How does one get away from society and become 100% independent...

How does one get away from society and become 100% independent? I'm sick of how fucked up life at the dependency of who pays you is

Attached: Christopher-McCandless-906x540.jpg (906x540, 89K)

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I've tried understanding this myself. Basically, either a lot of money, or risking everything (namely your life). If you have money, but some tax free Land in Alaska and set up a really nice compound with a self sufficient agricultural setup and shit.
Otherwise, brave the wild. You will literally have to just dive head first into the woods. Hunt to survive, make your own clothes from your prey, etc. This is extremely risky as there isn't really enough game to survive, and you'll likely get arrested, because "fuck you, goy. You should be working"
There might be other ways, but this is what I've figured out

>I'm sick of how fucked up life at the dependency of who pays you is
Translation: I don't want to work

What's wrong with that? Not op, mind you

Christopher mccandless. My ex, sons mother, told me I should watch the movie about him. She said it reminded her of me.

He moved to Alaska to live on his own, cuz he hated society, and died within a few months cuz he ate some poison berries. Good story.

Just play it by ear. Get out there. You ain't gonna die. Ive talked to a few bums that simply choose to be bums.

It's the biggest indicator of immaturity and laziness.

to me it's just amazing how animals adapt in the wild while for humans, the most intelligent beings who could colonize other planets, this is risky. honestly i don't 100% believe it.

Why would I want to work? Honestlyam lay out some things I should look forward to in life, specifically ones that can only be achieved by working. I don't put much worth in being "independent" so don't list that, please

people who want you to be at their dependency want you to be afraid of going out on your own. of course it's a well known movie.

We are social animals. If you have a buddy it becomes infitely easier. But you want away from society. A society can be as small as two people.
A single wild wolf isn't as smart as a single wild human, but who will win in a fight? A wolf would likely wip the floor with an adult male. It is risky. Between humans Killing off all the game, pollution, and expanding human habitats, your options are pretty much limited to the northern latitudes. This means you have to worry about warmth during long, extreme winters. Can you make a fire and shelter to weather -30 degree storms with high winds for several days straight? Maybe you could. But it's a risk you have to take

ted k did it

He couldn't keep it up.

Not him but having a purpose in life and a greater goal other than just surviving and existing.

He was doing pretty well for himself until he realized that human civilization and technology was encroaching on nature and wildlife and so he decided to take it upon himself to teach humanity a lesson. He even wrote a whole book about it, but it was tl;dr.

What's wrong with having others dependent on you? It can be a good thing. Gives you purpose and belonging.

I read that wrong. Youre right. Better that she's an ex.

Tiny House living and go off the grid

My ultimate fantasy is to build a self-sufficient bunker somewhere out in a remote area of the Mojave Desert.

Which, I realize, will cost a lot of money. A lot of money that I will need to earn by stepping out of my comfort zone. Which is a zone that I seem too comfortable to step out of.

>If you have money, but some tax free Land in Alaska and set up a really nice compound with a self sufficient agricultural setup and shit.

you seem like you knoww whatts up. lets say i have some land, but no money. I was thinking about buying a manufactured home or maybe mobile and working a part time gig to pay off mortgage on it. good idea or no? some of those homes can last a lifetime.

There's off the grid communes.
They'll let anyone join who's willing to work their share.
There's also courses you can take like SERE

Buy a Cabin in Montana and build letter bombs that you mail to represenations of modern industrialization and technology

Uni bomber 2.0

Yeah I know. But this basically supports what I'm saying. You *can* survive, but with civilization continuing to spread out and destroy everything, it becomes increasingly hard as time goes on.
My purpose is to survive and enact retribution when the time is right.

Honestly, the best way I've found to escape society is to just follow the old adage "spend less than you make and invest the difference". A couple of years ago, I passed the breakover point with my passive income streams and it does feel good to be now "work optional".

Certainly, it's a lot of work to escape and takes some dedication, but if you stay the course, you're nearly guaranteed to become free.

AMA, I guess

You have to be like your ancestors and run/chase after prey till they die of overheating and collapse. Then consume its raw flesh with your bare hands

I'm 36 now, but I worked as little as possible until about age 30. I was technically homeless at 17, but stayed with friends, girlfriends, bands, at squats, cooperatives and went on tour so I didn't have to sleep rough. I used to house share a lot after that period so didn't need a lot of money to exist.

That is the thing. You don't actually need to work that much to exist. A lot of people create a lifestyle which aims to recreate what they believe life should look like based on what we grow up with and what we are taught and as such we basically have to exist in wage slavery to pay for it.

I believe certain people have never been more productive. As such we should be looking at a three or four day working week. A lot of jobs are bullshit, basically day release prison designed to keep us occupied and institutionalised. They exist entirely because of corporate subsidy, no company cares if your whole life is bullshit as long as they can turn a profit on you passing the time.

The less you have the less you need to earn to sustain it. Sounds fucked up, but I used to live on about $5 a day, sometimes less. I never felt poor or limited. I just had very different expectations. This has carried through now I'm older because basically I'm never stuck anywhere. I know that at any point I can walk off any job and be comfortable for several years.

Very true - the less you need, the more independent you can be.

Not sure if anyone has seen this site before but it's very eye-opening. There's even a 21-step plan for how to disconnect from society

Here's the first step:

Dude, humans doesn't have a layer of fat or a wooly coat. Instead we have overheating countermeasures (sweating). Humans are made for the savannah, not the coldass alaskan climate McCandless went for.
And the rest of the animals are similarly tailored to certain climates. Their adapting takes many generations of evolution whereas humans have the smarts and the thumbs to thrive on an climate using tools and technology.

what are your streams? for me i actually want a job with highish wage plus benefits that i only have to do 3 days a week thats my aim. but i like to hear others too

Buy your own land, build an Earthship and farm your own food.
This is neither new nor novel, people have been doing this shit forever. Look up earthships, look up WWOOFing (I think it's called), look up terms like off-the-grid and cost-free.

You'll always be depending on something, though. At the end of the day, the 'least' dependent you can be is on nature. The whole idea of city-living is that we depend on a baseline of nature and have a plethora of backup plans just-in-case. It's not all that bad, I think, but I also don't much care to farm my own corn.

Then again, maybe I would. I've never tried.

Being self sufficient is a sign of immaturity and laziness? Ok bud

You'll become dependent on the weather, wildlife behaviours, and disease instead. Congratulations on your short sightedness.

You're still young man. This won't be doable in your 50s and 60s. You're looking forward to institutional poverty at best or a life on the bottom of the homeless pecking order at worst.