I’m 18 now. How do I lose my virginity?

I’m 18 now. How do I lose my virginity?

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By having sex.

i keep asking this myself for over 30 years.

Well you see, when a boy and girl like each other, they go to the bed and make love by hugging real hard, do you understand this sweetie?

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When I was 18, going to the park at night with a girl, smoking a little weed and drinking a little booze, was a great way not only to get laid, but also just have a really good time.

How do I get to that part? Should I just find a hooker

I don’t have a girl to go to the park with

Kek, just be yourself bro

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Myself is too autistic for this shit, I’d rather take the shortcut bro

That doesnt sound like a really good time. It sounds like asking for the cops to roll up and bust you because you forgot the park had a curfew. Just sitting, drinking and talking isnt very fun even if the conversation is good. No adrenaline involved at all.

Absolutely not.

Why? Seems like an easy way out

First off, you need a car, a job, some serious spending cash, $3,000++, & you drive around looking for any lady or guy walking around, make sure you bring 2 condoms in case one breaks, & ask them do they need a ride....

Drift the conversation towards how extremely anxious you are to go out on a date with anyone, & if you get no response, NEXT!

Too long, too creepy

Hhhah based


What do you mean by adrenaline? Should I take a girl rock climbing or something

If you were to make a pros and cons list for yourself.
What are your pros?

I mean if my ADHD doesnt start acting up I'm probably not having fun. Like, just talking isnt worth leaving my house. Most people aren't me though so you do you m8

$3,000 for a hooker?
$3,000 is what you need for a high class call in escort

Most people didn't lose virginity until they were in their mid 20s. This society is degenerate.

I got nothing. No intentresting hobbies, one irl friend, no skills, no looks.
If this is society is degenerate then I need to adapt to this degeneracy

If everyone jumped off of the cliff would you also do that?

Oh shit, totally forgot you need an adrenaline rush for a time to be good.

Ofc i would, whats the point of living alone

Probably not

>I got nothing. No intentresting hobbies, one irl friend, no skills, no looks.
You've got a lot of work ahead of you.
Start working out
Get social experience
Get a nice hair cut
Find interesting hobbies
Take care of your skin



You're already better off than 98% of the board simply because you didnt make a retarded excuse as to why you can't. Good luck.

God you're so retarded

By coming to my place

You must be a wizard then

Lower your expectations.

why lose it so early?

So I won’t be a loser and have to know there are people younger than me who lost their v-card first. I’d also like to knock it out of the way because I don’t want to be a virgin forever and want it to cure my autism with women. Maybe I’d be more confident afterwards
I’ll try

>want it to cure my autism with women
It won't.

who is this semen demon

Probably not
Forgot her name, she had a tumblr, you can find a few more of her pics in Pinterest

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