What can women do/wear/own that men can't? So far, the only things I could think of are

What can women do/wear/own that men can't? So far, the only things I could think of are
>make up
>more colorful dyed hair
>nail polish
>feminine shirts
>clothing/backpacks with unicorns or other cute things
>act cutsey
>own more plushies and toys

>inb4 men can also do x feminine thing
I mean socially acceptable things.

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It's 2019, faggots can do all those things

I don't care about faggots that are social rejects that no one goes near.

I know a couple of guys that wear nail polish but they're metalheads so dunno if that's considered socially acceptable

No, men can wear this there called toupes.
>make up
Rock stars and models
Technically, kilts.

High heels, corsets, most elaborate hairstyles for longer hair.

Also specific looks that are thought of as girly like glittery tops, sheer blouses, things with pastel ribbons...

Literally the only thing on your list that guys "can't" do is wear a skirt

>make up
>Rock stars and models
I don't care what 1% can do and be socially accepted for it. I'm not fucking jeffree star.

>Technically, kilts
Fuck off

>High heels, corsets, most elaborate hairstyles for longer hair.
>glittery tops, sheer blouses, things with pastel ribbons
Thanks, user. The reason I made this thread is for a friend, she recently grew out her dyke/tranny phase and wanted to try out new things. What do you mean by elaborate hair styles by the way?

Kill yourself you degenerate autist. Men can't do any of those, it's not acceptable for a reason. You'd get beat up if you did most of those things. Is this how you think when you're raised by a single mom?

>You'd get beat up if you did most of those things.
YOU'D get beat up
If you have enough masculinity, shit that doesn't adhere to toxic masculinity won't take away from it.

What a retarded question. You trying to hide something? Add watch gay porn to the list, argumentative faggot. That ones a tuffy, huh.

>toxic masculinity
Go away you crazy feminazi. A buff ass dude can beat up a faggy boy in a tutu any day.

I'm female, you retarded autist. Of course I watch gay porn. Whatchu gonna do about me being straight?

You're welcome. Given the context I'd advise her to not go overboard though. She'll have much more fun trying feminine things if she stays closer to her comfort zone. The risk with going overboard is that she doesn't feel like herself and blames the "feminine" factor, while truly most women would feel odd in a pink lacey dress with braids or something. I'd start with asking her what she finds pretty on other women, what kind of aesthetic she enjoys thinking about for herself (princess? femme fatale? business sexy? artsy hipsterchick?) and taking small steps in that direction. More form fitting jeans, a top with a defined waist, just enough heel to make noise when walking.

Pic related for example of girly hairstyle, but really most updo's qualify. It's also NOT easy to do this kind of hair on yourself it takes a lot of practice and it'll depend on whether she likes fussing over that or not. Also pinterest/tumblr can go a long way developing a taste and idea of what she'd like for herself.

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Trannys don't count.


>She'll have much more fun trying feminine things if she stays closer to her comfort zone
Shit, that's great advice, user. She felt anxious about some things not working out because it didn't feel like she was herself sometimes. She loved purses though and growing her hair back.

>The risk with going overboard is that she doesn't feel like herself and blames the "feminine" factor
Oh she did that. Really, thanks user. I don't know what to label her as, she liked one girl who had shoulder length hair dyed in pastel blue or grey, minimalistic make up, hoodies and slightly tighter jeans and necklaces. So guess that'll be a good start for her. She's picky for now though. Hope it's just a normal start.

Yeah. Beating up a smaller guy would really win the girls over

You're welcome! Try reminding her that most girls take years to develop a really personal, mature style that is both conventionally acceptable and an expression of what they like and want to project, and she's trying to do everything 10x the pace so she needs to see it as a growing process and not a switch that flips.

I think dying her hair would work great, there's sprays nowadays that fade much more quickly and without having to grow out your hair, and it's going to make any outfit she wears a lot more spunky. She also doesn't have to do everything to add a pop of color.

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It unironically does though.

Years to develop, I see. I guess she rushed, because I gave her bad advice.

She has some expired hair spray.... Would you say it's better to throw it out or do you think it's usable despite expiration?

Well, doesn't have to mean it takes years for her, obviously she's more mature than a teenage girl and if she pays attention she can go much more quickly. She just shouldn't expect herself to have a vision for how she wants to look overnight as it's something that grows with experience, and unrealistic expectations will take the fun out of the process.

I'd get new one. Not just to avoid fucking up her hair she took effort to grow out but also because it's fun, she can go wild with whatever direction she wants to go, there's the giddy moment of picking it out.

You actually made me physically laugh

man what are you talking about guys were doing that shit like make-up and crazy hair as far back as like 1987 when goth first came-out and also glam metal was on top of the musical world and since then it's just been adopted by other subcultures like nu-metal or emo or more recently like soundcloud rappers

and you know what you can call them cucks and s oy beans all you want they still get more pussy than you

but some of that other stuff on that list is pretty gay actually

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Indiana Jones has a purse motherfucker. We don't need to let bitches have the market cornered. Women can touch people and dress like fucking sluts at work and nobody can complain.

