Is it worth going out alone just walking through the city?

Is it worth going out alone just walking through the city?

I don't have any friends to hang out with or a girlfriend ( never did ) and I'm a senior. Should I just stay home until college and hope to find friends there?

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Yes it is. Also why cant you make a friend?

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I never liked and trusted people around me so by the time I become friends with them the groups are already made.
I hang out with the at school but never after or during breaks.

Might as well. Get a flask of cheap booze to keep you company, get a buzz going and walk through town.

Don't like alcohol at all.
>get a buzz going
What's this supposed to mean?

The thing is I don't want to seem pathetic, I do have people that know me from school and stuff. I hang out with those "friends" in school but never after, they all think I have other friends but the truth is I don't.

Nope. Use GMaps, some music and set distance milestones for yourself. Get comfy Jow Forums!

Ignore this roastard.

I don't need to lose weight, I'm actually underweight.
Where would I be going? Also what are the chances I find a girlfriend / make friends this way?

Absolutely. Love wandering through the city.

It means get buzzed you retard.

It seems depressing user and not productive at all. How do you find a girlfriend or friends while strolling randomly by yourself without any plan?
Don't like drinking as I said

Why would I want them around when I go for a walk? I go for a walk because its nice out or I want to explore. I can't do that as efficiently if I'm being stopped by them every 5 minutes.
I don't need someone else demanding more of my time at least not at the moment.

Sauntering around aimlessly is good no matter what, try to do it every day unless you live in a bad neighborhood or something.

"Wherever you go, there you are." in other words, if you hang out at home by yourself, you will do the same in college and after college.

That's your opinion.

The thing is I don't want to be at home this much. It's just that at the beginning of high school I was a retard who refused everything and kept saying that I was hanging out with my friends while in reality I was playing games and jacking off.
And now I fucked myself over.

I'll read the tumblr thing in a bit.

Go to a bar.
>I don't drink.
You don't have to drink at a bar. Get a cola. See if there's someone else sitting alone and begin a chat with them. I now only drink socially.
Or check online for community ran projects in your area like nightlife meetups, bookclubs, language clubs. That sort of stuff.

Not a bad idea.
Thought I look like a child, I'm 18 but look really young, no one's going to take me seriously.
Might try it out, need to push out of my social anxiety mind set first.

>Is it worth going out alone just walking through the city?
I absolutely love it.
I still make sure I have time just to go walking, see new things, and think about what I want to think about. I think it's the best way to relax.

I have to ask, by 'jacking off', do you mean using porn?

>Should I just stay home until college and hope to find friends there?
This is a different question than the walking one.
Do you want to get friends?
I find that even though I like being alone very much, I like having friends also. Most of my friends I've known since high school or college. It seems like after that, it's much harder to make true friends.
So if you want to have friends in your life. It would be good to start getting some now. You do that simply by talking to people. Most you won't really connect with, some you won't like at all, but a few you will really like.

On of my best friends I met the very first day of college. I was moving into my dorm room and this weird looking socially awkward guy just walked in and said hi. I've always liked meeting different types of people and it turned out we had a lot in common, he was like a more robot version of me.
So just start talking to people when you have a chance. Even ones that may not seem all that great at first.

>I'm 18 but look really young
Are you boy or girl?

But how can I make it productive? It's the same as staying inside.
Yes, how else?
I do want to get friends but I missed the high school train. And I do have some but they are only for the school, no one invites me to anything outside of it I do invite someone sometimes but they usually already have plans because everyone has friends.

I can make "friends" with people like that but I can't elevate things enough to the point where we're hanging out when not forced to be together ( school )

Male. Would be okay if I was gay but I'm straight.

>Yes, how else?

See how you got defensive? See how shameful you are about it? You just said 'jacking off' like it was nothing. You were hiding it.

Best advice that you'll never take: Literally just get the porn out of your life before college rolls around. Quit cold turkey until (college) graduation day, if you still feel like it.

Or keep "doing you".

I don't think masturbation is my problem user...

>dodging the issue of porn a second time

Porn is why we have so many tr*ps btw, don't lie to yourself that it has no effect on you. I'm not saying it's more of a cause than a symptom, but sometimes cutting the symptoms has a retrograde good effect on causes

It's because that' seriously isn't the problem. I do it in healthy amounts like every other guy ever. I was more jokingly saying it I don't actually jerk off every day for the whole day


I walk alone
It's nice

Learn to become your own best friend yo. It's still empty but you find you make your own best company

But that doesn't seem very productive and like it'll lead me to friends

I meet the strangest people on midnight walks.
Be sure to carry a bottle of vodka and smokes with you in case you bump into a chick who just left a party. Ask her if she wants to have a drink