What is being masculine all about?

I feel that as a male, I am not well versed in showing masculinity. I have never felt compelled to like cat call women or make remarks among only men. Like "Yeah that girl Kelly? She has a fat ass man!" I have never felt compelled to do any of that. In fact, I am a bit off put by it. I know I am straight but I feel like a lot of people think as a male, there should be certain truths about your personality. For example, I am not at all enticed by blow jobs. or sexual intercourse for that matter. Like if some woman came up to me and said "If you do this, I will have sex with you many times." I probably would not take the offer. Mostly because I'd probably not even fucking know her or have any connection. I feel very contained. What are your thoughts? What is being a man all about?

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has nothing to do with that. its more of doing your thing and not caring what others think of you. knowing what you want and taking it etc.

you're just more mature in a sense to other narrow minded males around you ig

are you a virgin? that's probably part of it.

Masculinity is whatever you want it to be, dude.

I don't like sex with random girls either. It makes me feel bad. I don't catcall them because it's rude. My friends and I might talk about a nice ass but never within her hearing. The worst I'll ever do is let myself get caught checking out a girl if we're somewhere appropriate like a bar.

Despite those things I am masculine. I can grow a full beard and I like beer and I fix cars and can use any tool you put in my hands. I can ask a girl out and I can be funny and charming and I have always been the "alpha" male of my friend groups and work associations.

Being masculine is what you make of it. Be the man you want to be, the one that you would have liked to have as a role model when you were young. You don't need to go around slaying pussy to be a man's man.

Masculinity is a social construct and is different in every society. Just be who you are and don’t worry about being “masculine”

Google average testosterone levels. What is considered normal has HUGE difference between MAX and min. You can say some men are like 6 times more men than others. You may simply have very weak libido...

It is tied to evolution. Very high T males you irresponsible, chasing sluts no matter what, taking great risks and often kills you before you reach age of 30. But also it can give you potentionally many children in the process.

On other hand low T allows you to use steel cold logic, often taking only worthy risks and securing way better life quality than the others. And ofc if you overdo it, you end up like japan
They are faulty, destined to die out: too low T.

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If you try to define it I guarantee you will have 1000 people telling you your definition is wrong.

Just be yourself bro.

you might be asexual. I know that feel. in any case if you're ever sexually insecure just remember vagina fisting is a thing lots of women enjoy.

From your explanation, My friend and business partner is extremely high test and my test has definitely lowered over time. lol.

He's nothing but at a 125% at any given moment. Balls to the wall. Almost always I am picking up the mental slack, reminding him of shit, keeping him from doing stupid shit all the time. haha

Accept your softness user!!!

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Masculinity means not showing your emotions, toughness, strength, courage, and aggression

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>cat call women or make remarks among only men. Like "Yeah that girl Kelly? She has a fat ass man!"

That's not masculine, that's just low class.

>lowered over time
Yup. There is a reason why older men dont chase after sluts as much as the young ones. One could say they get wiser with age...

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Westerners cant be masculine. Just forget the idea and become cute trap.

Also forget white women too. They belong to masculine brown and black men.

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for myself my masculinity is
>i am strong and tall
>im horny all the time
>i dont care what others think about me
>i do shit, i fix shit
>i speak my mind clearly
>i do what i want

this is how i feel good about myself, i very rarely catcall and dont discuss women's asses

but maybe its something different for you

Is it possible to learn to be a better man? I just feel like the world past me by. I am 29 and still don’t know shit. Just feel very weak physically and mentally.

I couldn't tell you. With the things "women" tell you not to do, they start salivating and flooding their panties when a ripped nigger does the same stuff
If you're white or an autist, it better to accept that we weren't meant to breed and that our ancestors gave up our future for us.

I never had a male role model growing up which really didn't help. Had to just learn things on my own. Never really had the best mentors in college or in my career either. You can still become a man on your own though.

kill yourself, faggot

start lifting and hang out on Jow Forums, they're the manliest autists arounds

Me telling you to shut the fuck up