My gf basically said in a conversation that she finds "players" attractive... do I abandon ship?

my gf basically said in a conversation that she finds "players" attractive... do I abandon ship?

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Aye-aye, Cap'n!
>pic related when you see her next

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just subtly question it when she brings it up again or bring it up yourself subtly and sort of question her about it idfk
if she gets defensive about it instead of discussing it like a normal person abandon ship

>women are attracted to alphas
Ya no shit pal. How's the nice guy routine workin out for ya? Dumbass.

Dig deeper. Find context. I wouldn't react merely on that sentence alone. She may find "players" attractive the same way I find a Lamborghini attractive; its cool and sexy on the surface but you know what isn't cool and sexy? Paying $10k a month for insurance, having to drive 100 miles every day to purchase racing fuel, parking in on the street and being terrified someone might bump into it or god forbid vandalize it. Its a wonderful surface idea that I would never actually invest in because I know that its a stupid idea. There's nothing uncommon or bizarre about finding stupid things attractive. Investing in those stupid things is what makes you an idiot, not thinking it looks cool and shiny. The fact that she's with you and not a player should say something about her ability to differentiate good ideas from bad ones. Either way, talk with her further. We don't know anything about this girl.

>the fact that shes with you

Shes with him for the beta bux cry on the shoulder safety. She secretly craves the alpha seed however

Get rid of her.

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So I should act like that and flirt with other girls and do shit behind her back? Just to keep her interested? Ok i guess

Too late Ma’ man, most likely she found a dick better than yours and she’s getting comfortable with that, and even wondering herself how it would be with others

You better go ahead and give me her number then, OP

Ya basically. That's how it works in the animal kingdom as well. The alpha of the pack gets to reproduce with all the females.

Shes giving you a free pass to cheat. Take her up on her offer


Based and Chadpilled

Better to jump off the ship now before it gets worse and you spend more money, time and emotional investment into something that looks like it's heading straight for an iceberg, captain.


That’s the beauty of women, the unfiltered expression. Those little quirky things they say are 100% truth.

She would suck their dicks in a second if givin the chance.

That a free pass. go get some strange

Stop replying to yourself

Hoes ganna hoe


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I kinda get what she means. My bf always picks out the negative and makes me feel bad and a player type flatters me, is entertaining and I always feel good so yeah, its attractive

fuck youuuuuuuuu youre the worst kind of girl lol

It seems to me that you are a complete idiot in thinking that, I hope they leave you for asshole

so its ok for my bf to run me down constantly and I still have to like it and not notice the contrast with a guy that does the opposite? Sounds like you would be just like my bf

>being surprised
It's amazing "men" don't know this shit from the get-go. You're dumb, and that's all there is to it.

i mean if you like being lied to. just for sex
do you boo

This attitude is why we have single mothers.

she already has a bull picked out.

charge those camera batteries, OP.


Do not make fun of her!!!1!
She is a perfect queen who is never wrong ;((

[spoiler]The actual state. "Ahboo boo why he so mean?"
If he was really an abusive shit you'd think you would have some common sense and break up. Get some balls Femanon and either learn to take criticism or leave him if he's a shit. Not hard[/spoiler]

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There is NOTHING wrong with being a single mother

If you mean, we won't take your bullshit and like it and leave and guys try and punish us by shirking your responsibility as a father, well I guess you have a point


The incel speaks

Maybe if men would just step up to the plate and take on an empowered woman and her beautiful children, there wouldn't be single mothers, huh?

As the son of a single mother, this really activates my almonds.

There is a lot wrong with being a single mother. Mine would be the first to admit it. I legitimately get emotional thinking about the shit my mum went through to give me and my brother a good life.

Enjoy being a bystander in "your" family lmao

morally, there's nothing wrong with it because it's not only the mother's choice.

But realistically, single parent households are not ideal for children. Especially households without fathers.

>lie to a girl
>pump and dump
You allow this to happen. This is so sad.

Yes, all that shit was caused by men being too weak to help her. Think about that. There are so many incels who have tons of money and they refuse to help these powerful and prudent women. Sad. Just sad. This misogyny has to go

Women are entirely capable of raising children by themselves. They don't need men.

stop larping, faggot.

>Women are entirely capable of raising children by themselves. They don't need men.
Oh fuck you actually believe this LOL

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Fuck off, incel

who did the lying, they are the party at fault here compounded by refusing to be a father to a child. No only a liar but a coward


This. Women have no agency in picking their mates

0/10 bait

A child needs both a man and a woman to be raised. Without a male or female influence the balance is thrown off.
Of course women can't look after the kids on their own. It's a two person job and if the balance is knocked off the kid gets fucked up

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SEETHING little bitch lmao

the woman can make it without a man but the children need a father but its the absent father that is at fault. He runs from his responsibility to his own children so he can continue being one

>ye olde' "men are necessary" bit
You're in for a rude awakening pal

>the woman can make it without a man
Um sorry sweetie :^) but no. Not sorry too

I agree. Women cannot be held responsible for who they let cum inside them. The father is required to do what's necessary

I dunno if you're meming but even my mum thinks having another man raise one man's kids is the epitome of idiocy and never remarried/found another man.

