I don't like it when women pry into me with distasteful questions and probe for info...

I don't like it when women pry into me with distasteful questions and probe for info. Most of them are so fucking obvious in it, that they put me off and it goes straight to nasty retorts.

For example- she asks what car do I drive, or do I have my own place or live in rent, or sometimes even straight up asking me how much I make, to which I end up saying shit like, I dunno how much you cost? , which is ugly. I know its in their basic nature, to probe for such shit, but it makes me as much as disgusted as asking her how much sex are you willing to have weekly.

What can I do in situations like these, and is my current way of dealing with it correct?

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What do you ask them? What do you tell them about yourself?

You have an opportunity to take charge of the conversation and it sounds like you are not using it.

Yes, but you need to be more subtle in your comedy. Women are proding you but they don't want answers. What they want is to see how you squirm under pressure.

I answer the probes honestly but phrase it in a way that make it seem unreliable as an answer and then flip the situation and probe them and then talk shit about them but jokingly. If you went too far, tell them about a time that the same exact thing happened to you and that you understand how they feel right then. It will make you seem relatable, trust me.

After words make sure you make it no secret that it's ok for them to gossip around you. It will build trust despite the fact that most of what you will be talking about is gonna be absolute garbage.

And if you get tired of it, shut them down, tell them your not feeling up to it. They will then usually try to sympathize with you.

This usually works for me.

OP here, I can reliably pass a shit test, but there are some shit tests I don't even want to pass.
It ruins a woman for me, if she just wants me not because we click, but based on points I gather in her notebook.
Listen, I'm average with regular deviances iin everything,some skills up some skills down and thats all cool, but I don't want to spend time with someone who views me as a bunch of points they gathered by probing shit like that.

It disgusts me in a way, and I've come to resent it and just use women, rarely getting emotionally bonded with them and dumping them shortly after they start to ask such questions.

Again I ask, what do you bring to the conversation? Bitches will make a conversation into an interrogation, that happens and is a sign you need to move on.

But when non-bitches start doing it, ask yourself "What am I doing wrong?". Ask yourself why she is bored and why she is not enjoying your stories and jokes.

Bitches will turn dates into interrogations, BUT if every date you have turns into an interrogation, then you are doing something wrong.

I have ton of stories to tell and I can make my day graphic as fuck, but eventually I can't be the only one talking. Sometimes they have to talk too, and its not always like that, but sometimes it turns that way.

Is it fucking expected of me to lead the talk all the time we are fucking together like she is a child that needs to be guided into a certain direction? Thats a fucking turnoff either. If I wanted just a pussy, I'd get a hooker or jack it off and be done with it.
I want her to say something funny sometimes, and when she is out of funny things to say (which is real fast) they go to these kinds of questions.

It doesn't have to happen on first second or third date, but it happens eventually and I lose all the motivation to pursuit that chick anymore and just feel so disgusted that next time I see her I'm just plain disinterested and stop giving a fuck about anything they say, but I feel this isn't doing me any favour so I'm trying for a way to either not attract that kind of women (if thats possible) or either manipulate them enough to not ask questions they don't fucking need to ask.

>when she is out of funny things to say (which is real fast) they go to these kinds of questions.

How are you at keeping your end of the conversation? Not paiting a picture with your words, but actually engaging in what she has to say?

I'm good on putting people on spot and asking people questions they would rather not answer if thats what you mean. Turns out that gets them on defensive and they decide not to ask questions that probe, since I fire down just as embarassing question upon them then.

A few times and they stop, but the deed is done, and either I'm bored or I don't want to stop since they started it and go full in until they find out that I retaliate with more force, and just kinda become scared to talk about anything anymore.

I know that this is basically a battle of the anecdotal observations but this post confuses me. Where are you finding these women? I'm in my early 30's and I've dated and spoken to a lot of women and this issue has never even come up on my radar. I've never been with a woman that asked me how much I made. Thinking back, I've never dated a woman who was at all fixated on my financial status. I mean, if she was then she didn't make it obvious. I dunno, dude. If I can do 15 years without having this problem I think maybe you can find a way to avoid it. Its strange that you keep having this problem over and over again but if we're being logical about this then the common denominator is you. You keep picking these women. That's the only thing I can think to explain this.

>I'm good on putting people on spot and asking people questions they would rather not answer if thats what you mean.

Sounds like what you feel they do to you.

But that was not what I meant. I asked about your engagement in their lives, their stories, in what they have to share. Are you a good listener that makes people want to talk about themselves?

You know that they just making small talk and you're getting offended for nothing right

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>hey so what kind of car do you drive?

yeah man that's absolutely normal

Don't hate the player hate the game, that being said if you don't want to play don't play

OP is a NEET lmao
You're only mad because you know you're not ready to date because your life isnt in order
Get a job
Get an apartment
THEN date

>tfw $15/hr job
>tfw apartments in my city start at $1500 a month

my sex life is JUST

men have resources to give in exchange for pussy
women have pussy to give in exchange for resources
>how much do you cost
this is the correct answer, you already are the fucking boss, so whats the point of this thread?

