I believe that I have obtained enlightenment...

I believe that I have obtained enlightenment. I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing but it got me out of a depression state that I have been in for a long time.I'm asking if it's something that I should be talking to a professional about because it makes sense to me but I realize that I sound crazy if I talk about it. I want a second opinion before I go and blow a boatload of money on something that may or may not help.
> Pic related, how I felt before.

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Nobody cares you attention whore faggot. I didn't read anything you posted.

Op here, thats how I feel exactly. I'm just wanting to talk. Anything helps.

She the fuck up loser.

Op, if you really did enter a true state of spiritual oneness, keep pursuing it. Don't listen to other bullshit people try to feed you or make you believe. Trust yourself.

What was the revelation? I have started heading back into a depressive swing. Can't afford a therapist nor do I want one. I can handle this shit, but it would be nice to hear what you learned

Thanks man. Your a kind person.

No problem user, I hope you get where you need to be :) good luck.

The true state of the universe and how it relates to me, my relation to other people, the meaning of life, and the state of happiness.
It was for me something that was an expirence that was burned into my brain and I feel like I lost my concept of me. Every time I feel like I'm making a new construct of myself the truth shatters it before anything starts. It's not pleasant but I feel a hell of a lot better than before.

That's why I think I may have just gone crazy. But it's feels good man.

I see. What did it? Shrooms? Other drug? Sounds a bit too radical for me though interesting nonetheless

Maybe you're bipolar and you've hit a manic state. Give it time and you'll be depressed again.

Your gonna laugh but I just got really drunk one night and really high off pot. I have a tonn of the stuff but before that ive been sober for like 2 weeks. Smoked for 2 months before that and before those to months I was sober for 7 years.

Fair enough. I've never smoked pot. Gotten drunk before. I'm glad you found something to put you at rest. Hopefully it sticks around. I know ever time I thought I conquered it in the past, a few months later I was drug back down

I feel like that might be possible but the ideas I got about that keep me feeling like I'm in a manic state. I've been waiting to collapse for like a month now. Also I've been sober that whole time.

I know that feeling. I'll tell you something I feel like I learned that might help. Keeps me from feeling like shit as wierd as it is.

Your feelings are a god given gift to shape the world around you. Its only bad as long as you believe it's bad. The universe doesn't have any concept of bad, it's a human construct and though it may be a thing you think you can perceive it in your reality, your the one who wants it to be that way. You learned what bad is, what if you learned wrong.

I'm past this point, my dude. Yes, I've been given abilities by nature. No one can tell me what the ends of those abilities are, though. I'm well past what's "bad" and "good"

How far is past. Can you elaborate?

I went through something similar when I quit opiates cold turkey. Had like a 3 month state of pure bliss and contentedness. I felt like everything made sense. I would fall asleep listening to om mani chant. I got a good job and moved out of my cousins into my own apartment. Hanging out with frens a lot. Shit was cash.

You had a moment of Zen, I wouldn't say that it the same as enlightenment. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that your old problems caught up with you, right?

I'm not sure I can give you a relative distance. It's more of a simple binary. I don't think in "goods" and "bads" or anything similar. Well, there's "good for me/aligning with my interest" but I don't have a moral compass or expectations. I'm apart of the world, a child of circumstances beyond my control, and approach each day with an unrelenting indifference. Occasionally I craft some fantastical notion of the future, and when It fails to materialize get sad for a day or two, but generally am able to not have hopes or expectations.

Everytime, my dude. Old problems or new problems, I always revert to my same habits and mental state. That's why it's easier just to chalk it up to bi polar, like I said.

Also I've been in that same situation parents sent me to a lock down facility type boarding school. Place had us wear slippers because we couldn't run away in them.

>The true state of the universe and how it relates to me

I mean as long as you're not having delusions of grandeur like thinking you're god or cher or have magic powers then you're probably ok. You could have just had a realization or a shift in your perspective. I've had a lot of very intense moments from weed specifically.

If you're having any symptoms of schizophrenia though talking to a therapist wouldn't hurt.

I get that, I wanted to be a lawyer but dropped out of college cuz I was an emotional mess. Ended up not getting out of bed, parents bitched, I moved out and did the same thing. I at least went to work on time but I was not enjoying it.

I don't know about that. I believe I am like buhdda or jesus, but the problem is that I think everyone is the sameway, the concept of self just keeps them from realizing the most important part of life.

Not sure if same person, but damn if it don't sound like my life too.

I got put in a juvenile facility when I was 14. Got moved around a lot. Eventually went into independent living around 16, got into college same age... wanted to be a doctor cuz why not. Fought the courts and dropped out of school at 17 and went back home.

I'm the same way it's just that the way I view life kind of makes me act in a way that explicitly prevents me from doing something malicious. Everyone feels the same way as you do imo.

Yeah, probably. I don't view things as "malicious" though. Just what's necessary sometimes

all the *oomer shit (other than boomer ofc, as this is a legitimate term with real meaning) is the equivalent of astrology for autists who don't do anything but lurk on Jow Forums. stop saying "haha i'm such a d/bl/z oomer for this thing which is a universal part of the human experience haha" you sound just like the arthoes who think they like good music because they're such a Libra. also myers briggs shit is the same too and psychology is shit tier ok thanks for reading my blog


Yeah both me
Ya got a good eye.

So what's stopping you from doing something exceedingly selfish then?

You know enlightenment is a man-made concept right? Whether or not someone is enlightened is a matter of opinion, unless you want to establish specific criteria for what should be considered enlightenment. If you specifically believe that you may have made contact with the spirit realm or something along those lines, that is somewhere on the border of insanity, but it could be socially acceptable if you call it “religious” or “spiritual.”

