Nice guys who bring nothing else to the table and expect to trade in their kindness tokens for sex always finish last

>Nice guys who bring nothing else to the table and expect to trade in their kindness tokens for sex always finish last
>Boring losers who have nothing to talk about but their favorite video game but think being kind to a woman will make her want to sleep with him.
>News flash, a woman wants to sleep with a fun and confident guy who is physically fit and has a mission in life with tons of interesting hobbies and past experiences to talk about in conversation.
Thoughts? Is it true? I'm fit, but i'm not very interesting, i like lifting, biking and reading books.

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There are several conditions to being attractive
>physically attractive (self explanatory)
You can have any combo of these, but at least one is a minimum requirement. Sheer luck matters for those who only have 1 trait. Any less and you have literally no hope. That's where I am

The general concept is true. Women generally want an attractive, interesting man but there are exceptions.

Yeah. If you have 2 of those things, youll find a gf eventually.

i don't know if im physically attractive, i'm 187cm, white and i have hair on my head. should go pretty well right? i've heard how hard indian guys and short guys have it in dating, so i should do well i hope.
that's the only condition i have though, not wealthy, not terribly interesting for girls i'd imagine, since my hobbies are male dominant, not charismatic either, somewhat social, but i'd rather be alone with my book and barbell with my cat.

Yeah, you're probably similar to me. But by this sort of attractiveness, I mean god-like naturally chilled type shit. You and I are probably 6-7/10 at best. This doest fulfill the minimum requirement for luck to kick in. Sorry mate. It's the only way I can rationalize this shit

Doesn't sound like you have anything going for you. Start becoming something instead of a boring loser.

how do i become something interesting?

Get out of the home more and take up some new interesting hobbies.

You have to really want it. You have to actively seek to be something you're not already. I gave up. It's not worth it. What would I get out of it? A sour hole and a liability. What's the point in that?

the better question is: How can i stop hoping to avoid feeling disappointed over and over again? Chemical castration?

>>News flash, a woman wants to sleep with a fun and confident guy who is physically fit and has a mission in life with tons of interesting hobbies and past experiences to talk about in conversation.
the question should be. what is the women your pursing bringing to the table besides sex

> i like lifting, biking and reading books.
okay find a girl who likes those things. join book clubs, biking events and gym competition
there's plenty of girls who only fuck guys in their social circle only.

For any nice guys in the thread look up "No More Mr Nice Guy" by Robert Glover.
Should be easy to find a pdf online

what are some interesting hobbies?

But what if you have a ISFJ personality.

I'm always nice and I never expected anything out of it. I was just made this way. Everyone always likes me. I don't even try to be nice.

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the lust for sex will condem you all

anything u like
stop fallin for meme personality test. u can become whoever you want

what is a interesting hobby??

-Bookbinding course
-Take up dancing
-Practise H.E.M.A. (which I'm doing now).
-Travel (which is cheaper now than it's ever been). Especially if you're in Europe. Bus trip through The Netherlands (Amsterdam), Belgium and France (Paris) is fucking 12 euros (14 dollars). Hostels can range from $22,- a night to $50 a night.

Free audiobook on Youtube. I looked it up, it's good but can be depressing. He's right about a lot though and it helped me turn my life around in terms of how I treat my social contacts.

something you like and are good at
don't do meme shit like this just for the sake of pussy. if he enjoys it great. but changing your fucking life. just for some pussy is retarded and you will never be satisfied

i like biking, and i'm good at working out, and i like reading books. but you said they are boring hobbies.

>just take up a hobby
what's next?
>take a shower
>just be yourself

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While all personalities are different, nice guys from all walks of life end up the same at their core.

They have things in common like, troubled/no relationship with their dads, excessive masturbation or sex, doing "nice" things in hopes of getting something in return, never wanting to rock the boat, giving advice without being asked etc.

Been awhile since i read the book but its worth it. As a nice guy in recovery i recommend