It also sounds like he's going after stuck up bitches too though like I dated a bunch of girls over the years and they never once asked me how much I make or if I have my own place or whatever. I was living at home with my parents in my late 20s and still hooking up.

Thing is if you get married the salary question has to come up eventually.

I think I caught some of your autism by accidentally reading your post god damn

found the roasties and betas
is your copy of Wash Your Penis signed or not?

>youre autistic because I dont understand human sex strategy
if a daft cunt cuts straight to the chase by asking how much OP makes, he can get right to it too

Why else would you be mad that women are upfront about making sure you're a fucking adult LMAOOOO

No, I think you're autistic for boiling down sex and relationship to oversimplified metrics and rules and treating real life like an RPG. Real life people don't think like this. Robots do.

real people don't ask you for your income in basic conversation.
OP is probably bad bait, though.

if men can respond in kind by making sure women arent gold-diggin hoors, no problem with it

you can say whatever you want to women dude, go call them a roastie right to their face, but they're gonna see how autistic you are.

>how dare they ask me if I have a job car and home

your dates often pre-screen you by income bracket? or perhaps by inheritance?

>but WHY do I need a job

specifically asking income is dead give away for gold digging whores
please list your job, car, and home is damn close second depending on how the whore goes about it

nah man like I said you're dating some weird bitches cause I never had a girls ask me anything about money

what are you dating like 45 year olds or something

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you need a job to procure pussy, how is this hard to understand? that's why she's asking.

>real people don't ask you for your income in basic conversation.
No they don't, which is why this mindset is completely disconnected from reality. Either OP is horrifically autistic or he's just making it up.

>you need a job to procure pussy
this some incel meme man, there's loads of guys on unemployment who score tail

alpha fucks
beta bux

>dude homeless guys can fuck drug addicts that means I dont need a job to get a wife worth being around

I have a car and a job, the only thing I lack is an apartment I own at 24. Thats the fucking point, I don't want a woman who just wants me for the things I own. I can lead a great conversation if a woman doesn't tick me off like that in which case I stop making interesting conversation because she fucking blew it.

I don't think of myself as saint, and I'm not looking for one. I would provide for a woman of course and make her sound financially so that she doesn't ever need to work (along with fulfilling her in all other ways), but I don't want to hear such questions and would appreciate them to let me give such things to them out of my own will.

Just like a girl doesn't want to hear a man ask her when is she gonna let him put his penis in her because its a fucking turnof, but rather give it to him because she genuinely loves him and wants to make him happy, if this makes any sense to any of you.

You cant fault them for filtering our deadbeats. I understand what you're trying t say just fine but being a decent person doesnt entitle you to shortcuts. You're 24. Either get an apartment, or be ready to say you're in the process of getting one.

Get an apartment exactly how? I wish it fell from the sky,but such shit is unattainable at 24 college graduate with only 2 years of experience under his belt, and I'm not about to go into debt to just buy a fucking place so I'm more attractive to chicks.

Don't get me wrong, I can attract women and have relationships with them as I am now just fine, they like me enough to hang with me not even knowing if I have a job or car.
Also I know I can't fault them for that, but then again I'm not about to take it lying, I can't fault myself for filtering out women like that.
I don't want to connect emotionally with women who don't like me for me and are crazy for me,but just see me like the nearest decent choice for future. It doesn't sound right.

user, you're never going to find a wife worth being around.

who are you quoting man you should get a job cause that's what normal people do, not cause you think it'll get you a girlfriend.

If a girl sin't gonna date you cause you don't have a place of your own, or cause you don't have a car or whatever, she's not worth dating. Stop chasing after gold-diggers man

It is not fucking hard to come up with $750/mo., shitkicker. This is why they ask. I moved out when I was 23, no degree, making 9 an hour. Still managed to support myself. They're trying to make sure you're capable of doing that.

If you dont have a job, car, or roof over your head, you are incompetent, and the one who is actually not worth dating.

I agree with this, but also a roastie gold digging whore is not worth dating.
>romance is lost!

so how come all those people without jobs or a car or anything still manage to get dates?

Plus, we get tons of threads of people who follow advice like your to the letter and are like I HAVE A JOB AND A CAR AND AN APARTMENT SO HOW COME I DON'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND WHERE IS MY GIRLFRIEND

You don't get a girlfriend just by reaching a bullshit high score in life like some other user was posting.

It simply shows what shit taste you have in women.
Find a woman who wants to know what your life goals are, what your bucket list is ect.

This is your fault. You are superficial and attract empty people void of character.

Sorry, guy I make 700€ a month and thats considered decent pay (living in Slovenia).
Its not quite that easy in Europe as it is in America.

