normal life. I had always suspected that something was up with me growing up; now I believe I have a name for this condition.


"Pussy whiskers"

Kathy i love you too damn much, but you dont need a fool like me in your life. Your smile, voice, lust for life, all mean so much to me. You're all i can think about. But you don't need me, ill only hold you down. Fly, fly high and succeed, i will miss you, ill never forget you

I think I may be a sex addict like my older brother and my boyfriend's self esteem seems to be suffering because he can't keep up with me. He's just a normal guy. Its not his fault. I am pretty sure there's something wrong with me.

You seem like a little bitch, dude. Just fuck her in the pussy and make a baby with her. What does she need to "fly" for?

I wish I could love you
I also wish I would kill myself in the woods where your fort use to be

Animalism will die in a massacre

The Communists and their former allies are going to die

Cat, you're in the way. I'm trying to roll a blunt and a cigarillo here... I know you love me deeply but you have to fuck off because second hand smoke.

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I really wasn't expecting you to come out with this all of a sudden. I had been putting in so much other into being there, and helping, only to be pushed back to friendship. Things felt good between us, and I hope maybe this can go back to the way it was with some time, and for us to both heal a little. I'm so anxious we might lose out on a really strong connection because of your fears of overburdening me. Love isn't without struggle, right?

I feel so fucking childish thinking like this, it's completely immature isn't it

Why are Anons so tame right now? I can't find any rhyme or reason to what the chan is hopping.

shouldn't have cheated on her

ive buttered up a NEET girl to have a crush on me for three years (long distance) and even her parents expect us to move in together some day because i have good career prospects and am the only person to tolerate her for this long, to the point where her parents even sent me a christmas present cause they like me so much and theyre paying for her plane ticket to visit me.
mfw i realize im gay

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awe so sweet

This would be a really good thing to tell somebody on their birthday

Why do I keep doing this to myself. I just need to pull through one time and this will all be over for good.

whos b

You think so? I have no idea how they'd react, honestly.

I hope I can see her soon.

I hope I can see him soon.


I wonder what happened to Kat.

There isn't a point to anything anymore, and I can't tolerate people. I might as well just go back to getting paid by the government to exist and lock myself inside again.

I went to extreme lengths to better myself and try to connect with the only person who ever bothered to be my friend. Apperantly I am a success because I am the only one anyone knows who makes the amount I do, and some how it impresses people I did it with a disabilty that very few ever work with. Yeah sure; I still can barely function, I still am totally isolated, and the entire reason I started this journey was lost. I just get sicker and sicker, and my friend is probably fucking dead knowing how they are. Even though I worry about them it is not like I could tell, they abandoned me like everyone else does. I can't blame them for it either, I wasn't born with the ability to socialize or think in the same manner as normal people.

Fuck people who think I am successful. People who think that way do not give a shit, they just want to give themselves a self congratulatory ego boost by being nice to the disabled kid. Wow such a good deed these people perform, talking to me one time ever when they find out my condition and declaring me a success. I definitely feel much better that a sanctimonious asshole compared me highly to the non-verbal vegetable who needs someone to wipe their ass, instead of comparing me to my own potential.

In general fuck people, they are all duplicitous. I really wosh my parents took the doctors advice and aborted.

god dammit

if you're her I am sorry

I just can't love you anymore in any case and I look like a total idiot spouting it


I'm a guy, you are fine. Hopefully things work out for you.

thank you

I am probably retarded so that fucking sucks


Hoo. Where to begin.
First off thanks for existing. Every day is a good day so long as that still happens. And also thanks for being you. Neither of us are prefect but we're both working on ourselves. Next. You say I need to break down the brick wall surrounding myself. And I'm working on it. You're seeing through the cracks and I'm seeing all your weaknesses. I think you're expecting how I feel about you to change. That is why I felt the wall was necessary. If I were to just unload all the things im feeling into you, you'd get overwhelmed. No matter how much you thank me for the things I say and say you're glad we met and appreciate me. You and I both know you need to spend some time alone. But I know you don't want to. I think the slow and steady approach works best for us. And we're both at our best when we're ourselves. It takes me a little while to warm back up after I first see you again, because you exist again and my mind has to go through a quick reality check. I think we go really well together, no matter what we're doing. And you say it's always a good day when you've had time with me.