The picture at the top is literally my life exactly. Down to the dress. I don't identify as a sooner but by God do I relate to everything it is. And so do many folks.

Your right. First criteria, the most valuable thing in the universe is nothing.

Jesus performed miracles, and Buddha sat motionless under a tree for tens of times the duration it would take for you to die of thirst. Buddha supposedly made contact with the spirit realm, and Jesus Christ is supposedly the son of God, but neither of these things are actually true. So, no, I don’t think a channer has made contact with the spirit realm, nor do I think he’s like the son of God.

Christ Conciousness, I think it’s a varying form of ego-death (if I’m even using that word correctly) and it can sometimes manifest from stuff like mushrooms of perhaps that phat blunt. Something about the lightbody, yadda yadda. Someone post the indigopill maymay please.

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found it, basically pic related. Idk man if it feels enlightening it’s probably a good thing.

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Neither do I but it's also true neither of these guys wrote any of those expirence down. Thier fan boys did that for them and in my opinion I think they wrote them up to be larger than life so that they can justify themselves prostrating before them.

For all we know, Jesus was an alien that shat bread and fish and pissed wine out of his fingers.

>Drugs help you attain enlightenment.
Can you post one thing a sober person wouldn’t be able to post?

Enlightenment is a variable, man-made concept, and it comes in stages. In Therevada Buddbism, only god beings can achieve enlightenment.

But there is no evidence to support that he was, unless the Catholic Church are infallible curators of truth.

Yeah, the concept of self is what prevents you from realising what you are.

“You,” like all other words, is meaningless until one person interprets it and then guesses what was meant by it. “Enlightenment” is the same.

Exactly his fan boys want you to worship him. Do you think he wanted to be worshiped. I'm certain he would have wrote something down for posterities sake if he did.

Exactly, if you asked the universe to tell you what enlightenenment was it would answer you with silence.

It’s possible he didn’t even exist, but yes. Based on what little I know about the New Testament, Jesus Christ is one of the best characters, of course.

I think so. Just know that enlightenment comes in stages. To think that you’ve ascended to nirvana while still existing is to misunderstand the concept. You have to follow the path.

I don’t know much about Mahayana Buddhism, except that it amends and rejects many things from Therevada Buddbism. Zen Buddhism is a kind of Mahayana, in case you didn’t know.

Have a good night, user.

So you think Jesus wanted to be worshipped? I (op) think that he just wanted to correct some imbalances in this world. The old testament is more or less a shit show that is broken from the first book onwards. I haven't even read the whole thing and there is one thing that basically makes no sense and makes the entire old testament invalid.

Buddhism is a man made concept user. Just letting you know.

Great post, thanks.

wait op do you actually think you're god like do you believe you have abilities and stuff? or do you mean you had an epiphany about your life because those are two different things

Nothing is the most valuable something, remember that.

I'll make it easy.
Yes I think I'm god, but i think every one is god.
I'll expand on that topic. I think that everyone is me in an alternate reality. If I'm god then everyone else is also god.

Oh, I misunderstood. I thought you were saying that Buddhism is not good or something. Yeah, I don’t concern myself too much about one branch of religion versus another. Everyone has a spiritual practice that suits them the best, and I guess it’s that simple.

Yes my epiphany was that I based my entire life around a lie. I chose to lie to myself at the age of 3 and it ruined my life. I remembered what I knew before I made that formative decision, so the person I thought I was simply melted away and no matter how hard I try I can't replace my personality.

Yeah in a way I feel like a burden was lifted but it took more than just my problems.

Man, drugs may be a low path to enlightenment, but they sure as heck feel like a high one!
Who taught you these things, if you don’t mind me asking?
Keep your sanity and grandiosity in check, this mindstate isn’t uniquely held by you but it feels good and you can do good with it, and I think it’s a good thing to have those ideals.

>Yes I think I'm god, but i think every one is god.
I'll expand on that topic. I think that everyone is me in an alternate reality. If I'm god then everyone else is also god.

ok but do you think you have special abilities or not? are you being philosophical here or are you saying you created the universe or what? what lie are you talking about and how did it ruin your life? you're being really vague.

Thanks man. I appreciate that. I don't know if I have to worry about the grandiosity thing. I feel like the truth would shatter it before it became a concept that would effect me.

>tfw you realize matter isn't real and only consciousness is

I didn't create the universe. Im mearly a unique expression of it. If I have any special powers it would be to guide people to a better path. Make them realize that they can change and manipulate thier reality if they really wanted to. And the vague stuff I'm sorry, I'll clarify.

Anything is possible. I mean it. The only reason you don't expirence this is because you were born a human. Our brains were not evolved to be able to perceive and conceptualize certain ideas and abilities because they keep us safe. Even though I believe I'm enlightened my brain still limits what I can do because of what I believe to be reality. I'm not entirely sure I'm enlightened but I feel like when I am sure I'll disappear like Jesus or the buddha, or my favorite, Lao Tzu. I'm still not sure but I'm in a wierd headspace right now.

Yeah I like to think that the mind is a miniature universe in it's self

yeah i mean this is ok it's just important to make sure that you can distinguish between the real and not real, like you're not a super hero or a god in the traditional sense.

No I'm more likely gonna make a fantasy novel series about it. As gay as that sounds.

Also I've been employing ideas into my life and I've seen differences. Good differences. I'm not in the market to harm people because of the whole them being me thing. It also makes me not want to bang them either.