Are Men meant for monogamy

Are Men meant for monogamy

Attached: cheating1new-w640.png (640x540, 93K)

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Yes stupid, if you think you aren't just don't get into relationships

The explain the pic

Some are.
Some couples are just a horrible drain on everyone.
Amongst young people, both genders report the same amount of cheating, having to look at 50+ before there are any real difference means you want there to be a difference.

Humans are tricky. Were meant to partner up for child rearing and a man is meant to help raise the child by supplying food and such, but he's also meant to sneak off to try and spread as much of his extra genes to propogate his own line.

He's also mean to control his woman and make sure no other males are around or to ensure in fact the kids are his and he isn't wasting his resources and energy. So naturally he's a damn hypocrite.

Women are meant to attempt to control their men and keep them away from other women because if he's giving more resources to other kids it's less than hers. She's also meant to cheat with a stronger man and try to put the kids on a more fatherly male to help get better kids.

We're naturally assholes the sAme way we're naturally murderous, and thieving and disgusting.

But in sophisticated civilisation we tend to try and say hey, know what? My instincts want me to punch people in the face all the time, murder my boss and cheat on my husband/wife all the time, but that's not very nice and you shouldn't do that. So I'm gonna do my best not to.

Were meant for a lot of things user, some good, some bad, but we aren't monkeys anymore. Live how you see fit.

Because of how fucked up relationship dynamics used to be for our parents and grandparents. Modern relationships if executed properly have the potential to have all your needs met, no need to stray

How can men cheat more than women? You can only cheat if someone is willing to fuck you. Either elderly men all become gay as fuck once they get past 60 or men and women cheat the exact same ammount. Common sense.

It is possible because unlike dating and marriage it's not symmetric. That being said I wouldn't trust that graph until its source data is clearly pointed to.

Monogamy is a social invention, but our bodies crave sexual variety. Monogamy in its current state is relatively new, the past 100 years or so. Marriage was a transaction of property and social status, not only done for love. Then people would screw around on the side to fulfill their desires.

Any scientist would tell you monogamy is not natural, and against our better nature.

>better nature
lol, you give people an inch and they will take a mile.

Based and evolutionpilled

There's a citation on the graph you mook.

A fourth of the peoplr they asked to take the survey reported these numbers. That isn't really a great statistic and has little merit or relevence to your loaded question.


That is not a valid citation you retard. It needs to point to the source data. It simply says it comes from an enormous governmental survey. It could easily be made up. But it can't be verified, therefore it is as good ad made up. How gullible do you have to be to believe any graph as long as it says "source: gss"?

No seriously, more men can cheat than women but that just means cheating women cheat more than cheating men, the ammount of cheating remains equal between sexes

>Any scientist would tell you monogamy is not natural, and against our better nature.
Hi. I am a scientist. And I would not tell you that. Instead as a scientist I will say you are a fucking retard.

No it's not several species practice monogamy. Most of them aren't even mammals.

Friendly reminder that all self reported statistics about women aren't taking into account the immensely increased rate at which women lie.

Attached: telm01o3yc501.jpg (1131x652, 493K)

Friendly reminder that all incels have an IQ of 80 or below.

Let's point out some things about this graph:
1. No data on the population size, its a survey from the GSS who I tried to google for their report, yet couldn't find any data on. Because of this, we have no idea how many people were surveyed and whether this is representative of the whole genders.
2. The article this came from mentions the population may have been the same people over the years based on the language they used. Indicating, the cheating may have to do more with a specific population over the ages as opposed to different populations being surveyed.
3. While the graph does not show it, the y axis is the percentage of the population that cheated based on the survey, so the chance a man will not cheat is at 74% while a women's is at 84%.

In short OP has created a bait thread that means nothing as all the data is not present and what data is there only shows men within the population surveyed have a higher chance to cheat. Because of this, nothing but that last point can be concluded from this.

A lot of "statistics" claim it is ok to chop off penises off of little boys if they wear something pink and to be on a fruitarian diet that will slowly kill you. Where are the real actual sources? Where are the legal documents proving this study actually took place? What country did this take place? Mexicans cheat like crazy but eastern Europeans have greatly lower cheating rates.

larp harder

Many women dont have trouble having sex with older men, some even have fetish for it (yes daddy). Almost nobody is willing to have sex with old fat women and honestly how many old women you know who are fit?

This explain easily why older women dont cheat as mich as older men. Because they are literally unfucable to a point not even their own husbands want to do the deed.

Attached: feminism.jpg (570x457, 40K)

That graph demonstrates generational differences more than it does any correlation between age and cheating.

Notice how the biggest gap is the boomer generation, 58 to late 60s?

Boomers have no morals and are inherently bad people.

Humans are supposed to have huge harems, like Hippos.
That's the only thing that makes sense given our biology, but who cares?
Humans are also supposed to die when they break their leg and live in shit smeared caves.
Do whatever you think is right for you.

I'm not sure. I've known people from both sexes that have cheated in different ways. I think a good majority of people will do it to a certain extent at least once. And I think a portion of society needs to be honest about how they actually value monogamy on a personal level as opposed to what society thinks.

A physicist or astronomer may not tell me that, because they don't really know better than I do.

some are, some are not
same with women
but this is b8. shitty, uninspired Jow Forums b8 and you should be ashamed of yourself

Older women are less desirable. Older men are more desirable. Men cheat more because they have more opportunity to, not because they innately want to cheat more.

You have to be a fuckin idiot to look at ONE graph from ONE study and tell yourself "this is the truth of reality and how I will live my life now".

It's like the climate change deniers who show up to make witty quips about how it's cold and snowy in January so global warming isn't real.

Attached: 1480702845363.jpg (645x773, 56K)

Ethical arguments aside, as these can actually take a while, I think guys can live in monogamy just as fine as in any other enviroment.
From what I get, dudes cheat on girls based on poor sexual choices (lack of condoms), emotional imaturity and/or feelings of entitlement linked or not with chauvinism.

I say all that and I'm a dude also. Whenever I see this kind of cases it's mostly because of the reasons above.