Were both so scared to lose one another. I'll continue to be patient with you. So you need to start believing in you too.

I love you.

I'm an M, but I don't know an R

Still the advice could be used by me. I really do need to spend some time alone for awhile

I love you so much...And I feel terrible for even thinking and feeling this way, but, I can see why your previous relationships crashed violently...You don't care; and when you do care it's short-lived. I mean...It's all about you. You'll claim to be my shield, but then I am left alone...I was a hair's breadth to calling it quits tonight - I was so ready to give up.

But then I remember our good times. I remember how I promised you that I wouldn't give up on you, and then I fucking hate myself and distance myself. When you sent me your texts I didn't want to reply because I knew you'd go on and on about you, but the second I'd mention something about me that I want to share ... radio silence.

You are a good man, you're just...self-centered. You are talented, a hard worker, a wonderful father and though you have bad days, you are fucking hysterical. I can see why the women pine over you...Hell, maybe even the dudes too.

But...I have never felt so fucking alone before in my life.

I don't know how much of this I can take.

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I'm going to do some self therapy and Larp to this one cause I really need to

I am told I am distant to my parnters. I grew up in a military family. We've been in every war, but the one's my father didn't do and now me although everyone in my family wanted me to serve. I could have gotten a pass to West Point, but I chose to college instead.

Looking back West Point would have been better for me cause college was a shit show for me socially. I would have been a star in the military, but I was really skinny and did well in school so I chose college at the time.

I don't share my feelings. There's a saying that Kennedy's never cry and the same is true for the Males in my family.

An ex-girlfriend of mine once spray painted the wall by the dumpster of an old pizza place that I used to work at telling me that she can't read minds and that I need to open up.

It just doesn't occur to me that people want to hear what's on my mind. I tell them, but then they ask my feelings and truthfully I have none. I am cold. I look out only for results. I have goals and nothing else.

I hold people close and protect them physically, materially, and financially- give them a laugh or two. That's all I can do.

I don't show feelings.

When I do it is very rare- a death


You're now with a pretty girl who's successful like you are. When I saw this recent development, it apparently shocked me into nausea, and I ended up making myself throw up to feel physically somewhat better.

For a while I thought there was a good chance you were gay, but I guess not.

I wonder if you've updated your Facebook status from single because it looked like you hadn't last time I checked. However, I am not checking right now because I'm cutting back on traditional social media temporarily.

I am nothing like her and probably will never be. It's not even something I aspire to be. Well, to be fair I would like to be prettier and more successful than I currently am, but not in the same way that she is.

It just hurts to have further evidence that you're likely out of reach. You are, and have been since I've met you, apparently more popular, better looking, and more overall successful than me. A part of me still want to hold out hope, knowing all of these things and that you're so far away.

I wonder if you ever think of me anymore. You don't follow me back on Instagram and Twitter, and trust me, I do have that thought come up sometimes, but at least we're Facebook friends and you view my Snapchat stories.

I hope that you, she, and I all end up happy. I don't hate this girl for being more attractive than me and for having you. It would be nice if you two broke up amicably eventually and she found a good match for herself and we could get together. However, life often doesn't work that way and isn't fair.

Anyways, if in September or so, I think you might be single, perhaps I will get the courage to contact you. I've thought about that for a while now. Funny to wait months and months to send a (most likely) short text that will probably not result in anything long term regardless. But that damn hope, man.


They'd probably be happy cause its nice

As a very small child I had a kid down the street who was pretty much my only friend. At preschool I was stuck to the sandbox until ome day I said I wanted to play with them. They convinced my "friend" to kick me out of the playground. I was cursed by genetics to look like your average school shooter so I kinda went the next 6 years friendless. Made some friends near the end of middle school but they though I ratted one of them out so I alone again. Few months later connect with someone. He stops kicking it with me because his girl didn't like me. Another friend a few years later who actually bonded amd listened to my problems. She became a roastie and had no time for flags like me. I have one friend now, mostly because she moved to another country and probably couldn't make friends the first year. Amyway I have trust issues, feel like people will just leave, and I hate normies for just being lucky enough to have normal social lives. Shit even a simple hi, guy or girl, just got cast aside. Feels good to finally get that off

I'll play along... You...I'm scared to go on with this, to reply- but I need it too.

