How do I not go bald? It's stressing me out.
How do I not go bald? It's stressing me out
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We will still love you despite how much hair you have
But I don't want to lose my hair, and my hair is really important to me.
Save up
You can implant it
Try apple cider vinegar cleanse on your scalp
After washing your hair, take diluted apple cider vinegar(1:1 with water) and cleanse your scalp. Leave it in for the duration of your shower and rinse it out at the end.
It has to be organic and unfiltered.
You have to keep it up for about 6 months before you see results.
Also look into haircuts that are good for guys with thinning hair.
OK OP read this:
Putting shit on your head won't work. No "apple cinder vinegar" can stop hair loss. No "cow licks" can stop hair loss. It is in your genes and nothing that is in genes can be overcome. Can you change your eyes' color? No. Can you stop hair loss? No.
Now this has been established, here are two things you can do:
-Cover it up. Like putting colored lenses on your eyes, you can can put on wigs, caps, or implants on your head. Will it solve the issue? No. Will you look fucking pathetic? Yes. I've seen a litteral chad being looked down by everybody the day he came to work with his implants on the head (well he hid them with a cap the first weeks because it's fucking horrible to see on the first month: blood, pimples, etc but even after that it was fucking hugly). Dude used to be the "alpha", and then everybody realized he was just a small man going to gym to cope with his small height and hair loss.
-You can grow a pair and shave your fucking head like saying to the world "yeah I don't have hair wtf are you gonna do about it? Yeah that's what I thought", not even putting a beanie in the winter and making eye contact with everyone that would be looking at your head like an absolute Chad. Girls, friends, co-workers, and bosses are going to like your confidence.
Keep in mind that what ever you do to hide your hair loss people are going to notice it and have pity on you. Is that how you want people to look at you, user?
My dad and his brothers all have different hairlines.
So much for 'muh genetics'
OP you might to look up all the natural ways of preventing and reversing hair loss, aggregate them into your own method, and do it every day. Hold off on prescription solutions
Start there. Another good one is Tom Hagerty's method. JD Moyer had a post on "How I thickened my hair or something like that."
Do you have male pattern baldness?
>these two brothers are not twin brothers CHECKMATE SCIENCE btw don't forget to pour large amount of rotten fruit juice on your head k
Geez who let Retardo get out of his basement again?!
I don't think so.
If it's MPB, you're flat out of luck because it's genetic.
If it's from fits of stress
>Stay well-hydrated
>Eat healthily and stay away from junk food
>Shampoo so your scalp pores aren't clogged by oil
>Sleep early and get enough sleep
>Live stress-free
No joke, stop stressing out over it. While that's easier said than done, it only makes it worse when you worry. Even if your family has a history of balding, you might not have inherited MPB.
Is supplementation invalid?
Is topical application invalid?
Yes, it is invalid against genetical issues :^)
Again, no supplementation nor topical application can change genetics.
How does one tell what the cause is? It's not like MPB has any symptoms beyond hair loss.
If it isn't male pattern baldness then there's a lot you can do to slow it down or even reverse it by changing your diet.
I don't think this guy has male pattern baldness but a diet related issue which caused hair loss. Might be worth watching, I can't vouch for anything in the video though.
Oh OK you wanna go in science like that?
No problem mate here is a simple, quick, fool-proof way to settle this:
Provide scientific studies showing that putting whatever juice you want on your head can regrow hair.
Protip: you can't.
As the name suggests, MPB is localized in specific areas of the scalp (temples, hairline, crown, etc) and you can track progress via said patterns. If you're shedding more hair than usual, it could be due to underlying increased physical or mental stress. Hair shedding is also seasonal- more is lost during the summer.
Just accept it or get a hair transplant
Look for Danny Roddy's upcoming book, OP. He's undertaking a comprehensive look at the field of MPB solutions.
A few short generations ago, there were no formal "scientific studies". And nothing was any more or less true. Lack of studies indicates nothing... Unless you're a complete BOZO, that is.
You're gonna be bald, now you can try whatever you want and waste time and money over your stupid insecurity or you can be a chad and start rocking a shaved head.
>lack of studies on the topic that bothers men the most just after erectile dysfunction means nothing
For fucks sake Retardo, BE Gone already!
Is this MPB? It's similar on the other side.
try laser comb
Fuck your retarded attempt at science. Scientists would not say that there is nothing that you could do. In vogue science says that obesity is genetic when there were like zero to one fat kids in school during the 80s. Tell me that a vasectomy cannot prevent balding. Tell me that scientifically proven red light therapy cannot grow hair. Tell me that medicine is not made from plants. Tell me that external influences have no influence on balding. Tell me why you call it genetic and then move the goalposts to identical twins when it is true that people from the same parents can have drastically different hair. Kind makes me wonder if environmental factors can't be factored.
Topical treatments work all the time
you look cute post full face pls.
no lmao
Ignore the just shave it bro cucks
Save your hair at all costs
derma roll
All 3 are proven everything else is snake oil side effects are a meme
Can't stress make you go bald? No pressure
>How do I not go bald?
Next time choose your great-grandparents more carefully. Balding is 90% genetic
It amazes me that this is still a question in 2019, you have a whole host of treatment options; minoxidil, finasteride, dermarolling, all which you can use in conjunction with each other for better results. I would also start a hair transplant fund as a contingency plan in case the above treatment options don't work or only slow down your results, you should get a good idea of whether your hair loss is going into remission after a year of using these treatments. I'm not gonna go into detail about each of them but those 4 things I have mentioned are the best most used options just to give you a starting point so I encourage you to start doing more of your own research