Any advice for a 25 year old virgin who women find repulsive?

Any advice for a 25 year old virgin who women find repulsive?

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Become less repulsive.

Shower, shave/trim facial hair, wear deodorant, style your hair, brush your teeth, iron your clothes, learn to read body language.

Hookers. Not streetwalkers,but the good shit.

Not a solution
I already do this

Yes it is.

Stop going on Jow Forums and incel forums.

Repulsive , because of what ?
Most people are repulsive because of their hideus personalities , not looks. 99% of people arent that much ugly to not find someone if they wanted and are okay.

It takes the edge off because if you fail with a woman you still have something to fuck. Plus you can explore your sexuality and they will gladly teach you how to fuck as well(its absolutely nothing like porn) and being super good at sex thanks to coach hooker will result in massive confidence boost

Just give up and do something else. It wasn't meant for us.

Because youre lazy :)

How so?

I don’t
I’m below average looks wise but I try to make up for it
Maybe you’re right

Why are you repulsive to them?

Most guys are.

I honestly have no idea
I’m socially awkward and below average looks wise I guess
So maybe that

Work out, apply little makeup that doesnt tell and hygene is a must. Maybe get a haircut that actualy fits you, try out.
In all my years of experiance I KNOW almost certain that its your personality that kicks a bucket.
Maybe too lazy, retarded elementary school humor, vidya crazed faggot, hs dropout, hates life and gets low people around, mouth smell etc. Plenty of things, be honest with yourself whats the problem, backtrack it, then try at least to fix it to some degree.

I’m socially awkward
In other words other people must fit in in your autism.

Oh getting women is hard so i quit. Lol im 5'8", have a right triangle for a skull, a crooked nose, fucked up teeth, small hands, wrists smaller than a womens and im autistic, also poor. Yet women are easy for me. Its because of how i present myself. I love myself and i freely speak my mind. Yeah women are creeped out at first but i grow on them extremely fast. Im basically a pug. Sure it looks like someone clubbed it with a shovel, but its still cute for some reason. This is how i make women see me.

>Im basically a pug. Sure it looks like someone clubbed it with a shovel.

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Lol ik it sounds like shit but this mindset is what works for me

Hey im not judging, whatever rows your boat user.

And sucks my dick


Learn proper grammar, firstly - it's whom, not who.

Good for you. You're not one of us, then.

Because im not a pathetic faggot who cries all day.

Either you're not nearly as ugly as you think you are, or you're trolling us. There is no way in hell women are 'creeped out' at first when they see you, and then fall in love with you after they get to know you.

Personality is an important factor, but none can convince me your personality can make a girl take a complete 180 degree turn in terms of how attracted she is to you.

I am the guy who suggested the hookers though for training. Nothing better than the utter shock on a womans face after i get ahold of her. Im no longer a pug, im straight up sexy after that

Well it does. Lol you literally have noone or nothing else to blame but your very self :)

I'm 22. Never had a single female show interest in me. I go through waves of desperately wanting to have sex, waves of wanting to be left alone and free of sexual desire. I'm in the latter right now. I had thought for a few months if I just willed hard enough and made myself presentable on campus some girl would acknowledge my existence. Nah.
So I'm back where I belong, far away from society's care and left to myself. This was Nature's intent all along.
I can't help you, op. We're probably not that different. Average looking, socially inept, with "boring" lives. I'm just taking this slight peace of mind and going to engage my hobbies and school work. It's all I have left. Maybe you could do the same?

You also have to understand that half of physical attraction for women is body language which im great at. Took fucking forever to learn though

Fap time.


You literally said women are easy for you and that you achieve that by being yourself. You're completely different.