>make up
already a thing for men sweaty
uhh no men go bald and many wear toupes

I see, well thank you again, user. I'll sceencap all your replies and send it to her.

Thanks for stroking my autistic ego

Literally American went to shit in the 1960s, stop. The 1987s were full of degeneracy. As much as I like the 1980s for their tech, games, some of their clothing, it still doesn't change the fact it was full of degens. Yeah man, those cool glam rock stars who did what, abuse drugs and then 10 later cried that their brains fried and their bodies were rotting? No thanks. Not exactly a good role model.

>s oys and cucks get pussy
Stop denying it, faggot. I wouldn't go near a guy who wears make up, all women are biologically designed to want muscular, fit, manly men they can rely on for help, not fucking sissy boys who cry because they didn't get their Nintendo switch to work.

>Indiana Jones has a purse motherfucker
That's not a purse you stupid bimbo, that's a messenger bag. When you're literally this retarded, you can't tell the difference. Also Indiana Jones is fucking fictional too.

>Women can touch people and dress like fucking sluts at work and nobody can complain.
I'm female and even I hate that sort of degenerate behaviour. I unironically wish there was some group for people to join to protest against whores and women who dress like sluts. It pisses off men who want to concentrate at work, it pisses off women who hate seeing that shit all day and knowing that it's influencing 8, 10, 14 year old girls. Men nor women shouldn't dress like whores.

Good job, you managed to get a laugh from me.

Its not a messenger bag its a satchel you imbecile. See, we can call it different things and it is still the same thing. And plenty of guys have them. I carry one when I travel. Pretty sure wou wouldn't fuck with me about it of you saw me.

>Literally American went to shit in the 1960
fuck you talking about man life is way better now than it was back then it just sounds like you got a bad case of Le Wrong Generationism, and why are you talking about degenerates when you post on Jow Forums man this website is the most degenerate thing on the internet

> I wouldn't go near a guy who wears make up, all women are biologically designed to want muscular, fit, manly men they can rely on for help, not fucking sissy boys who cry because they didn't get their Nintendo switch to work.

what is this scizophrenic trail of thought, I never said anything about them being skinny and having Nintendo switches loads of guys wear make-up and are fit enough to kick your Jow Forums-posting ass

The cherry on the cake is that you don't even know they wear make-up, that's what good make-up is.

also what is even the point of your thread? You just like to get made at make-up?

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Why not wear a backpack though, dude? Women are weaker and don't need as many things so they wear purses. Purses are less practical and have less storage than backpacks. They don't want to wear backpacks that'll get their shoulders or back sore, and they don't want to damage any expensive clothes they may wear. When I wear my fur coat, I ain't gonna put a backpack and damage the furs. There is literal no reason for men to wear purses, it looks just wrong too. I wear both but will switch to a purse when I'm wearing something more "fragile", want to look more stylish or don't want heavy weight.

Stop being an avatar fag before someone reports your gay ass.

>also what is even the point of your thread?
Female friend grew out her dyke/tranny phase, wants to experiment with feminity. I ran out of ideas for what they can try wearing though, since I'm not very feminine myself. Cba responding to anything else you sperged about in your angry ape language, it's a bunch of empty statements made for the sake of arguing and ego boost.

>Why not wear a backpack though, dude?

Not him, but cause I'm not an 8 year old boy who's walking to school or hiking through the Amazon rainforest.

Any adult who walks around with a backpack during his daily life is a big old red flag of autism

I just need a book, ass wipe, a pocket knife and a cellphone, and some gum when im away from home and i like that i can just reach in there on the run. Good for airplanes and motorcycles. I can pull it of because im big, rugged,and hairy. To each there own but I don't appreciate that women have so many options that we don't. We are so limited with shoes. That shit ain't fair. And if I dress sexy as fuck at work, i would get in trouble. I like looking at bitches but they can be a real distraction in the workplace. Were I work, everybody drops what they are doing when a chick happens by. Especially on blue jean Friday.

>Female friend grew out her dyke/tranny phase, wants to experiment with feminity. I ran out of ideas for what they can try wearing though,

Nah man that's what the thread is about, you spent 90% of the thread trying to sound tough and absolutely not gay at all, telling people that you would kick their ass for no particular reason cause we said that some guys do wear make-up and that made you totally angry

You didn't even mention your friend in the first post, you just wanted to be weird and try to sound tough on the internet.

No one sounds tough on the internet man

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What if the buff guy is the one in the tutu?

I seen that before. And I know better than to try to whoop a faggot just for the sake of it. A lot of them are well experienced fighters.

Go back to reddlt

Oh fuck... That's one wild plotwist actually.

No. Stop taking jokes literally.

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what does that website have to do with anything I said man you're weird

>When you're such a newfag you don't even fucking get the joke

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