The only dad I have has always been my real dad, however distant he could be during my childhood.

Your mom has what's called internalized misogyny. She's been lied to her whole life about what parenthood *should* be, not what's actually best for her or the kids. She's convinced she needed a father, but the whole time she was more than capable of raising high-functioning adults. Learn from her mistake

not wholly responsible, the man shares in that and in some cases they are forced or tricked and have no responsibility at all

the cope is strong with this one

Nope. A man should always step up to the plate. No excuse. Genetic connection is an outdated predicate to fatherhood. We need to grow up as a society

>he thinks single mom's aren't the epitome of parenthood
There is nothing better than being raised by a single mom

If she is using the term "player" then shes already fucking beyond saving.

>Clearly bias and raised by a single mom.

I know you're meming. Regardless, given she did a good job whilst barely getting to see us due to earning money, it stands to reason she'd have done an amazing job if we had her undivided attention.

The saddest part about this troll is that it's the most I've ever gotten to talk to someone about my childhood.

Fuck off, incel.

Don't listen to this idiot. Definitely do abandon ship. You can still be alpha without being a pua fag who weasels into womens' pants as a past time hobby. Get money, be king of your castle, have manly hobbies, and fuck her like a wild beast.

You can definitely be a nice guy who's alpha as fuck. I know a lot of 'players'. They're weak little faggots that just have good game skills for low-iq daddy issues thots. If that's really what your gf finds attractive, i'd dump her.

Retarded american nigger lol

Yes. But I've seen so many poor souls raised by "traditional" "families" and the results are just sad. Abortion would be better than that
A man would have just put her down and given her black eyes. You're naïve

>he's and incel and a racist

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you are so triggered by the idea of other people having loving fathers, you've actually tricked yourself into thinking it's BAD to have a father. Holy shit you are delusional.

>literally being a low IQ negro
Oof. Epic cringe.

Stop feeding the troll.

>he keeps digging the hole deeper

Did a man hurt you or something? This threads interesting because it's just become a war zone.
Having a good dad is pretty cool, just like having a good mom is. That's true and deep down i think you know it is and envy it. That's ok but your anti dad parade tells me you've been fed misinformation

You're a shitty gf. Whenever i upset my gf she always gets 10x more affectionate.

The truth is trolling. O.K.
It's not delusion, but fundamental fact. You cannot prove single-motherhood isn't the best case scenario without outing yourself as a raging misogynist


>feeding an obvious troll


Again, how is truth trolling? Answer that without avoiding the question or going off on a misogynistic tirade

God, you purposefully hurt her to get attention. Horrible you are this kind of person and pathetic she rewards your bad behavior. Just a warning. One day you'll do it one too many times and instead of jumping to pet you she'll jump to another man and I can't wait for that to happen.

Because studies show children without the stability of a two parent household are more likely to be abused, abuse drugs, get pregnant during adolescence etc etc.

Because, even when earning a 6 figure salary, my mother was chronically depressed and drank every night of the week.

Because every friend I have from HS, with a single parent, struggled more in school and took longer to launch.

Because, in my extended family, the cousins doing the best are the ones with stay at home mums and work hard dads.

Because you're on Jow Forums in an inflammatory thread, using dog whistles to incite this board's incel, Jow Forums leaning population.

You don't believe what you're posting, you're just trying to get some incels mad.

What's deep is negro pussy after centuries of evolving around taking massa's cock.

Same thing with negro lips - selective breeding to choose the best cock sucking niggers for the plantation.


>my anecdote is universal
Sorry m8. Like I said, your mum is an an exception and not the rule.

That a right, little black boy.

Sit there and watch massa fuck your mother and make you some brothers.

You're my property and your bitches LOVE it. Qss

You can leave over anything you want and for an advice I'd need context. Have you been together for five months or five years? Is she otherwise amazing or is this jarring comment #27? Does she make you feel loved and attractive otherwise? Context is everything.

Having said that, I think men expect too much that women are sexual just for them. Would you have any difficulty believing a man can feel stirred by a young women in whorish clothes and still feel much more drawn to another kind of woman? Just because someone is attracted to you doesn't mean they could never like anything or anyone else ever and trying to convince yourself otherwise is pointless.

Lol you really like black women
This is a good counter argument but even here it essentially says

>Married parents close to divorcing are terrible for kids
>Single parents/mothers that use extended family networks to raise their kids have healthier children

I don't think either of those points affirm your argument that a woman can raise kids on her own. Nor does it affirm your argument that men are useless to child raising.

I hate black women but they love me

Whatever helps you sleep at night

Actually the only reasonable cunt here


Black women love anything

Chill out, i just tease and troll her. I'm not abusive.

I don't understand how you think a boyfriend who is putting you down constantly is the opposite of a player, I'm not judging or calling you out what would the ideal "player" boyfriend be like?