This fat faggot keeps stealing my shit out of the shared fridge at my uni dorms. What can I do...

This fat faggot keeps stealing my shit out of the shared fridge at my uni dorms. What can I do? Is there anything I can buy to lock down my scran? I've confronted him about it before, and he either judt gives me s half ass apology or flat out denies it. I want to just beat the crap out if him, but I know he'll set student services on me. It's driving me crazy, knowing that down the hall, that troglodytes can get away with taking my stuff.

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Tell him you'll smack him upside the head of he touches your food again, maybe buy him a meal to show good intentions. If he eats it again, don't even ask; just walk up to him, cuff your hand and strike him upside the head as hard as you can.

dude is posturing all over you and you're taking it like a bitch.

take a golf club to his face user.

do not use a weapon as there are additional charges related to that. golf club would probably land you assault with a deadly weapon.

complain to the RAs about it before doing anything- the RAs won't do shit but you want to be the reasonable one who's already exhausted all other options. if you can get that, then you have a free ticket to whoop his fat ass

>Step 1: Get the spiciest sauce you can get on the market

50 buckos and i'll tell you the rest.

don't listen to this bitch. don't run off to your useless RA in hopes that she will fix things.

you have everything you need to fix the problem user. slit that fat fuck's throat.

Why not place your next lunch with laxatives?

Say they were for your cleansing diet if you get questioned. This fat fuck shouldn't be eating other peoples food


Stop being a bitch and tell the people running the dorms, if they don't do anything tell their boss they aren't doing their job. Or poison your shit, not enough to kill him, just enough to make him regret eating your food.

I don't know how to cuff, is fist good enough?

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Here you are good sir

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Poison your food

Put a laxative/ipecac in your food.

Just put some nasty shit in your food. Nothing that could kill him or seriously injure him, but like you could put cum or shit in it

start put laxatives in the shit he usually steals

It'll be more satisfying if you get him into submission with just a smack across the head. Plus it'll look better if he's a bitch and goes to the student services. Aim for his ear. It'll fuck him right up and send a clear message

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Learn to like the taste of your own jizz. The next step is obvious, but never let him know you did it. Just let it turn your missing food from sadness to satisfaction.

Actually, IIRC the law is not on your side if you put anything in your food, even if it's in a sealed container labeled "user's food, please don't eat" and it's just too spicy for your white bread roommate.

Stop shitting in the fridge

Put lassative in your meal.

Why not all af the above. Sauce that shit up with a mixture og jizz, hot sauce and laxatives.

Because none of that really works for the stuff he's been taking. He's opened my and used my milk, taken slices of my ham, and yesterday he opened my bottle of oasis. All of these I probably wouldn't have minded had he asked to use them.