And that's why I feel like ~SHIT~ when I convince myself that quitting is better than being patient. You do appreciate it, and you have apologized...I just...Don't understand, not completely at least. You beat yourself up so badly since last year's death in your family, and so I feel even worse and then...

Am I being selfish here? Seriously. I don't mean to be, and I would NOT go as far as to cheat on you just to fill the lack- I'll just cry and hope for a better tomorrow. I DON'T cheat.

Just please understand...I WANT TO KNOW! I love how your mind works, how brilliant you are; how passionate you are. I want to know everything -- but you shut me out.

How will this relationship last? Tell me.

>repost because my dumb ass hasn't been on Jow Forums in months and I forgot how to quote posts for a few minutes there...

The biggest regret of my life is not getting with my high school sweetheart, getting engaged with her and then serving.

I chose to deny her and go to college instead so I could make Art of all things.

I know she would have waited if I went to Afghanistan or Iraq instead. My life would be normal and stable now or I would be dead.

A gamble I would have taken now looking back cause all college got me was a party and a Mentall Illness diagnosis so I can't even join the military now

I am just about to get on disability after working myself to the ground and getting fired from the last 4 or 5 jobs I had cause of my temper.

The least I can do now is hold to my promise to make Art to give something back that would have made all this worth it, but tonight I'm out of people to love. I am 27 and can't think of one girl anymore that I can latch myself to to fight for and try and build a stable 'normal' life for.

I've lost everything fighting for what seems like nothing but selfishness

Lol J you are a little hysterical bitch. Get over yourself

Been there, fuck that shit. Sex and love lose all meaning with these kind of people. Quit while it's fun.

I'm broke. I am legit broke and my girlfriend is helping me with money. She says she doesn't mind, but I feel so awful. I want to provide for her.

Currently I need a medical device, but my deductible is $225 and I can't afford it. It's just.... I feel awful and I can't ask her. She's not rich, but damn. I have a job, but I need this medical device and I can't pay for it and rent. I'm at a wits end and I don't what I can do. I tried selling pictures of myself, but as an average looking dude no one is buying. I guess that's the hell of being a dude.

Listen, I know I am technically begging, but if you could help that would be great. I'm sorry if this part pisses you off, but I am out of options and I'm sorry once again. Ignore my request if you want, but any amount of money helps me. If you're willing to give, I would be really grateful. I mean it. Good luck to all of you.

I went AWOL 11 years ago. This decision has led to a decade of disgusting behavior and I want to die

I've begged for money here before to and got nothing even when I offered content

Camgirls get something out of every 500 viewers and those are hot girls getting naked to give you an idea how hard it is to get a buck/how lucky you are to get one

I feel that. I tried Twitch for about 2 months and received $3 and one sub. It was brutal. Then I see a cam girl on day one making about a hundred. I'm just so desperate I'm casting my net everywhere. I don't expect any money, but I have hope still

So you're saying to take the transpill and camwhore for catheters?

I wish I could do that. I couldn't pass for a trap even if I tried.

I cought myself browsing the yellow boards not because I was horny, but out of habit.

Anything is possible with surgery and get get that money

I can't afford $225. By all means if you give me the thousands for surgery I'll become a trap and lady boi quicker than my first marriage ending in divorce.

I feel like a lot of people want me to turn into a tranny, but one I am not gay and even when I did straight porn I fucking hated it (yes I tried camming straight before for cash at one point)

It's a meme illness. You'll be alright. Thank God every day that you don't have autism like me. Or schizophrenia. Or gender dysphoria. I'm serious.

I need the strength to say what I need to say.
I can't take it anymore.

Go to Thailand, sell a kidney to China for some tits and lipo. Hop on HRT and cash checks


I want to decease before I fall in to the ether.

I know you're meming, but I wish I could take any time off of work.

I need to spend a good month alone doing absolutely nothing but resting.

I am tired

I am exhausted

I am worn out

I am just fucking done