I'm not risking arrest for some fleeting material pleasure

Well luckily i don't have to deal with ugliness myself, i'm a decent looking guy. But seriously, I've never seen a downright ugly guy be a casanova. Sure, there are ugly guys out there who are well liked and have lots of friends. But I've never seen an unarguably ugly dude have lots of women who want to be banged by him. Every single time i see a dude who is very well liked by chicks, he is usually atleast a 7/10 on the looks-scale. Atleast 7/10 combined with attractive traits like confidence and charm and shit like that. I guess that's also pretty much the definition of a Chad. Atleast somewhat above-average looking but very confident, charming and extroverted.

So that's why i'm saying, if you really are that good with women you likely aren't as ugly as you think you are.

Not just myself but extremely proud of it as well. Confidence niggaboo. I dont compare myself to others and i dont seek validation from others. I dont get with a woman for acceptance, i just wanted that woman. Seriously dude that red pill stuff has fed you garbage

If youre trying to get with a woman to make you happy, she wont make you happy you'll just make her miserable

No, I had convinced myself I needed sex and by extension female interest. I realized (again) I deserve neither and am better off alone. Sex would undeniably feel good but the effort required on my part to attain it is untenable. I thought I could find happiness (or at least contentness) by trying to fit in with normal people. I told myself, "they're having a good time, maybe you could too?" No. It's time for me to stop seeking anything beyond myself

Women arnt as focused on looks as you think. You simply have to try harder. If anything its because im a fucking man and act like one.

You are a faggot who posts here every day, refuses to take advice, and goes back to never asking a girl out and blaming everyone else but you.


I'm not blaming anyone but myself. I'm literally saying it's my fault for trying and failing. Instead of continuing to waste time for some imaginary pleasure (which would not keep me happy indefinitely), I am going to focus on other things.
No one has ever offered me help beyond
>just ask her out bro XD
>just improve your mental health, bro
>just become a marble sculpture, bro
>just be yourself, bro
>just get girls, bro
I obviously don't understand or have the capacity for these things. Hence, I will stop wasting time.

Yes. I am going to work on my interest and confidence should follow. I think I'll find more pleasure in my interests than girls.

YES!! Also maybe consider hooker maybe?

No. I'm not risking arrest for some fleeting material pleasure

How many girls have you asked on date?

>women showing interest
This never happens. You ask them on date and they either say yes or its rejection. You are the man, YOU SHOW THE INTEREST, not vice versa. See above question and answer.

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Because this also makes you interesting :)

Damn it! :(

>This never happens
Yes it does. Stop lying.

I'm not interested in girls the same way I am as my inherent interests. Yes, I want sex. It's a very base instinct and tied entirely to the physical bodies of girls. I'm not interested in anything other than their physical bodies. I too have a physical body. I can exploit it and receive a similar fleeting pleasure to having sex. Even if that's not the case, I have never had sex and therfore don't know what I'm missing.
My interest in women is entirely surface level. They can probably sense this. Couple this with my generally uninteresting personhood, they want nothing to do with me. I'm entirely fine with this. They're doing me a favor, actually. Their continued disinterest has allowed me enough time to realize I've been wrong in desiring them

Average virgin lacks social skills, life experience or outright is on the asperger spectrum. For them the only chance to score girl is the direct approch.
>otherwise they wouldnt be virgin complaining about it on Jow Forums
So stop giving false advice.

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>For them the only chance to score girl is the direct approch.
Which is not a chance at all. It's manipulative and at best leads to dysfunctional relationships.

w-what’s the manlet cutoff again?

Whatever your height is.

I'd say 99% of us on here are autistic. There's something about an ugly anime image board that just attracts us in hoards. We think a certain way, and if you can harness that then you'll get women. Think of it like an autist superpower.

Hooker guy here, i have aspergers. Its not that fucking bad. It used to be but that was mainly due to insecurity. Now im just really goofy which alot of people seem to like. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from getting pussy except being a little bitch.

Imagine being your younger insecure self and reading your post. Would it help you?
>stop being insecure little bitch
Anons keep giving absolute shit tier bee yourself advices absolutely blind to the struggle of our virgin anons.

