when does life get better? Wasted the last seven years of my life in a relationship just for the girl to tell me she doesn’t love me anymore and fuck some guy two weeks later. I’m an emotional mess and I feel like my life is falling apart. I’m left here in our apartment with our pets and all of our belongings while she moved in with her mom and get to start over fresh without worrying about anything besides her school work. All of my friends say I should move on and have sex with somebody else but I honestly wasn’t even confident in myself within the relationship and idk. People keep telling me they’ve been through it and that it gets better but what they’ve been through wasn’t half as deep as our relationship. We’d been through a lot, dated since we were 16 and lived together for 3 years. I’ve just lost a lot of faith in living at this point.
Life after break up
Every time someone tells me they’ve “been through the same shit” I just laugh because I know they didn’t have the chemistry we had. Everything about my life involves this woman and it hurts so much that she can just move on so quickly like seven years wasn’t shit.
You are in store for hurt
If you don’t have any will to live just fucking pull the trigger fagot
Stop being such a drama queen breakups are an uncomfortable part of living.
There’s no easy way of dealing with it, it is not impossible tho.
A suggestion is just keeping your mind busy, work your job to the bone, learn a language, go to the gym, go out, get new friends.
And every day, when you wake up, it will be the first thing you think about.
Until one day It will be the second thing.
you're still young, relationships from teen age are almost guaranteed to not last. there is no set time when it will get better, but it really does. you'll find someone better, and look back on this as just a memory. I know it doesn't seem that way right now, but you have to trust me. take your time to grieve, i know it's like the death of a family member, someone who was always there is just gone. i need you to listen to me: DO NOT go sleep around, or make any large or impulsive decisions for at least a few months. please, you need to trust me, and constantly remind yourself of that. you said you don;t have much confidence, which i can understand is why you felt like you just lost a part of yourself, because she WAS a part of you. that isn't a good thing, you are a whole human on your own, and you need to work on that first before getting into another realtionship. i always find therapy helpful, just talking and getting some outside professional insight makes you feel more secure. you need to delete all of your photos, texts, etc. with her, she is gone now, and she is not coming back, and it will only bring up painful memories. it WILL be better, it might not be for a year, but i promise you, you will move on. don't do anything stupid or rash. just take it easy
You’re not wrong. I’m just salty because I thought I was the strong one in the relationship. The terms were just bullshit too. We’d been living our life as we agreed, she was going through med school and I’d support her and then she’d help me out when she graduated. Now she gets 4 years into school and takes everything I’ve given her and left in some bold act of “working on herself”. I want to be angry but everything I’ve got to be angry about I’ve learned through my own sad, psycho tendencies. She’s a manipulative bitch that can’t stand to be on her own and it hurts that she thinks she can go and replace what we had with some dude that’s just looking for some pussy.
On a relationship people tend to drift apart no one is to blame, it happens, stop feeling sorry or angry that serves nothing. There is nothing that can take the pain away.
But eventually, you will find a way to live with it.
And I’m talking as someone who was broken up 4 months ago who jumped into his job, alcohol, tinder/hookups, and nothing worked because I was still attached to her, on the back of my mind I hoped us to get back together, accept it, it’s over... keep your mind busy
I’ve helped her out so much financially and tried to be there for her but she’d been drifting for some time and I was too stupid to realize it. Everyone kept telling me I needed to be worried and I didn’t listen because I trusted her too much. That’s what hurts is that she took my trust and my honestly, true love for granted. In my mind I told myself that even if things seemed a little rough, that happens, couples work through shit all the time I just wish she would’ve tried to work.
>OP image
After watching this meme blow up the last few weeks
I feel like I’ve been made into a fool. Maybe I just thought I was too good for her to leave and I got in over my head. I’d been trying to do things recently that make me happy because I’ve been depressed for years and I was sick of putting so much into the relationship without being able to take time for myself and that’s ultimately what killed it. She’s a dependent person and when I wasn’t there for her she found someone that will be.
I really wish this would’ve ended with me having the upper hand but I’ve just been played. I was faithful, I put her needs ahead of mine constantly. I worked full time to support my/our lifestyle and she’d pull stupid shit like making me feel bad for not calling in an hour before work to spend the night with her. She was awful but fuck I love her, man.
All of my friends keep telling me she sucked and they they only ducked with her because of me and that doesn’t help because I just wish people would be honest to begin with. People keep telling me I need someone that’ll match my energy but that’s what I loved about her is that, as fucking cheese as it sounds, she completed me. She was my peace a lot of the time. She made me pull my hair out a lot too but nobody could comfort me like she did.
If I had somebody to hold it somebody to hold me I’m sure I could be taking it as easy as she is. It’s just not as easy as laying on your back and waiting for it for us.
I really just came here to rant I guess because I feel sorry for myself and everyone is just telling me to get over it. I just want validation that she’s a dumb bitch because I can’t convince myself of it.
Maybe you were, you know, but money comes and goes, really, since I was 17 I’ve lived on my own, parents dead, sister living on another country, family couldn’t care less, I’m 25 atm, I work as a salesman, condos and vacation ownerships. Learn from your mistakes, and just walk forward don’t look back you’re not going that way.
