What do you guys think about 3 12 hour shifts?

What do you guys think about 3 12 hour shifts?

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If it means you have the other 2 days off, I'd do it

Yeah, it does. Feel like i have it good, but its hard to say. I am too depressed to use the extra time besides tv watching. Plus im bad at the work.

Do you workout or exercise regularly user? This can make you feel good and give you a dopamine boost. I like doing crunches or going for runs and listen to cheesy PC music while it, makes me forget my shitty minimum wage job for a few hours

Nah, man. Ive got chronic pain so working out is weird for me. If i didnt feel like a moron at work (technical position) i would be less down i guess. Ill start biking again, i think a job where im not scared to get "exposed" is in order, but the money is right. Its a tough call..

sounds amazing, what do you do?

Did a 10/4 and was nice, I value days off more over hours off.

my ideal would be 5/6 i'd settle for 4/8 though. seems so tough to find. western life life truly is designed to keep us all on the wheel. i try not to complain bc wifi, laptop, good food, etc. but there should be abundant options for people to work modified schedules. not everyone wants to be a tired wreck half the time, ya know?

I work 5 10's and my boss tells me i'm lucky and have it easy for getting every saturday and sunday off.

Fuck I'd do it

Is your boss from 1903?

if your boss really says that he's an ass. but if you dont mind the work.. i.. no sorry i would be upset to work that much.

Sounds terrible.

ah, finally, a contrarian. what are your hours like, and what do you think is optimal?

Worked 6/12 for 3 months and still went to the gym but my coworker was by gym buddy. If it weren't for that I'd most likely lazed out those 3 months

youre an animal. what was the line of work and how was your sleep?

3 12s sounds good. I am doing about 4 12s, working 6 days a week, and I don't get paid for all the hours I work. Apparently the drive between locations doesn't count, even though I have four different places I have to go to on an average night.

I work 24 hours a week and am happy as fuck. I dont even set an alarm to wake up.

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Also, I believe working 30 hours a week is optimal.

Hqppiness is more important than consumerism.

>I work 24 hours a week and am happy as fuck.
i believe it. I'm willing to guess driving or camera work?

That sounds ideal. Because in an 8 hour day + lunch, your day is basically 12 hours
>wake up 7
>leave 8
>work 9
>leave 6
>home 7
>gotta eat/shower/errands/sleep within 4 hours for ideal sleep
Do that 5 times.
I would rather
>wake up 7
>leave 8
>work 9
>leave 10
>home 11
>sleep 1
But it’s only 3 days a week. I would say it would be rough it it was 3 in a row. Space them out and that a peace of cake.

One of the better shifts. At least it's not 10 hour shifts 6 days a week for $8/hour

Hahahahahahahahah holy fuck you slaves love building somebody else's paradise. Doing calculus to figure out the optimal time to work for somebody else building their dream.

12 hour shifts are great man. I like the 4 12's in a row then 4 days off myself, but they can be a bit much if and when they become 18's.

are you self employed? otherwise,you're mocking yourself as well. Generally speaking, all men have to do some type of work, might as well spend the time considering what kind of hours and work you find appealing or tolerable. if you're happy or content you may have the energy for other pursuits. such as improving your health or writing a book.

>working for longer than 10 hours a day
>working consecutive days over 10 hours
If you want to cuck yourselves that badly just drive a truck. Then you get between 14 and 21 24's with a random two days off. You might even NET 25k at the end of the year lmao

Truck drivers net at least 40k a year actually

It's the easiest salary job to start and you do not need a degree

3x12's? Are you a nurse?

3x12's is beautiful but every now then I have to do 4-6x12's just because too much free time is damaging to me

3x12s sound a little rough, I know that by hour 8, I'm really not functioning at my mental peak and it's time to go home.

But that depends on what you do. If I was driving a forklift or something? I'm sure I could do that. I can't focus on the math at my job without going cross eyed.

The time off is nice, but is hard to adjust to. I'm only working three days a week right now, and when Monday rolls around, my sleep schedule is a little jacked up.

no, not a nurse, i dislike people too much to consider it. are you?

"Net" as in after taxes, insurance, and any training fees, not "net" as in what they get paid on paper. A company can say they pay you 40k but you sure as shit aren't going to see anywhere near that actual amount, truckcuck


I was serious the average is like 44k

It's not an easy job

the average is 40k gross
not 40k net

and even if you could find a net that high I'd put about $3.50 that average is being pulled up but the guys who knew a guy and landed flatbed, heavy haul, wide load, or hazmat and the ultracucks who were too retarded to ditch swift/yellow/mayflower and made just over poverty wages for 20 years getting royally fucked in the ass day in and day out

good for you. my goal is to do something part time that still pays enough so i can afford stuff. I value free time more and disposable income than almost anything. hard to combine the two. I like COTA or dental hygiene, currently.

12 hour shifts are amazing. I currently work 7 days 12 hour shifts but then the next 7 feels like a mini vacation. You'll get used to it but I can imagine it being really awful if you have alot of responsibility like having kids/dogs. For me, I go home and try to decompress for 2 hours then sleep for the next day.

He's a trump-loving boomer

The work is shit bottom-of-the-barrel. But the pay is better than most jobs out there that don't require a degree or skills.

This is such a dumb thread. Saying "12 hour day" without saying what you do is pointless. There is a big difference between 12 hours in a desk job and 12 hours of manual labor.

tiring bro but I could do it

yeah that's true.

this is me. I work in a lab, it can be physically demanding as in I'm walking around 5-6 miles a day. Luckily it's not too much labor in terms of moving shit around like other people and it's indoor. I wouldnt be able to do this shit if it was outside

i preferred it. more days off

How about 14 12 hour shifts desu? I work 14 / 6. It could be worse.

If it's 3 12 hour shifts for the entire week. I wouldn't mind that.