I moved out at 18, payed my rent from time I was 19 onwards, and bought my own car and am maintaining it and registering it each year.
I am ahead of 99% peers, so I am more than attractive and thats not the fucking point man, the fucking pointis that I don't want to be seen for that at all.

I want it to be because we actually fucking like being around each other.

Unironically using the word roastie in conversation already disqualifies you from most forms of adult relationships, honestly. You might as well put a bumper sticker that says "I'm an autist" on your forehead.

As if small talk is any less annoying.

>t. body count is triple digits
When worn out old whores are in charge of who's an adult. At least you roasties are now proud of it so the decent among us can avoid you like the plague you are

This is how I can tell this board is mostly full of 19 year olds. Chicks are damned if they do, damned if they don't. Try to find out if he has a job, or a way to get to your dates? Or a place to sleep and have sex?
>Reeeeee roasties and golddiggers

Don't ask this shit, get pregnant and the guy with no fucking direction in life bails on her?
>Reeeee roasties why don't they have a better judge of character

It's normal to ask about this shit when dating someone. Honestly OP, you should be asking women this kind of shit too, and not just such a slave to the pussy that you think "clicking" is more important than being able to build a life with a responsible human.

Love how the autists coping mechanism when he's been called out is always "yah well ur actually a roastie female" as if Jow Forums is 90% women or something

Nah man asking people's credit score and shit is weird when you're not in a relationship or even dating yet. Are you trying to get a date or get a loan from the bank

t. orbiter or male feminist
Does your wife's bull know you post here?

>she asks what car do I drive, or do I have my own place or live in rent, or sometimes even straight up asking me how much I make

That's OP. Yeah, credit score on the first date or something would be weird. But asking what someone does and what their living situation is, is in no way weird or out of line. I wouldn't ask someone how much they make right off the bat when romantically interested, but I've asked strangers this.

Haha nice man call me a s oy boy next. I'm gonna have an autist bingo. Post pepe the frog too.

>I wouldn't ask someone how much they make right off the bat when romantically interested, but I've asked strangers this.

Yeah cause that's weird in a romantic setting especially if it's the first date. Same with asking if they own or rent. They may as well be asking about their credit score.

But this thread is bullshit bait anyways

This. I tried the dating game but have up because I could not find any interesting girls or make any connection that made me go "this is the one!". So it's escorts for me whenever I crave female attention and I don't have to worry about STD's because I go for high end escorts. I have everything I need in my life except a girlfriend. I would love to have a wife and 5 kids but the girls I tell this dream to always laughs at me for saying that. And it's the kind of superlative laugh which sounds more like a shock reaction than a genuine laugh.

>I don't have to worry about STD's because I go for high end escorts

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Because condoms and they only accept white men like myself with money. I've met 18 different escorts so far and I'm still clean. It's fun. Will see how long I stay in the game.

>they only accept white men like myself with money.

You know that's not how stds work right

I've been with more regular girls than that and I'm also clean

(You) knew my next two moves!
Damn. I do this for you user. I do this for all of us. For the future. I wish I could save you.

>I dunno how much you cost?

Saying this for sure next time, lmfao

Based and radpulled

It's fucking hilariously perfect, right?

escorts, bros and surrogates are all a man needs
marriage is retarded
relationships are retarded
chasing women for sex is retarded
at least whores dont lie about wanting your money

If you use dating apps, filter them in the conversations. I don't know how it is in your country, you're not from USA right? But in my country it takes days to have a first date.
I'm 28 yo full time student, live with my parents, unemployed,no car, but i manage to have dates with seemingly fine girls.
Maybe you're too concerned about your possesions that you implicitly make them curious as to make such forward questions? Or you maybe are waiting for the girl to make the mistake of asking those questions? Every new girl you talk to is different, I know it's a turn off for you, but maybe you're just dividing in different classes different girls, and not considering other attributes, and even basing your new meetings with girls that are in the past.
Anyway, if you're getting annoyed of meeting new girls, take a time, do your stuff, meeting someone new every couple of times leads to boring and repetitive (for you) conversations. Do your things for you, don't expect someone to make this question or that question, it's not something to be worried about. It's something that may show up, and you're already know what you want, so filter them, and when you're tired of that, take your time.

Your response would be mine but I swerve way harder on those girls

OP here, I've got decent advices here and there, I've decided I will stop searching for women and just let it happen if its meant to.
It was obvious from the start, but if you click at the start, thats a good sign. Not having to go on dates and digging deeper if someone clicks with you.

T. Her body her choice pussyhat cuck cucksson whiteknightson

Remember guys, ask the girl for her fertility report from the doctor next time, and if she refuses, she's a deadbeat sexist loser

They're evaluating your worth, you're failing hard if you can't handle a few questions. Women want a man that can hold up under pressure.

If she breathes she's a thot

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They're evaluating what they can steal from him, never engage yourself socially and especially sexually with thots

If she doesn't breathe, she's a well-disciplined thot.