Okay, so what should do virgin OP? Just wait and see how he is getting older and more jaded with passing time, seeing everybody else forming relationships and getting married?

Girl can reject you for 100 different reasons. Instead of asking wrong questions, try to figure out where people your age are and how to meet them (gym, bar, school are notable examples).

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Wrong. You are a minority. Most people are fairly normal, if a bit weird or quirky.

>stop being insecure little bitch
This is unironically the best advice.

Oh poor you. And i would have gladly beat the shit out of myself for wasting time. No ones responsible for your happiness, faggot, you are.

Thank you! :)

We’re quite similar

>Okay, so what should do virgin OP?
Give up and try to find something else they care about.

I approached countless women man

I’m of the female gender. I have weird taste in men (small dick, fat, ugly) as long as they don’t smell bad. and not because I feel bad I actually just like people like that. so if I wasn’t 18yrs old I probably wouldn’t find you repulsive. There are people out there that would love to fuck you.

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>There are people out there that would love to fuck you.
Are you a human pop-up?

Thanks, this literally changed my life, in two hours i have a date with this gorgeous 8/10.

Lol LAZY insecure bitch. No easy solutions so i just cry instead. Heres an idea do shit with your life. Yeah im ugly but atleast i do stuff like going dance and cooking classes, as well as race cars and climb big ass mountains. All you losers do is stay home all day and wonder why friends dont fall out the sky into your laps. Worthless.

>I'm totally a gril guize
>hahah so funny I like guys like you op plox gibs attention

This is the wakeup call i needed.

Just become, my dude. Why are you so worthless? The only things with value are pussy and money. Have neither? Get them. Just fucking materialize this shit. It's not hard.

Do you find yourself repulsive?
If so, you gotta work on making friends with yourself first.


But I do love myself. My physical body isn't as sculpture-like as Id like it, but mentally I wouldn't change a thing. The problem is my mentality is so far removed from what's acceptable that I'm hated. Oh well. I have myself

Have to love physical as well

I disagree. I'm at an acceptable level.

Is the ugly part because pretty boys tend to come off as feminent

Whats acceptable?

My acceptance of my body. It's sort of like how I wish I was inherently more intelligent. That's not something I can necessarily change. I can become smarter in terms of knowledge, but I can become more intelligent. Same with my body. I can make it look nicer and more refined, but there is a set limit to what I can look like. I'm fine with all this and love myself just the same

Then theres something about you youre not willing to address


And nobody is actually gives a how-to-do-it advice. Easy to talk, hard to make.

It's not about addressing it. I actively maintain my weight. I am happy about it. I'm saying I can't manifest or expect anything better than what inherently capable of. There is a cap to what people can achieve. I am happy with my limit. And I'm happy where I am even though I'm not at that limit.

21y virgin

>approached 0 girl
>been approached and hinted on like 10+ times, 2 times in 1 night last week
Someone squeezed my ass in a nightclub and some girl said wanna fuck.
But you know me, I get Turbo panic attacks.

Tinder is no luck for me. Liked 200 attractive/unattractive girls, only 1 liked backand ghosted me couple of hours later. Deleted Tinder.

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Learn to embrace it like I have.

You're playing on nightmare mode, take pride.

love when bitter whores assume all guys with negative views on women are social pariahs with bad hygiene lol

Incels always assume that anyone who doesn't subscribe to their low intelligence rants must be a woman.

low intelligence lol shut the fuck up dumb faggot you dont know anything - literally nothing. Intelligence to you means common sense nothing more. u're a stupid fucking faggot end of story - otherwise you're female.

>bar slut literally says to user she wants sex
Bro, just go to that place and then drink alcohol and bee yourself. Sooner or later you will make it :-)

I don't think it's a good idea to look for a girl like that.

I don't even want to lose my virginity I just want to find a nice person.

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Check out porn hub, they have the best advice there I learnt that you just gotta rape them

Ha you're great, man


I don't know Frank but that's pretty gay.

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