Is it considered to be beta, if you lick pussy and suck nipples...

is it considered to be beta, if you lick pussy and suck nipples... or use your mouth for anything other than kissing (on the mouth), during sex?

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Bro the only alpha behavior is to extend your proboscis down your long nose/mouth and slurp ants from an ant hill
Pic related

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By very very few men it is but for the overwhelming majority its not. Get in there user!

whats "beta" is to be concerned about it in the first place. Just dont give a fuck, eat pussy and make girls cum who cares lol.

It's considered beta to think about whether or not what you enjoy in bed would sound cool to your male friends. Or to abstain from things you want to do with your woman because of some perceived image you want to maintain.

And if you must get on this weird train of thought, kissing itself is a fairly romantic and "soft" activity. I'd say following this logic men should only stoically pound away into the horizon. But that makes for fucking boring sex.

kissing is only "soft" if you're a bitch

What, you chow down on mouths like you're trying to draw blood?

>what is lip biting
>what is hair pulling
>what is choking

>what is lip biting
Something that can be incorporated in kissing but is not the same thing?

And that logic applies to everything. You can make a woman beg and writhe trying to get away post orgasm and forcefully keep her in place and keep lapping at her clit even though it hurts. You can eat her out and stop every time she gets close until she's going insane. You can bite down on nipples. Hell, you can bite down on a clitoris even though I wouldn't recommend that.

If you're going to add a specific way of kissing to claim you can make it "manly" enough the whole argument goes out of the window. You can do everything in a dominant or submissive way.

Yeah don’t listen to this guy lmao “lick clit until it hurts” oh hell no bro I’m gonna squeeze ur dick until it hurts post jizz and prevent you from getting away

If you want to do it do it, if she wants you to do it even better
Overthinking will be the death of you guys

Alphas use their mouth for whatever they want, simp.

I'm not into masochism myself but some women definitely are. Just pointing out that like you can "roughen up" kissing, you can "roughen up" any act. These were aggressive examples but even ordering a woman to spread her legs and let you inspect the details of her pussy up close is very vulnerable and potentially submissive to many women.

Still though as I said in the first post I don't think "coolness" should matter to begin with.

>even ordering a woman to spread her legs and let you inspect the details of her pussy up close
no thanks, one gynecologist is unsexy enough

Different people like different things. Even outright playing doctor is a common thing.

yeah but what about that one episode of Sopranos?

I have no idea why this would be considered beta. Most women can't be fully satisfied in the bedroom unless you regularly go down on her and suck those titties. If you're properly pleasuring your girl, you can get laid more often than you can even handle.

The Romans thought eating pussy was more gay than taking dicks in your ass.

No, is this bait?

It's beta as fuck for you to care what anyone other than the girl you're fucking thinks about what you do in the bedroom.

I love having my nipples sucked and my pussy licked, it's sexy as fuck and makes me appreciate the guy so much more


And look what happened to them!

severely underrated

Girls with smooth thighs and curvy hips make me wanna get on my knees and please the queen with my tongue

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I don't use my mouth for anything during sex. No kissing, sucking or licking. No matter how much she tries to get me to do it. I'm not an animal and she isn't the boss of me. I prefer just to bend her over and take her from behind. She gets wet so everyone wins

Why are you lying? We both know you see him as a weak little bitch for doing that. It's basic female psyche

>Not gnashing your teeth and screeching like a baboon