Honestly OP, I was in a simmilar place after my breakup. Dated from 21-25. We were friends for a year beforehand too. We took each others virginity. Lived together for 1 year. She was my best friend.
It sucked, more than I can describe for a long, LONG time. It's been about 2 years now since we broke up and honestly its only now that things have actually started to feel better. I don't dwell on it as much now, it comes to mind less. All I can really say is time and effort will get you through it. By effort I mean the effort of trying to meet new people. I thought I could never ever find anyone like her again. And for the most part I didn't. But I finally landed a few dates with girls that ended up being pretty cool. Things didn't work out with them but it showed me that life goes on and as hard as it is you can find someone new who will excite you again. Even if it doesn't feel like that's possible. Just live each day one at a time and try to put effort into meeting cool people.
She’s coming to get her stuff tomorrow while I’m at work. I want it to help but I’ve been told it’ll hurt.
I think that’s been the hardest thing though, waking up in OUR bed, looking around to see everything that’s been OURS for years. Living with and caring for OUR pets. Meanwhile she lives with her mom in a new house with, literally, all brand new things. It’s like life never took a break from when she was last living with her. She gets to go to school every day and has plenty of school work to keep her happy and when that distraction doesn’t work out she can just lay on her back and get some dick and get a nice chemical charge of happiness.
I can get behind the “she ain’t shit” campaign but I just want her to know how trash she is for being such a manipulative heartbreaking bitch. And I want her to realize how weak she is for not being able to be alone. When we broke up it was on the terms of “working on ourselves” and we talked about revisiting the relationship down the road but she’s out here getting dicked down so soon after the break up that it all just feels like more lies. I told her I can handle the truth. I told her to tell me, to be honest, if there’s someone else that she’s already got in mind then I don’t want to waste my time bettering myself just to come back and she’s “happy” with some new guy.
I just wish love could be enough. I don’t get it, man.
Don't give up user. There is always a subrise after a dark night!
Like as the waves make towards the pebbl'd shore,
So do our minutes hasten to their end;
Each changing place with that which goes before,
In sequent toil all forwards do contend.
I know how you feel - of being lonely and forgotten. Replaced and pushed away. It's horrible, especially if you tried to do you very best all the time, but sometimes in life your best is just not good enough. This does not mean that you have to put even more effort into it, but that some people cannot understand the fundamental principles of unrequired love. She'll understand at some point what she has lost, just to see how you moved on and found something even better.
There are many forms of love on this planet and romantical love is just one of them! Try to fullfill other goals and focus on your family and friends. If you don't have them, like in my case, find something elsr to love. Like a dog (seriously a good dog will be a better companion than most women ever could).
Your ex girlfriend is just a retarded thot who doesn't know any better, just like most women. They understand what they have lost, whrn it's already too late. My ex broke up 2 times with me and still asks my family every now and then how we're all doing. Be happy that you've had the chance to experience all of this. 7 years of relationship, love and intimacy. Use the memories and mistakes you made, as a way of improvement for your next relationship. Always try to find the good aspects in misery, instead of focusing on the loss. I'm not going to tell you things like "there are many fishes in the sea". You've also dodged a bullet. Just imagine how shit it would have been if you guys were actually married or had kids. Now you still have the chance to look around for other and better women, who will love you for the person you're.
Consider doing these things:
>Daily routine with gym + reading + meditation
I wish you the very best for your future user.
I was in the same situation after five years, sold a house etc. That was six months ago.
Let me promise you one thing. I can tell you that it will 100% get better. When people say it takes time they are completely correct. The first three to six weeks will be an absolute bitch no doubt. After three months things will start to look up and you will start to see things more clearly, you might even think about moving on and finding someone new.
My advice is to keep busy, it might seem like the hardest shit in the world right now but it will help to force yourself to eat, to exercise and to spend time with people you love. Cry if you need to, cry as much as you need to, you are experiencing grief and need to feel it in order to process it. If you're still feeling shitty in two weeks see a doctor or therapist.
Remember in the history of mankind hundreds of millions of people have been through the same as you and come out of the other side and billions more will do.
In six months time when you're feeling better remember that some British wanker you've never met before told you you'd survive and I was right.
She didn’t love completely or she wouldn’t have walked, man. Love is a garden, you have to tend it.
I was in pretty much the exact situation you were in. It's a shitty situation and there is no silver lining, there is no hope within that situation so try your absolute best to get the fuck out of it, take up something you're interested in, get a new job, move out of where you are, whatever.
Your ex sounds like a cheap whore and I'm sorry that things didn't work out even after you tried for so long. Sometimes shit doesn't work out, that's the hardest reality to accept and I've had trouble with it, too, believe me. No matter the depth of your feelings for her, she has shown no such regard for you, give it time and find time for improving yourself, don't just look to other people to prop you up.
I know it sounds like useless pep talk a lot of the time, but I genuinely hope you read this and get moved brother.
Breaks up's happen user...
Give it a year. Go out and find somebody new - by the law of averages if you keep approaching women then somebody will come around.