Will we even need women in the future? Reproduction can be replaced with cloning

Will we even need women in the future? Reproduction can be replaced with cloning.

Modern women don’t even cook. Do we really two genders of accountants, astronauts, etc?

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depends how good sex bots can get within the next 30 years

We can just eliminate the sex drive.

seems unlikely and unrealistic

people will want a vaguely fleshy, warm hole to fill


Poor milo yiannopoulos can't get booked or signed anymore so now he has to post on the most obscure boards on Jow Forums and talk about his futuristic mantopia where no girls are allowed only sexy men.

and, again, people will still want the tactile sensations of sex.

>Reproduction replaced by cloning
The children born from that are going to be bullied more than gays, blacks, and every minority group you know that right? Second, it's not cloning. If it was cloning, you'd be dooming the child to have adult related diseases as cloned DNA isn't new DNA, it's aged DNA.

It's not even about sex really. Like no one outside of Jow Forums or Reddit would want to fuck a robot, let alone use that to replace a relationship with another human being.

Bullied by whom? We will all be clones, and no black people will be able to afford it.

Did you not read the rest of his post

user, we're talking about OP who before I posted was samefagging every post, look at the number of posters.

the world only needs about 1,000,000 men

they should be kept in a cage and made to ejaculate for insemination purposes only

all boy babies should be aborted or murdered

You’re assuming we won’t have genetic manipulation by then. Hell, you’re assuming there would still be ape-men walking around

Ant time in history there were significantly more women than men, women’s purchasing power / hold over men immediately gave rise to strong patriarchy.

Exactly. Women beome less valuable the more of them there are relative to dominant men. Feminists are idiots.

user, that's not how it works. Cloning is the act of taking a skin cell or adult cell and basically using it as the basis for development of a fetus. This is what causes it to have aged DNA. Also, you can't just change some of the DNA around, we've mapped the genome and still have no idea what some DNA does or the connections between some, we call this shit junk DNA. At best, trying to modify a human clone could end up with several fetuses not even making it to term before the first baby is born and that's a big maybe as to whether that might happen at all.

The only reason there has been patriarchy is because men are brutes by nature. They are stronger and more violent, commit more violent crime and rape. This is why they should be locked in cages and milked for sperm. They are lower in nature.

Shit thread by an undercover gay converter. You don’t need advice. Kindly fuck off.

I think the better question is will we need people like you

>Do we really two genders of accountants, astronauts, etc?

You can't even write a proper sentence.

The reptilian lizard-brains will die out, don't worry.

This won’t work. Women will compete for the best men and backstab each other like always do. More women = ISIS type governance.