Should I split with my boyfriend

My boyfriend plans to join the Navy in June and I think we'd have to break up over it. We would be long distance for years and to be allow to go with him he'd have to be E-4 which takes 3 years and we'd have to be married. He'd be seeing the world meeting new people while I'd be stuck in a small town only seeing him 3 months in a year. I'm 18 and he's 19. Should we just split? I kind of want to study in Europe in September but I haven't applied yet.

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Do you love him?

I do a lot. But to only see him 3 months in a year stuck in my boring suburbia working mininum wage while he is seeing new countries, people, and possibly other women, I don't know if I can do it. I am only 18 and I'm not sure if I should tie myself down so young. I also want to study/work in Germany and explore other countries while I'm young and not be tied down in my boring small shithole suburb.

If just some distance is going to stop you then so be it. I'm in a similar situation with my gf where we can meet literally a month every year, still we're planning on getting married once I'm done. Love surpasses everything, remember

I love him so, I was so depressed before I met him. He shares the same obscure interests as me and he's so kind and honest.

More the reason not to split. It'll be hard, I won't lie, but you'll come out of it stronger than ever

This sounds more like resentment honestly. Breakup because you'll end up sabotaging the relationship anyways.

>My boyfriend plans to join the Navy in June and I think we'd have to break up over it.

>I do a lot.
Then you're just a terrible person wanting an excuse to get new dick. Go ahead and break up with him, you're doing him a favor because you'll inevitably cheat on him and lie about it anyway.

It all depends on if you think you can handle a long distance relationship. I personally couldn't.
Also, pic related.

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Yes, long distance never works. If he joins, you're essentially broken up already, all you need to do is state the obvious.

This thread is a good example of why DIs tell new recruits to dump their significant others. It's not to be cruel, it's because the girl WILL cheat on them. Ya'll have no honor or integrity.
>Oh I love him so much! But I really really need cock and cannot wait between rotations so he's gotta go, tee hee

Maybe it's a good thing the Western world is collapsing. There's nothing worth saving anyway.

Yeah. Loyalty is non-existent these days. No one will down on you. In fact, they'll probably encourage you. Be empowered. There are always other men.

Can't wait until less than six months from now when this is over.

Anyways, yes, break up. People change tremendously from their high school days, and that's pretty much where you both are. He's going to be all around the world in places he can legally drink and do whatever, you'll turn 21 before he's back and have the same change.

I hate to put that much on drinking - I love drinking - but being able to legally drink/club/whatever really is the milestone you have to get through to see what that person is really like.

>should tie myself down so young
These words rub me the wrong way

Fuck you, bigot. She's entitled to find herself before settling down.

I'm sure you picked out your permanent career and place of living by the time you were 18. Ease up off the redpill kid.

People who write shit like that usually only find a hundred extra pounds and five cats. This generation of "liberated women" turned out to be the most depressed, what a surprise.

Keep living in incel fantasy land. Just because less women are having kids at 13 doesn't mean they're unhappy. Imagine being like this

I'm sure you've got a hip infographic you saved from Jow Forums or Jow Forums to prove it to us. I'm sure everyone would be SO MUCH HAPPIER if they just settled down with the first person they ever dated, I'm sure there won't ever be any major life changes or struggles that make the two resent each other after getting married so young.

I'm married with three kids, you daffy blob. Go ahead and live your loser lifestyle, you'll be chugging down depression meds like Skittles by 25. Go type something else smug, I'm sure it will make a difference.

Anyway, OP, you should break up with your man. Not for your sake, but for his. He deserves someone better than you.

The bitter misogynist speaks. What's wrong, sad you're tied down by your spawn? Kek. Imagine being free to be yourself. Keep your evil elsewhere. Op, break up with him for your sake, not your boyfriends (who sounds like a closet bigot)

>I'm sure everyone would be SO MUCH HAPPIER if they just settled down with the first person they ever dated,
I don't think that was ever a point of contention. Most of the planet does, in fact, settle down and get married while young however.

I hope by most of the world you mean a bunch of shitty areas of the world where they're still stuck in a world with a life expectancy under 50, because you'll probably see it's not true in the west.

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>and that's a good thing

Do you mean shithole countries?

>All in one short paragraph

Not that guy, but it seems like you're projecting a bit. Maybe you're just angry? Do I detect a hint of misandry perhaps?

Another one. YIKES

"No U" is not an argument.

Neither is your projection of misandry

>When I call some random guy I've never met a bitter, evil misogynist its the truth!
>But it only means anything when people hate women!

Make up your mind. Either these words mean something, and you're just as biased against men as he is against women, or they mean nothing, and you're just blowing smoke out your ass when you use "Misogyny" to discredit his argument.

Shit or get off the pot.

Misandry can't exist, my ma'am. Women are inherently better than men. Men need to learn their place. For misandry to exist, women would have to hold power in society. So no. Sorry to burst your bubble

If I was him, I would, unless you're "the one" but then again if you were the one I wouldn't be joining the fucking navy

Funny, that’s exactly what a raging misandrist would say.

Prove it, idiot. You come on here spouting incessant hate and then get mad when someone calls you out on it. I've got an idea; fuck off.

I’m going to be real with you Bc I’m kinda going through something similar except not w the navy

If you love him hold on to him but if you know that in that time things will change between you to for worse and not better break it off
You want to travel europe or whatever you should do that without the stress of wondering when is the time you’re gonna see him because honestly when you love someone they’re always on your mind
When he comes back after three years you and him will be two different people
You will be traveled and you’ll have a clear mind and he will have changed as well
If those three years did nothing to hurt you two honestly get hitched

Nice implications.

is he a good guy? can you imagine marrying him? if so dont sacrifice it to be a roast

damn dude thats too much blackpill for one morning

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